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ARK Connect Extension

ARK Connect

ARK Connect is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that offers message and transaction signing. ARK Connect allows users to log in, approve actions and interact with the ARK Ecosystem.



Used Packages


  1. Clone this repository with git clone
  2. Setup your .env by running cp .env.example .env and adjusting it to your needs
  3. Install dependencies with pnpm i
  4. Run the application with pnpm dev


Building results in a browser-specific build. There are two commands that exists to achieve this:

pnpm build:chrome
pnpm build:firefox

Pick the one applicable for your environment and it will generate a build in the /dist folder.

Adding the extension to Chrome

  • When the build completes, open Chrome or Edge and navigate to chrome://extensions. Make sure to turn on the developer mode switch.
  • Click on the "Load unpacked extension" button
  • Select the dist folder in this project (after pnpm dev or pnpm build:chrome)

Adding the extension to Firefox

  • When the build completes, open Firefox and navigate to about:debugging.
  • Click on the "This Firefox" button
  • Click on "Load temporary add-on"
  • Select the manifest.json file that is inside the dist folder


For usage on a website, please refer to the dedicated Documentation file


Builds are generated automatically by the GitHub workflows on the develop and main branches. These can be used to upload to the web extension stores.

For bumping the version number, update package.json with npm version <major|minor|patch> --no-git-tag-version or by manually incrementing the number


This section will highlight common issues and their solutions

The extension expects to run on port 5173 when running pnpm dev. In case you run into the extension being a small white square when opening, it generally means that port 5173 is used by another (vite) process already and your development instance is running on another port. Make sure to close anything running on port 5173 and try with pnpm dev again.