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High level description of the setup

Setup task group: init

A series of commands and tools you must absolutely install first, before doing anything else

Setup item: Scoop

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
Package Manager highest False False


The single best package manager on Windows, chocolatey is similar but scoop is best.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
irm | iex

Setup item: Aria2

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
Downloader highest False False


Scoop can leverage Aria2 to download every package using parallel processes and thus make your installs go much faster. Very important to get first.

scoop install aria2

Setup item: git

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False False


You can't do much without git nowadays, this is the most widely used, if not the 'universal' versioning tool. Any software that is distributed online is most likely using git at some point of its integration pipeline. If you don't have git, you can't download much on windows.

scoop install git

Setup item: sudo

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False False


A famous command from the unix world that temporarily gives you administrator privileges for the command you're about to run (only). A great way to quickly obtain admin privileges while running CLI tools.

scoop install sudo

Setup item: Scoop-Buckets

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
Package repositories highest False False


Buckets are a way to group scoop packages. The barebones required packages are 'pre-installed' in the 'main' bucket, but then you can add any bucket to have access to other repositories.

scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add versions
scoop bucket add nerd-fonts

Setup item: Windows Terminal

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
Terminal highest False False


Simply the best way to run shells and CLI apps on Windows as of today.

scoop install windows-terminal
reg import $( Resolve-Path "~\scoop\apps\windows-terminal\current\install-context.reg")
scoop install vcredist2022
scoop uninstall vcredist2022

Setup item: coreutils

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False False


A scoop package that helps you have access to important CLI basics which are usually pre-installed on unix but not on windows.

scoop install coreutils

Setup item: psutils

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False False


A scoop package that helps you have access to important CLI basics which are usually pre-installed on unix but not on windows.

scoop install psutils

Setup item: zoxide

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False True


A native powershell implementation of the z command that moves you to the best match directory based on frequency of visited dirs or other variables, no matter your current position. Equivalent of "teleportation" in terms of cd type commands.

scoop install zoxide

Setup item: gh

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI highest False False


The very useful github CLI tool, allows to create repos and releases from the command line. Don't miss this one, very useful :)

scoop install gh

Setup item: Python

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
language highest True False


The slow but insanely popular language most data science & applied math folks use. We're going to assume you'll be using this language before any other if you're a random person, or someone who wishes to perform some data related task. Okay, R exists, but it's much less universal.

scoop install python
regedit.exe /s $(Resolve-Path "~/scoop/apps/python/current/install*reg")

Setup item: Go

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
language highest False False


A relatively fast and C++ like modern language from Google. A lot of important CLI tools can be instantly installed using the go install<user>/<repo>@latest which makes it incredibly potent for fast setups

scoop install go

Setup item: Ghrel

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI important False False


A CLI tool that instantly downloads latest releases from github repositories. You just have to ghrel<user>/<repo>@latest and you instantly get the content. Very useful to download portable exes or fonts from github

go install

Setup item: Bat

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI important False False


A much friendlier version of cURL and irm written in go

go install

Setup item: jq-yq

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI important False False


CLI to filter/process json (jq) or YAML (yq). Both are fairly important and useful, so having them cannot hurt.

scoop install jq
scoop install yq

Setup item: Nerd-Fonts

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
font important True False


Nerd fonts are a special kind of font that has been designed to make code and other technical (scientific, math) syntax much more pleasing and easy to read. Most people who code a lot use Nerd-Fonts because it just makes it much more appealing.

sudo scoop install -g FiraCode-NF
sudo scoop install -g Iosevka-NF

Setup item: Terminal-Icons

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
UI preferable False False


Useful as a complement to Nerd fonts and/or starship/oh-my-posh.

Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery

Setup task group: dev

These are developper (or more advanced) options which are good to have, but are more consuming. They involve downloading Visual Studio C++ Build Tools, which at least takes 5 minutes. This way you then have access to the entire rust toolchain and can install rust CLIs and tools.

Setup item: Visual Studio Build Tools

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
toolkit highest False False

The absolute minimum to have in order to compile lots of low level code, and a necessity to use rust's cargo install command.

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile "$env:TEMP\vs_BuildTools.exe"
& "$env:TEMP\vs_BuildTools.exe" --force --quiet --wait --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --includeRecommended --remove Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.CMake.Project
$startTime = $(Get-Date).Ticks
While ($(ps | sls vs_BuildTools).Length -gt 0) {
  $currTime = $startTime = $(Get-Date).Ticks
  $elapsed = $currTime - $startTime

Setup item: Git-Semver

Type Priority Admin Rights Content to append to PATH
CLI useful False False

A go implementation of the git semantic revisioning tag cli. Automatically bumps versions like 01.32.12 to 01.32.13 etc.

go install