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arichornlover edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 23 revisions

Want to build your own YouTubeRebornPlus IPA?

I will guide you through the process for all the YouTube Reborn users out there!

Building with GitHub Actions

  1. To build the IPA easily without a computer, you need to obtain a YouTube IPA. I have one to help you with the app building process. Here's the IPA you can use: YouTube-v19.06.2.ipa.

  2. To build the YouTubeRebornPlus IPA using GitHub Actions, you need to fork this repository. After forking, go to the repository settings of your forked repository. Then, navigate to the Actions settings and go to General > Actions > General. Scroll down and check if "Read and Write permissions" are enabled. If not, enable it; otherwise, you won't be able to build any IPAs.

  3. Now, with all that done, the last step is to go to the Actions tab in your forked version of this repository. You should see "Build and Release YouTubeRebornPlus" - click on it. Then, click on "Run Workflow" which should be noticeable. Enter the IPA link mentioned above under "The direct URL to the decrypted YouTube IPA". Also, provide the version "19.06.2" under "The version of YouTube". Once you've completed these steps, click on "Run Workflow".

  4. You are done! You have successfully built your IPA using GitHub Actions. You can find it either in the "Releases" tab or in the "Artifacts" under "Actions > Build and Release YouTubeRebornPlus #[Number]" tab.

I hope this helps you all out! Happy building!

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