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Swipe Library

The Library provides handlers for touchstart, touchend, and touchmove event listeners that apply to DOM elements.

Create Sidebars, Dropdowns, and any kind of UI element that is controlled by a touch event.

Simple usage example

import {SwipeElement, SwipeService} from '@argab/swipe'

const el = document.getElementById('#swipe')

const swipe = new SwipeService(el, {
    direction: 'left', // up|down|left|right
    onStart: () => {
    }, // do smth on touchsart
    onEnd: () => {
    }, // do smth on touchend
    onMove: () => {
    }, // do smth on touchmove
    fixed: true, // the swipe element will be returned 
                 // to it`s stating position on touchend
    fixedTimeout: 200,

const swipeEl = new SwipeElement(el, swipe)

swipe.validate() && swipeEl.addListeners()
Note that in order to make an element movable on touch,
You must apply absolute positioning or fixed CSS styling to it.

Integration with Vue.js

import {VueSwipeDirective} from '@argab/swipe'

const app = createApp({})

app.directive('swipe', VueSwipeDirective)

Now you can apply a simple swipe elements on Vue Templates:

simple swipe gif

    <transition name="ui-sidebar-transition">
            :class="swipe && 'ui-sidebar-swipe'"
            v-swipe.left.fixed:200="swipe && {
                onEnd: ({threshold}) => {
                    if (threshold <= 50) {
                        $listener.setup('sidebar', {showSwiped: false})
                        return show = false
            <h1>Simple Swipe</h1>

export default {
    props: {
        swipe: Boolean
    data: () => ({
        show: true,
    mounted () {
        this.swipe && this.$listener.on('sidebar', {
            state: {
                showSwiped: (show) => = Boolean(show)
        this.swipe && this.$listener.setup('sidebar', {
            swipe: true,
            showSwiped: false,
    beforeDestroy () {

<style lang="scss">
.ui-sidebar {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
    background-color: #2E3440;
    color: #fff;
    padding: 20px;

    &-swipe {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0

.ui-sidebar-transition-leave-enter {
    transform: translateX(0);
    transition: all .2s linear;

.ui-sidebar-transition-leave-to {
    transform: translateX(-100%);


SwipeService's properties

Name Data Type Arguments Return Default Description
direction String up|down|left|right Target Element's moving direction
fixed Boolean true|false false Target Element will be returned to it's stating position on touchend
fixedTimeout Number milliseconds 0 Timeout before Target Element returned to it's stating position
onStart Function Object undefined On touchstart event handler
onEnd Function Object undefined On touchend event handler
onMove Function Object false|undefined On touchmove event handler. Returning FALSE forces embedded handler to stop execution

Event Handler's (onStart, onEnd, onMove) arguments

Argument Data Type Example Description
x Number Target Event's absolute coordinate
y Number Target Event's absolute coordinate
period Number The period in milliseconds that left from touchstart event
dir Object {up: true, down: false, left: true, right: false} Target Element's direction data
event Object Target Event's data
startX Number Target Event's starting position's absolute coordinate
startY Number Target Event's starting position's absolute coordinate
diff Object {x: 0, y: 0} Difference between Target Event's absolute coordinate and Target Event's starting position's absolute coordinate
threshold Number 0-100% The offset in percentage from the initial position of the Target Element

Try out another powerful package from the author:

Request Service - This Library can totally organize working with REST API in your whole project.

Please, don't forget to paste into author's github repository

this support will inspire to create more powerful things for You.