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code is in developement stage please wait for a release

The Language

Musket is an open source project which is aiming to create a formal,reliable and efficient language like go and c++ but also a language with short,concise and verbose syntax like python and ruby
sample program

hw|a|b|c = "hello, world"|3|a|b

println ("hello, world")
println "hello, world"
println hw
print "hey did you know {a} = {b} = {c}"
x = subtract(a,b)
y = subtract a,b
z = subtract a and b

func subtract (a,b){
	return a-b

println " and that {x} = {y} = {z}"

var_synt <- (
	println "stopping execution"


hello, world
hello, world
hello, world
hey did you know 3 = 3 = 3 and that 0 = 0 = 0
stopping execution

the whole syntax is not made but here are the parts that are made



    • normal assignment
    • syntax assignment
    • printing
    • user input
    • if/else
    • while
    • arithmatic
    • boolean/logical
    • relational
    • bitwise
    • Lexical Variable Scoping
    • Procedural programming
    • Functional Programming
    • Variable Syntax
    • Auto Main


    • Multi Threading (more like processes)
    • Structures/classes
    • For loops
    • flow control and other advanced functions
    • Allowing the usage of parenthesis and semi colons in code
    • Debugging the if/else and while's multiprinting error
  • Maths
    • priortizing parenthesis
    • BODMAS
  • Programming features
    • Smart Interpreter

About the file

the extension for the file should be .mskt

How to run

  • using shell script

    I have added shell script in the following code for faster execution This will work in linux or any other UNIX os which use bash script or have bash
    here are some lines you will have to write on the bash before actually being able to execute the shell script
    $ chmod +x viper  # makes the script executable
    $ export PATH=$PATH:~/Documents/VIPER-master/src/linux # you can also use the mac branch as both are the same
    after executing the given lines the following commands will become valid only for THE PRESENT TERMINAL SESSION
    viper run [args]
    # or
    viper -r [args]
    this will execute the desired file another alternative to this is
    viper run -d
    # or
    viper -r -d
    this will run lethalityTest.vpr you can change the contents in it if you want to run the viper shell with the bash just type
    viper shell
    # or
    viper -s

    For the present commands which were added to the script type
    viper --help
    # or
    viper help
    # or

  • Using PowerShell

    I use linux and I have neither learned nor do I use powershell so I don't know powerShell BUT I am going to learn it moving on and when I do then this section will be more appealing then it is right now
  • using go code

    open the terminal or ide and compile and run the go code then it will ask for an argument "> " then just type in "run fileName.vpr", the file should be in the same directory as the file or pwd(present working directory), if you want quicker access then modify the lethalityTest.vpr and type "run -d" as it is set to default path
    type quit or control-c to exit