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executable file
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executable file
246 lines (144 loc) · 7.93 KB

dev tips

  • make run-faultread-nox

    and the like without changing code in "ENV_CREATE(user_hello, ENV_TYPE_USER);"

  • make grade

    not work locally, but you can inspect grade-lab3 by comparing outputs


  1. What is the purpose of having an individual handler function for each exception/interrupt? (i.e., if all exceptions/interrupts were delivered to the same handler, what feature that exists in the current implementation could not be provided?)

    Ans: trapno wouldn't be provided, thus you don't know what kind of interrupt acctually happened.

  2. Did you have to do anything to make the user/softint program behave correctly? The grade script expects it to produce a general protection fault (trap 13), but softint's code says int $14. Why should this produce interrupt vector 13? What happens if the kernel actually allows softint's int $14 instruction to invoke the kernel's page fault handler (which is interrupt vector 14)?

    Ans: because its interrupt descriptor privilege level is ring 0, cann't be called from ring 3/user level


exercise 9

If you now run user/breakpoint, you should be able to run backtrace from the kernel monitor and see the backtrace traverse into lib/libmain.c before the kernel panics with a page fault. What causes this page fault?

call convention

call convention

call convention

Referenced user empty page, so page faulted


key points

On the whole, user process, memory(paging) and interrupt implementation in this lab; should have a clear picture of user/kernel isolation and interaction

  • struct Env

    struct Env {
    	struct Trapframe env_tf;	// Saved registers
    	struct Env *env_link;		// Next free Env
    	envid_t env_id;			// Unique environment identifier
    	envid_t env_parent_id;		// env_id of this env's parent
    	enum EnvType env_type;		// Indicates special system environments
    	unsigned env_status;		// Status of the environment
    	uint32_t env_runs;		// Number of times environment has run
    	// Address space
    	pde_t *env_pgdir;		// Kernel virtual address of page dir
    • env_init()
    •     env_setup_vm()
    •     region_alloc()
    •     env_create()
    •     env_run()
    •     load_icode()
    •     env_pop_tf()
  • handling interrupts and exceptions

    • interrupt descriptor table
    • the task state segment
    • stack change & trapframe
    • priviledge level check

    trapentry.S trap.c

    call convention
  • page fault & why it shouldn't happen in kernel

  • breakpoint & debug & FL_TF flag enabling single-step trace

  • system call

    pass system call number in AX, up to five parameters in DX, CX, BX, DI, SI. Interrupt kernel with T_SYSCALL

  • user-mode startup

  • memory protection: check user-supplied pointer with user_mem_check

user & kernel spaces

call convention

interrupt priviledge

interrupt descriptor table (IDT)

call convention

call convention

Interrupt-Handler Procedures

call convention

privilege-level check
  • interrupt vectors have no RPL, the RPL is not checked
  • if interrupt is generated with INT n, INT 3, or INTO. then CPL <= DPL of the interrupt gate
  • hardware interrupts and processor-detected exceptions, processor ignores the DPL of interrupt gates
stack change
  • If handler procedure is to be executed at a numerically lower privilege level, a stack switch occurs
  • If handler procedure is to be executed at the same privilege level, no stack switch
  • the processor uses the ESP0 and SS0 fields of the TSS to define the kernel stack when entering kernel mode. JOS doesn't use any other TSS fields
// Task state segment format
struct Taskstate {
	uintptr_t ts_esp0;	// Stack pointers and segment selectors
	uint16_t ts_ss0;	//   after an increase in privilege level
	uintptr_t ts_eip;	
	uint32_t ts_eflags;
	uint32_t ts_eax;	
	uint16_t ts_es;
	uint16_t ts_padding4;
	uint16_t ts_cs;

call convention

trapframe on stack

call convention

why page fault not allowed in kernel?

So you see, the safest (and simplest) solution is for the kernel to ensure that memory owned by the kernel is not pagable at all. For this reason, page faults should not really occur within the kernel. They can occur, but as @adobriyan notes, that usually indicates a much bigger error than a simple need to page in some memory. (I believe this is the case in Linux. Check your specific OS to be sure whether kernel memory is non-pagable. OS architectures do differ.)

So in summary, kernel memory is usually not pagable, and since interrupts are usually handled within the kernel, page faults should not in general occur while servicing interrupts. Higher priority interrupts can still interrupt lower ones. It is just that all their resources are kept in physical memory.

Page fault in Interrupt context

debug and breakpoint

  • Fault—A program-state change does not accompany the debug exception, because the exception occurs before the faulting instruction is executed. The program can resume normal execution upon returning from the debug exception handler.
  • Trap—A program-state change does accompany the debug exception, because the instruction or task switch being executed is allowed to complete before the exception is generated. However, the new state of the program is not corrupted and execution of the program can continue reliably

If the debugger sets the TF (trace flag), then every instruction will cause the debug (#1) interrupt to occur

call convention

Why Single Stepping Instruction on X86?

user-mode startup

user programs are first linked as part of kernel, then copied to user process later;

xv6 is different on this, more valuable concerning memory & process management

system call mechanism

static inline int32_t
syscall(int num, int check, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2, uint32_t a3, uint32_t a4, uint32_t a5)
	int32_t ret;

	// Generic system call: pass system call number in AX,
	// up to five parameters in DX, CX, BX, DI, SI.
	// Interrupt kernel with T_SYSCALL.
	// The "volatile" tells the assembler not to optimize
	// this instruction away just because we don't use the
	// return value.
	// The last clause tells the assembler that this can
	// potentially change the condition codes and arbitrary
	// memory locations.

	asm volatile("int %1\n"
		     : "=a" (ret)
		     : "i" (T_SYSCALL),
		       "a" (num),
		       "d" (a1),
		       "c" (a2),
		       "b" (a3),
		       "D" (a4),
		       "S" (a5)
		     : "cc", "memory");
	return ret;
  • inc/syscall.h
  • lib/syscall.c
  • kern/syscall.*

cpu alarm homework

ref related section, as there are tricks on stacks upon interrupt privilege level change


xv6 a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system: Chapter 3 Traps, interrupts, and drivers

IA-32 3: chapter 5 interrupt and exception handling


  • elf executable format
  • c compiler linker