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arno edited this page May 8, 2020 · 54 revisions

The LaTeXDraw 4.x manual

The manual for the 3.x releases is here: Manual for Versions 3.x

Current issues


How to report a bug

Before reporting a bug, please check the following elements:

  • Make sure you use the latest LaTeXDraw version.

  • Make sure that your LaTeX installation is up to date (in particular for export / compilation issues). In particular with MikTeX, run the update utilities to check that. We already faced errors solved by updating MikTeX.

  • Did it work with the previous release? Please download the previous version and check whether the problem was already here.

  • Do you have LaTeX and some required packages installed? The required packages are: pstricks, pstricks-add, pst-grad, pst-plot, geometry, pst-tools.

  • With MikTeX, check that the auto-install of missing packages is enable. MikTeX can install on-demand (during the compilation of a document) the missing packages. Go in the MikTeX preferences to check that this feature is enable (either 'yes' or 'ask me first'), as depicted by the following screenshot:

miktext config

  • Did you look at "the current issues" section?

  • Does the problem still occur using the latest development version? (See the root readme file for links).

If you still have a problem, please do the following steps while reporting the bug:

  • Copy/paste in a bug report or on the forum the information provided in the "system" tab you can find here: "Help" menu -> "About LateXDraw" menu item -> "system" tab.

  • Provide either a scenario that I can execute to reproduce the problem, or an SVG document plus some instructions regarding the problem.

  • Be nice. You did not pay for the software and I develop it on my free time since more than one decade.

  • Report your bug on Github.

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