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executable file
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executable file
220 lines (139 loc) · 5.96 KB


main content

  • BIOS

    physical address arrangement

    BIOS real address

    gdb trace

  • bootloader

    enable protected mode

    read sector + load kernel elf

    objdump kernel elf

  • kernel

    enable page table: virtual address translation

    console output: i/o development

    c stack calling convention

For detailed content notes, ref: 6.828 Lecture Notes: x86 and PC architecture

I/O ports

  • Original PC architecture: use dedicated I/O space

    • Works same as memory accesses but set I/O signal

    • Only 1024 I/O addresses

    • Accessed with special instructions (IN, OUT)

      # Example: write a byte to line printer:
      #define DATA_PORT    0x378
      #define STATUS_PORT  0x379
      #define   BUSY 0x80
      #define CONTROL_PORT 0x37A
      #define   STROBE 0x01
      lpt_putc(int c)
        /* wait for printer to consume previous byte */
        while((inb(STATUS_PORT) & BUSY) == 0)
        /* put the byte on the parallel lines */
        outb(DATA_PORT, c);
        /* tell the printer to look at the data */
        outb(CONTROL_PORT, STROBE);
        outb(CONTROL_PORT, 0);
  • Memory-Mapped I/O

    • Use normal physical memory addresses
      • Gets around limited size of I/O address space
      • No need for special instructions
      • System controller routes to appropriate device
    • Works like ``magic'' memory:
      • Addressed and accessed like memory, but ...
      • ... does not behave like memory!
      • Reads and writes can have ``side effects''

ref: Phil Storrs PC Hardware book:The more common I/O address assignments

The PC Parallel Ports , The PCs Serial Ports , The PC Keyboard operation

gcc x86 calling conventions

  • GCC dictates how the stack is used. Contract between caller and callee on x86:
    • at entry to a function (i.e. just after call):
      • %eip points at first instruction of function
      • %esp+4 points at first argument
      • %esp points at return address
    • after ret instruction:
      • %eip contains return address
      • %esp points at arguments pushed by caller
      • called function may have trashed arguments
      • %eax (and %edx, if return type is 64-bit) contains return value (or trash if function is void)
      • %eax, %edx (above), and %ecx may be trashed
      • %ebp, %ebx, %esi, %edi must contain contents from time of call
    • Terminology:
      • %eax, %ecx, %edx are "caller save" registers
      • %ebp, %ebx, %esi, %edi are "callee save" registers

Functions can do anything that doesn't violate contract. By convention, GCC does more:

  • each function has a stack frame marked by %ebp, %esp

    		       +------------+   |
    		       | arg 2      |   \
    		       +------------+    >- previous function's stack frame
    		       | arg 1      |   /
    		       +------------+   |
    		       | ret %eip   |   /
    		       | saved %ebp |   \
    		%ebp-> +------------+   |
    		       |            |   |
    		       |   local    |   \
    		       | variables, |    >- current function's stack frame
    		       |    etc.    |   /
    		       |            |   |
    		       |            |   |
    		%esp-> +------------+   /
  • %esp can move to make stack frame bigger, smaller

  • %ebp points at saved %ebp from previous function, chain to walk stack

  • function prologue:

    			pushl %ebp
    			movl %esp, %ebp
  • function epilogue can easily find return EIP on stack:

    			movl %ebp, %esp
    			popl %ebp

boot process


For boot process and hardware env, ref: xv6: a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system. Appendix A:PC hardware; Appendix B: The boot loader

skill set


  • objdump
  • gdb: CSCI0330 gdb Cheatsheet Fall 2018


Software Setup

git clone lab
with: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired error => 

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone lab


Exercise 7

the first instruction failed would be jmp *%eax (entry.S line 68: jmp 0xf010002c)



Exercise 9

in entry.S line 77: movl $(bootstacktop),%esp => mov $0xf0110000,%esp

Stack space is 0x10000 == 64k. Sit on the high end of memory.

Exercise 10

Three 32-bit words would each recursive nesting level of test_backtrace push on the stack: parameter, ret address, saved value of calling ebp.

call convention

from: The 32 bit x86 C Calling Convention

With the image above, it is easy to understand: add $0x10,%esp

	// Test the stack backtrace function (lab 1 only)
f01000c8:	c7 04 24 05 00 00 00 	movl   $0x5,(%esp)
f01000cf:	e8 6c ff ff ff       	call   f0100040 <test_backtrace>
f01000d4:	83 c4 10             	add    $0x10,%esp