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Iris Tutorial

In this beginners tutorial we will build a small Chariots server to serve predictions on the famous iris dataset. If you want to see the final result, you can produce it directly using the chariots new command (see the :doc:`chariots template <../template>` for more info).

before starting, we will create a new project by calling the new command in the parent directory of where we want our project to be and leave all the default options

chariots new


we first need to design the individual ops we will build our pipelines from.

Data Ops

First we will need an op that downloads the dataset, so in iris/ops/data_ops/

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from chariots.base import BaseOp
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> class DownloadIris(BaseOp):
...     def execute(self):
...         iris = datasets.load_iris()
...         df = pd.DataFrame(data=iris['data'], columns=iris['feature_names'])
...         df["target"] = iris["target"]
...         return df

Machine Learning Ops

we will than need to build our various machine learning ops. For this example we will be using a PCA and than a Random Forest in our pipeline. We will place those ops in the iris.ops.model_ops subpackage

>>> from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
>>> from chariots.versioning import VersionType, VersionedFieldDict
>>> from chariots.sklearn import SKUnsupervisedOp
>>> class IrisPCA(SKUnsupervisedOp):
...     model_class = PCA
...     model_parameters = VersionedFieldDict(
...         VersionType.MAJOR,
...         {
...             "n_components": 2,
...         }
...     )
>>> from chariots.versioning import VersionType, VersionedFieldDict
>>> from chariots.sklearn import SKSupervisedOp
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
>>> class IrisRF(SKSupervisedOp):
...     model_class = RandomForestClassifier
...     model_parameters = VersionedFieldDict(VersionType.MINOR, {"n_estimators": 5, "max_depth": 2})

Preprocessing Ops

we will not be using preprocessing ops per say but we will need an op that splits our saved dataset between X and y as otherwise we will not be able to separate the two.

>>> from chariots.base import BaseOp
>>> class XYSplit(BaseOp):
...     def execute(self, df):
...         return df.drop('target', axis=1),


We will than need to build our pipelines using the nodes we have just created:

Data Pipelines

We have our op that downloads the dataset. We than need to feed this dataset into a data saving node that will persist it for future uses (as the iris dataset is quite light, we could wire the download directly into the training pipeline but we will persist it to demonstrate that dynamic).

>>> from chariots import Pipeline
>>> from chariots.nodes import DataSavingNode, Node
>>> from chariots.serializers import CSVSerializer
>>> download_iris = Pipeline(
...     [
...         Node(DownloadIris(), output_nodes="iris_df"),
...         DataSavingNode(serializer=CSVSerializer(), path="iris.csv",
...                        input_nodes=["iris_df"])
...     ], "download_iris"
... )

Machine Learning Pipelines

Once we have our data set saved, we will need to use it to train our models, we will than create a training pipeline:

>>> from chariots import MLMode, Pipeline
>>> from chariots.nodes import DataLoadingNode, Node
>>> from chariots.serializers import CSVSerializer
>>> train_iris = Pipeline(
...     [
...         DataLoadingNode(serializer=CSVSerializer(), path="iris.csv",
...                         output_nodes="iris"),
...         Node(XYSplit(), input_nodes=["iris"], output_nodes=["raw_X", "y"]),
...         Node(IrisPCA(MLMode.FIT_PREDICT), input_nodes=["raw_X"],
...              output_nodes="pca_X"),
...         Node(IrisRF(MLMode.FIT), input_nodes=["pca_X", "y"])
...     ], "train_iris"
... )

Once the models will be trained, we will need to provide a pipeline for serving our models to our users. To do so, we will create a pipeline that takes some user provided values (raws of the iris format) and retruns a prediction to the user:

App & Client

Once our pipelines are all done, we will only need to create Chariots server to be able to serve our pipeline:

.. testsetup::

    >>> import tempfile
    >>> import shutil
    >>> app_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

>>> from chariots import Chariots
>>> app = Chariots(
...     [download_iris, train_iris, pred_iris],
...     path=app_path,
...     import_name="iris_app"
... )

Once this is done we only need to start our server as we would with any other Flask`app (the `Chariots type inherits from the Flask class). For instance using the cli in the folder containing our


our server is now running and we can execute our pipelines using the chariots client:

>>> from chariots import Client
>>> client = Client()
.. testsetup::

    >>> from chariots import TestClient
    >>> client = TestClient(app)

we will need to execute several steps before getting to a prediction:

  • download the dataset
  • train the operations
  • save the trained machine learning ops
  • reload the prediction pipeline (to use the latest/trained version of the machine learning ops)
>>> client.call_pipeline(download_iris)
>>> client.call_pipeline(train_iris)
>>> client.save_pipeline(train_iris)
>>> client.load_pipeline(pred_iris)
>>> client.call_pipeline(pred_iris, [[1, 2, 3, 4]])
.. testsetup::

    >>> shutil.rmtree(app_path)