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Game Flow & Events

Matthew Kevin Amadeus edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 1 revision


We have designed the game flow as easy as possible based on the specification given. The specification can be found on this link.

How the game runs


  1. User will be greeted by a lobby for waiting. Currently, on giving a join message the user will automatically be joined into a game.
  2. On giving the start message by a player, the game will start.


  1. Based on the current turn, the players will have their turn for rolling the dice and move.
  2. After the player has landed on a tile, based on the type there will be a specific action. There are 4 different tiles:
    • Property tile, which will spawn a problem for the players to answer.
    • Jail tile, which will make the player can't move for 3 turns (ON PROGRESS)
    • Free parking tile, which will make the player able to choose any tile to land on that turn.
    • Power-up tiles, which gives the player a random power-up.
  3. The next action relies on the tiles they land on. Details about what should be sent and received are listed more below.

Game Events/Messages


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