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This repository has queries for working with geospatial data using PostGIS.

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Geospatial Data Query in PostGIS

Querying geospatial data in PostGIS involves using SQL statements to retrieve and analyze spatial information stored in a PostgreSQL database with the PostGIS extension. PostGIS is an extension for PostgreSQL that adds support for geographic objects, allowing for the storage and querying of spatial data.


  • geographybasic: This file provides a basic introduction to geospatial concepts and the use of PostGIS for handling geographic data.

  • installation_of_postgis: Here, you will find instructions for installing and setting up PostGIS, ensuring you have the necessary tools to work with geospatial data.

  • loading_of_sql_data: This tells how to load SQL data into your PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. This step is crucial for setting up the foundation for spatial queries.

  • importing_file_using_shp2pgsql: This will walks you through the process of importing shapefiles into your PostGIS database using the shp2pgsql tool. Shapefiles are a common geospatial vector data format.

  • Roads: Real world example using roads network data. This demonstrates how to perform spatial queries on real-world datasets gain hands-on experience with PostGIS.

  • cb_2017_us_state_20m: Explore practical examples using U.S. state data.


  1. Geography Basic:

    • The geographybasic file is to understand fundamental geospatial concepts.
  2. Installation of PostGIS:

    • The instructions in the installation_of_postgis file is used to set up PostGIS in your PostgreSQL database.
  3. Loading of SQL Data:

    • Used loading_of_sql_data for loading SQL data into your PostGIS-enabled database.
  4. Importing File Using shp2pgsql:

    • Import shapefiles into your database using the shp2pgsql tool with the help of the importing_file_using_shp2pgsql file.
  5. Real world- Spatial Data Analysis:

    • Practical examples with real datasets in the roads and us_state_data file. This demonstrates how to query road and U.S. state data, providing valuable insights into geospatial data handling.


This repository has queries for working with geospatial data using PostGIS.







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