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The ES2015 specification, which defines the JavaScript programming language, was finalized back in June of 2015. Unfortunately, it'll be a while yet before all the major JavaScript engines finish implementing the updated specification, and even longer yet before those engines see wide adoption, both on the client and on the server. Yes, even Node 5, which supports a good portion of ES6, has a relatively small adoption at this time (source).

It is due to the simple fact that most platforms don't yet support ES6, that it isn't feasible to publish native ES6 modules today. That being said, it is possible - and quite easy, in fact - to publish transpiled ES6 modules, and in this article, I'll teach you how.


An ES6 transpiler is essentially a tool that takes ES6 source code as input, and outputs equivalent ES5 code, which is a much more widely supported version of the JavaScript language:

The most popular ES6 transpiler, and the one we're going to use today, is Babel. Babel is used by many large technology companies including Facebook, and has an awesome community behind it. It also has an online interactive environment, if you want to experiment with the tool.

The fundamental idea behind publishing transpiled ES6 modules is that, you create two folders: a source folder, and a distribution folder:

The source folder will contain your ES6 source files. You can then use Babel to transpile each source file, and direct the transpiled ES5 output to the distribution folder. The contents of this distribution folder can then be published to npm.

Because you'll ultimately be distributing vanilla ES5 code, your package will work seamlessly on any platform that supports ES5. ES5 has been around for a long time now, and so that's most platforms. Do bear in mind, though, that transpilation only relates to language features, and that you'll still need to rely on an ES6 polyfill if your module depends on ES6 APIs like like Map, Set and Promise.

Installing Babel

I'm going to assume that you already have a suitable package.json file. If you don't, you can quickly create one using the npm init command.

Since version 6, Babel has become a very plugin-centric tool. In practice, this means you need to install two packages: 1, babel-cli, which is essentially the core Babel tool, and 2, babel-preset-es2015, which is a preset for all ES6 plugins.

Although it's possible to install Babel CLI globally on your machine, I suggest that you heed Babel's advice, and install both packages locally:

npm install --save-dev babel-cli@6 babel-preset-es2015@6

One tangible benefit of Babel's plugin architecture is that, you can optionally install plugins for non-standard features like async functions. Another benefit is that, later down the road, when ES6 is commonplace and you inevitably want to use the next iteration of the language, all you'll need to do is replace your Babel preset!

Write some ES6, today!

For demonstration purposes, I'm going to be publishing a trivial Node package that calculates the percentage of a given value.

Remember, all source files belong in the source folder, so create your main index.js script in that folder:

module.exports = function({percent = 100, amount}) {
  const percentOff = (percent / 100) * amount;
  return percentOff;

I call this module offof and because I'm writing this tutorial retroactively, you can find it on both npm and GitHub now.

As you can see, I'm using a handful of ES6 features, including a destructing assignment and const declaration.

You might be wondering why I'm using module.exports instead of an ES6 export statement. This question leads to an important point which is that, if you expect your module to be imported using CommonJS require - which, if you're targeting ES5, you probably do - then you should export your module using CommonJS module.exports. If you don't, developers will have to go out of their way to use your module, which isn't good. For a more thorough explanation, and some alternative solutions, see this post by @kentcdodds.

If you were to distribute this code as-is, most environments wouldn't understand it. How to transpile this code is the subject of the upcoming sections.

Setting up Babel

To transpile the contents of the source folder, firstly add the following script to package.json:

"scripts": {
  "build": "babel source --presets babel-preset-es2015 --out-dir distribution"

In a nutshell, this script tells Babel to 1, take the ES6 source files in the source folder, 2, transpile them using the ES2015 preset, and 3, output the transpiled ES5 files in the distribution folder.

Tip: If, in the future, you want to use more than one preset, you may find declaring them in-line to be a bit unwieldy, in which case you could opt to create a .babelrc file.

To invoke the script, execute npm run build in your terminal.

After invoking this script, you'll be able to observe that the distribution folder has been populated with the transpiled file:

To keep things simple, I'm only transpiling a single file. It is, however, possible to transpile multiple files. Also note that if no distribution folder exists, Babel will create one.

Overriding the main module

Usually, Node will look for a main file within the module folder called index.js. When transpiling source files into a distribution folder, there shouldn't be a file at that location, so it is necessary to override this behaviour.

To specify an alternative path, package.json must be updated to contain a key named main that specifies the path to the main file. In this case, ./distribution/index.js:

  "main": "./distribution/index.js",
   "scripts": {
     "build": ...

Ignoring files

You're almost ready to publish your Node module, but first you're going to want to tell npm to not upload the source folder by creating an .npmignore file with the following contents:


Similarly, you'll want to tell Git to not upload the distribution folder. You can do this by adding the below lines to your .gitignore file:


Heads up! It is very important that, if you have a .gitignore file, that you also have an .npmignore file. If you don't create an .npmignore file, npm will actually use your .gitignore as the .npmignore, which means that the distribution folder won't be published.

Publishing to npm

Before publishing to npm, you'll firstly want to build your source files using the build script you defined earlier. Instead of doing this manually, I highly recommend that you create a special script recognized by npm called prepublish that npm will automatically execute before publishing the package:

"scripts": {
  "build": "babel-cli --preset xxx",
  "prepublish": "npm run build"

Now, when you run npm publish, npm will automatically run the build script. This is both convenient and helps to avoid errors.

Whilst I have found prepublish to work fine for my needs, I feel it important to mention that there is a known UX issue with prepublish whereby the script is implicitly run when the package is installed. This may or may not be a problem for you.

If you haven't done so already, use these instructions by @coolaj86 to set your npm author information. Then, simply run the following command whilst in the module folder:

npm publish ./

After a few seconds, if you did everything correctly, your module should be published to the npm registry.

Testing it out

Before I conclude, I want to show you that developers can seamlessly install and use your module, despite the fact that it was coded using ES6.

First of all, I can install the offof package just like I would any other npm package:

npm install 

Then, from within Node 4 - an environment that has little to no notion of ES6 - I can import and use the module as though it were written in ES5:

You might also find it instructive to observe the node_modules directory:

As you can see, there's no trace of the source folder; there's only the distribution folder.


In this article you learned how to utilize the syntactic niceties afforded by ES6 whilst still maintaining support for platforms that don't yet support it. You also learned about some potential pitfalls along the way, like how you should probably use module.exports instead of an ES6 export statement.

Special thanks to: Stephen Moon, Maarten Van Giel, Romaine Rose-Cameron, partycoder, and kevin-DL.

P.S. If you read this far, you might want to follow me on Twitter and GitHub, or subscribe to my blog.