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Error since firebase update on March 20th. Would you set firebase sdk version? #612

XCarle opened this issue Mar 22, 2018 · 21 comments


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XCarle commented Mar 22, 2018

Since : March 20th.


AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method zza(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; in class Lcom/google/android/gms/common/internal/zzbq; or its super classes (declaration of ''

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this is a critical issue.

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Hi, I have other error due to the same firebase update. When I type:

cordova build android

in the console, I get this output:


Total time: 4.529 secs
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.

Error: more than one library with package name ''`

I have been looking for the answer through the web but the solutions I found (solution1, solution2, solution3) doesn't work for me.

The error appears to be due to the Play Services update. I cannot build my android app until I have remove this plugin.

I hope this critical issue could be solve to install the plugin again.

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there is a temporary fix to this, force the services and firebase versions to 11.8.0.

how to:
put this inside the tag of config.xml with the content:

<hook src="fixFirebasePlugin.js" type="before_build" />

create the JS file on your project root:

module.exports = function(context) {
	var fs = require('fs');
	var path = require('path');

	var rootdir = context.opts.projectRoot;

	var platformDir = 'platforms/android';
        //change the path to your external gradle file
	var srcFile = path.join(rootdir, 'src/android/build-extras.gradle');
	var destFile = path.join(rootdir, platformDir, 'build-extras.gradle');

	console.log("copying "+srcFile+" to "+destFile);

create inside the src folder a android fodler and create inside that a file called build-extras.gradle with the content:

configurations.all {
   resolutionStrategy {
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''

remove and re add platform (tested on 6.3.0), perform a cordova build android, and it's fixed.

after that, a run/build --prod, whatever you want.

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@tryadelion, I have tried your solution exactly as you mentioned, but I got the same error in console :(

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have you removed the platform, readded as android@6.3.0 and performed a "~: cordova build android", no prod, no run, no ionic? that's what did the trick for me!

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Yes, I did everything (config.xml, fixFirebasePlugin.js, build-extras.gradle, platform android@6.3.0), but every run or build command I execute produce the same output:


My project is not an ionic one, I don't know if this could be important to this issue.

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tryadelion commented Mar 22, 2018

did you try any prior "hotfix" to this? like hand-changing the versions on the plugin's XML? i had to remove and readd it because i messed with it's files. it has worked so far on 3 different projects, all ionic though, but the hook system is the same as it's cordova powered.

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Before that, I have only changed /platforms/android/ and /platforms/android/build.gradle but after that I have removed and re-added the plugin (first), and the platform android@6.3.0. (after).

I don't know what could be the reason of the fail, butI think my project still have both versions: 12.0 and 11.8.0 because in the console I see this:


I don't know where could be specified the 12.0.0 version.

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remove node-modules, remove platforms/android, remove every services-using plugin in /plugins, NPM i, readd every plugin that you removed, add platform android, and try again. that's what i would do.

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Ok, I'll try to re-install every component I have. Thank you very much for your help!!

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XCarle commented Mar 22, 2018

@tryadelion Thanks for sharing. I was about to fork cordova-plugin-firebase and force versions. Anyway, i implemented your solution.

We are working with android@6.4.0 that is working as well.

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Finally I solve the problem modifying the file /platforms/android/build.gradle this way:

allprojects {

    repositories {
    // Temp fix for
            // Added from here
            configurations.all {
                resolutionStrategy {

                    // Put your gms packages here with 11.8.0 attached
                    force ""
                    force ""
                    force ""
                    force ""
            // until here

        maven {
            url ""

(Solution read from facebook/react-native#18479)

Thanks again!

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jotefer commented Mar 22, 2018

For Ionic v1.1.0 and cordova-plugin-firebase v0.1.25 this hook solved my problem:


#!/usr/bin/env node

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var rootdir = process.argv[2];
var platformDir = 'platforms/android';

var srcfile = path.join(rootdir, 'build-extras.gradle');
var destfile = path.join(rootdir, platformDir, 'build-extras.gradle');
var destdir = path.dirname(destfile);

if (fs.existsSync(srcfile) && fs.existsSync(destdir)) {
  process.stdout.write('Hook: build-extras.gradle added');

configurations.all {
   resolutionStrategy {
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ""
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''
       force ''

Remove and adding new android platform was also a key factor.

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@tryadelion, any idea why I get this error when I try your approach?

A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_debugApkCopy'.
   > Could not find
     Required by:
         project :

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yosikal commented Mar 26, 2018

I did what jotefer said and it makes the build work. However, remote config stopped working. Any idea?

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yosikal commented Mar 26, 2018

Diving into the issue that fetch is not working I found out that it's because of the following exception which is being thrown when calling fetch:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList

Any idea?

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@remisture i had that issue happen when another gradle file was still referencing 12.X, try build cleaning.

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codesundar commented Mar 26, 2018

I solved by updating platforms/android/build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""


allprojects {
    repositories {
        //start here
        configurations.all {
            resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
                def requested = details.requested
                if ( == '') {
                    details.useVersion '11.8.0'
                if ( == '') {
                    details.useVersion '11.8.0'
        maven {
            url ""

Tested on android@6.3.0

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Below is my entire build.gradle. Also has a useful bit at the end for changing the compile sdk for all projects

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
    repositories {
        configurations.all {
            resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
                def requested = details.requested
                if ( == '') {
                    details.useVersion '12.0.1'
        maven {
            url ""
        maven {
            url ''
        maven {
            // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
            url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"

subprojects {
    afterEvaluate {project ->
        if (project.hasProperty("android")) {
            android {
                compileSdkVersion 26
                buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'

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this appears to be fixed by installing cordova-android-play-services-gradle-release

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@soumak77 that works thanks

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