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Exploring Cloudnative tools

  • Kubernetes Dashboard - For monitoring a Kubernetes cluster
    Deployed Kubernetes Dashboard using Terraform and Helm charts

  • DevSpace - For Kubernetes native development workflow
    Experimented with a simple Go application

  • Traefik - For exposing applications outside the Kubernetes cluster
    Exposed Traefik Dashboard itself and another sample application using Kubernetes Ingress provider

  • Kubernetes Gateway API - Better replacement of NGINX and Ingress
    Used the HTTPRoute resource to expose a sample application using Traefik as the reverse proxy

  • Bitnami Sealed Secrets - Storing Kubernetes Secrets encrypted in Github to leverage GitOPs advantages
    Generated Sealed Secret manifest file from existing Kubernetes Secret manifest file

  • CockroachDB with goLang Migrate - Distributed SQL database (CockroachDB) with a database migration tool (goLang Migrate)
    Ran migrations for a cockroachDB cluster running in the cloud

  • Argo Ecosystem - For creating fully automated Kubernetes native CI/CD pipelines based on GitOps principles
    Created an end to end CI/CD pipeline to deploy a server

    You can find the code in this repository -

  • RabbitMQ - For inter-service communication using Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP) Made 2 microservices communicate with each other using the AMQP protocol and the message was marshelled / unmarshalled using protobuf.

  • Istio Service Mesh

    Initially I had plans to use the Cilium Service Mesh which is based on the eBPF technology. I use WSL2 and currently I am having problems running eBPF programs and Cilium in WSL2. So intead, I will explore Istio for temporary usage.

  • Cloudnative PG with Atlas (for executing database migrations in a Kubernetes native manner).