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Uses propositional resolution to prove statements and proofs on discord. Note that this is very different than being true or not.

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For a presentation of the grammar used by the parser, see grammar.pest. The following is a look into the specific syntax resolution-prover uses, as well as an introduction to formal logic.


Identifiers can be any alphanumeric characters (any case), including as well hyphens (-) and underscores (_). On their own, identifiers correspond to constants. For instances, writing


proposes a constant, and calls it heron. Mathematics doesn't "know" anything about herons, we're just referencing an abstract mathematical entity by the name heron. The things we assume about this entity are what makes it "act" logically like we would expect a bird of this sort to.

The name heron shouldn't mislead you into believing that this abstraction behaves like a heron you might be used to. That being said, the names in this document are chosen suggestively to illustrate a point.


Identifiers can also be made into variables by quantifying over them.

Functions (Predicates)

An identifier followed by a parenthesized argument list, like so:


now, IsBird is a function with one argument.

You can also define functions with more than one argument:

Eats(fish, heron)

You can nest functions:

Eats(ChildrenOf(fish), heron)

Functions with different arities (numbers of arguments) are distinct. For instance,


has no logical relationship with

P(a, b)

For now, you can define functions with zero arguments (P()). Since constants are actually implemented as functions with zero arguments, this will eventually no longer be the case.

Functions/predicates don't inherit meaning from their names, just like simple constants don't.

Synonyms for Logical Connectors

There are several interchangeable symbols for each connective. You can use whatever you like.

Logical Connective Synonyms
negation not, !, ~
disjunction or, ||, |, ∨, \/
conjunction and, &&, &, ∧, /\
implication implies, =>, ->, ==>, -->
biconditional iff, <=>, <->, <==>, <-->
exclusive or xor
universal quantification forall, ∀
existential quantification exists, ∃

Binding Strength

Here is a quick summary of the binding strength:

Logical Connectives Binding Strength
negation strongest
and, or, if, iff, xor medium
forall, exists quantifiers weakest

For instance,

not a or b


(not a) or (b)

because the not binds more tightly to the a than the or does.


forall x: x or ~x


( forall x: (x or ~x) )

because the or binds more tightly to the x than the forall x: does. See quantification for more details. This might be surprising, but it was marginally easier to implement, so 🤷‍♂️.

When mixing and, or, iff, and xor, parenthesis are required to make your meaning clear. For instance,

a or b and c

will produce an error. Write

(a or b) and c


a or (b and c)



If heron is true, then not heron is false, and vice versa.

Disjunction - Or

You can chain as many expressions together with or as you like:

heron or parrot or owl or hawk or osprey

This expression is true when at least one sub expression is true. You don't need parenthesis if it's just ors, because or is associative. To paraphrase Professor Matthew Macauley, parenthesis are permitted anywhere, but required nowhwere.

In simplest case, we can construct a table to represent all the possibilities:

`p or q`
~p p
~q false TRUE

The cell on the top left should be read as p or q has the truth value TRUE when p is TRUE and q is false.

Conjunction - And

Like or, and is associative, so we can write it as many times as we like without parenthesis:

salmon and trout and bass and sunfish

This expression is true if all sub expressions are true. In this simplest case, we can construct a truth table: p and q

~p p
~q false false
q false TRUE

Implication - If

You can not chain implies:

heron implies bird

This is often a particularly hard expression to intuit. The proposition bird implies heron HAS A TRUTH VALUE, just like everything else we've seen. It can be false. In fact, there is exactly one case in which this is false: when bird is true, but heron is not. What we have just said is that not (bird implies heron) is logically equivalent to bird and not heron.

`bird implies heron`
~bird bird
~heron TRUE false

Notice that bird implies heron is TRUE when bird is false. This makes perfect sense, even if you don't realize it. Consider the sentence "all of the heron's iPhones are charged". This is vacuously true because herons don't own iPhones (as of 2020).

If this isn't the relationship you want to capture, you might want a biconditional;

Biconditional - If and Only If

Although if and only if (iff) is associative, its behavior is non-intuitive so you can not chain them as to prevent confusion:

great-blue-heron iff ardea-herodias

This is true when great-blue-heron and ardea-herodias have the same truth value. This is the same as saying that great-blue-heron implies ardea-herodias and ardea-herodias implies great-blue-heron. Hence the "bi-" in "biconditional".

p iff q

~p p
~q TRUE false
q false TRUE

Exclusive Or - xor

Like iff, exclusive or (xor) is associative, but its behavior is non-intuitive so chaining is forbidden to prevent confusion.

hot xor cold

This is true when hot and cold have opposite truth values. p xor q

~p p
~q false TRUE
q TRUE false

Quantification and First Order Logic

Whereas predicate calculus and zeroth-order logic deal with concrete specifics, first order logic can deal with an infinity of them. As such, it is a much more powerful system.

It does this by introducing quantifiers. These take an identifier name and "quantify" over it, turning it into a variable:

forall x: P(x)
exists x: Q(x)

In the context of the forall x: and exists x: expressions, x is a variable, and not a constant. Quantifiers must be followed by exactly 1 identifier to quantify over. Anything else is erroneous nonsense.

The name exists as a variable only in the context of the quantified expression. For instance,

( exists x: Quacks(x) ) => Quacks(x)

is not provable.

 ( exists x: Quacks(x) ) => Quacks(x)
             ^^^^^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^
         variable $x        constant x

In the quantified expression, x is a variable. It is not the same as the x in the other expession, which is a constant. Renaming things makes it more clear what's happening:

 ( exists x: Quacks(x) ) => Quacks(xerxes)

The existence (or lack thereof) of something that quacks has nothing to do with something called xerxes quacking. See existential quantification.

The following are not the only quantifiers, but they are traditional and enough for most purposes.

Universal Quantification - forall

The universal quantifier means that its variable may be replaced by anything and everything. For instance,

forall x: Bird(x)

implies Bird(heron), Bird(fish), Bird(happy), Bird(you), Bird(the-strange-ability-present-in-some-individuals), Bird(Powerset(apple)), Bird(x), Bird(AnyThingBut(x, y, z)), etc. You get the picture. Intuitively, this could be understood to mean "all things which are called birds".

Since that quickly obviates the need to call anything a bird, we might state instead

forall x: Bird(x) => Flies(x)

This means that all things that are called birds, are also called flying things. Intuitively, we might take this to be the proposition stating that "all birds fly".

Existential Quantification - exists

The existential quantifier means there is at least one specific object that we may substitute into it.

exists x: Bird(x)

Means that there is at least one thing such that Bird of that thing is a true expression. Intuitively, "birds exist". A controversial proposition, I know.

This does not say anything about the bird(s) that exist(s). There number of them could be 1, 27720, or infinite. This proposition states only that that number is NOT zero. From this proposition, we derive nothing about what these birds that (supposedly) exist are. They could be robotic.

Provability and Truth

When asked to prove the following, we find:


even though the sky is blue. This is because we don't care about seeing of a proposition is true, just if it is provable. And IsBlue(the-sky) is not nessicarily true with no prior assumptions. In general, it is much easier to define proofs than truths. See Gödel's incompleteness theorems and Tarski's undefinability theorem.

To be precise, reacting with ❌ means that no proof exists, and ✅ means that a proof exists.