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CLEDB_PROC - Analysis and Inversion


Three main functions, SPECTRO_PROC, BLOS_PROC, and CLEDB_INVPROC are grouped under the CLEDB_PROC data analysis and inversion module. Based on the 1-line or 2-line input data, two or three modules are called. Line of sight or full vector magnetic field outputs along with plasma, geometric and spectroscopic outputs are inverted here. The algorithm flow and a data processing overview is described in the flowchart.




Ingests the fully prepped data from :ref:`sobs_preprocess<sobs_preprocess-label>` and produces spectroscopic outputs for each input line. Part of the outputs are used downstream in BLOS_PROC or CLEDB_INVPROC. This module requires data in the formats as resulting from the CLEDB_PREPINV module. Optional sub-modules are envisioned to be integrated into this processing based on upstream instrument processing and retrieved data quality. This is a computationally demanding and time consuming function.


The \diamond, \triangleright, and \triangleright\triangleright symbols respectively denote main, secondary, and tertiary (helper) level functions. Main functions are called by the example scripts. Secondary functions are called by the main functions, and tertiary from either main or secondary functions.

SPECTRO_PROC Main Functions


\triangleright CDF_STATISTICS

Performs pixelwise analysis on the stokes IQUV spectra for each line and computes relevant spectroscopic outputs (see :ref:`specout <specout-label>`) by using via a ctrlparams :ref:`gaussfit key<ctrl_gaussfit-label>`. By default a gaussian fitting coupled with non-parametric approaches, namely the analysis of :term:`CDF` functions is utilized.

\triangleright\triangleright OBS_CDF and ` OBS_GAUSSFIT
These are two helper routines used by CDF_STATISTICS to perform parameter fits and estimations.


The ctrlparams :ref:`gaussfit key<ctrl_gaussfit-label>` == 2 represents the slowest component of the entire CDF_STATISTICS block. On the other hand, it is the most accurate and reliable profile fitting method of the three options.

\triangleright ML_LOSDISENTANGLE (Opt.)
Provisioned to be implemented at a later time. If observations permit, uses Machine Learning techniques for population distributions to help disentangling multiple emitting structures along the LOS in situations where the single point assumption might fail.
\triangleright LEV2CALIB_WAVE (Opt.)
Provisioned to be implemented at a later time. Higher order wavelength calibration using the spectroscopic profiles. See Ali, Paraschiv, Reardon, & Judge, ApJ, 2022 for additional details. This function can couple if the upstream wavelength accuracy of the input observation is lower than 0.005 nm.


Upstream Level-1 calibration for DKIST is provisioned to match or exceed this accuracy requirement. Implementation is of low priority.

\triangleright LEV2CALIB_ABSINT (Opt.)
To be implemented at a later time, if feasible. Absolute intensity calibration function that produces an additional output, the calibrated intensity in :term:`physical units`. The approach is not easily automated as it requires a more convoluted and specific planning of the observations to gather the necessary input data.


This functions was provisioned in the incipient stages of the pipeline design. Subsequently, it was found that CLEDB can utilize only normalized Stokes profiles such that absolute calibrations are not required (see Paraschiv & Judge, SolPhys, 2022). Implementation is halted at this time.

SPECTRO_PROC Main Variables

sobs_cal [nx,ny,sn,4] float array (opt.)

Optional calibrated level-2 data in intensity and or wavelength units. This array would be used by the CDF_STATISTICS function instead of sobs_in.


As LEV2CALIB_ABSINT and LEV2CALIB_WAVE are not currently implemented, sobs_cal is currently just a placeholder.

specout [nx,ny,nline,12] output float array
Returns 12 spectroscopic output products, for each nline input line and for every pixel location.
  • specout[:, :, :, 0]

    Wavelength position of the line core. Units are [nm].

  • specout[:, :, :, 1]

    Doppler shift with respect to the theoretical line core defined in the constants class :ref:`line_ref key <consts_lref-label>`. Units are [nm].

  • specout[:, :, :, 2]

    Doppler shift with respect to the theoretical line core defined in the constants class :ref:`line_ref key <consts_lref-label>`. Units are [km s^{-1}].

  • specout[:, :, :, 3:6]

    Intensity at computed line center wavelength (specout[:, :, :, 0]) for :term:`Stokes I`, :term:`Stokes Q and U`. Units are :term:`ADU` or calibrated :term:`physical units` if LEV2CALIB_ABSINT is utilized.

  • specout[:, :, :, 6]

    Intensity at lobe maximum for :term:`Stokes V`. The signed "core" counts are measured in the core of the absolute strongest lobe. Thus, the Stokes V measurement will not match the wavelength position of the Stokes IQU intensities. Units are :term:`ADU` or calibrated :term:`physical units` if LEV2CALIB_ABSINT is utilized.


    If the ctrlparams class :ref:`iqud key <ctrl_iqud-label>` == True, this dimension will be returned implicitly as 0.

  • specout[:, :, :, 7]

    Averaged background intensity outside the line profile for the :term:`Stokes I` component. Since background counts are in theory independent of the Stokes measurement, we utilize just this one realization. Units are :term:`ADU` or calibrated :term:`physical units` if LEV2CALIB_ABSINT is used.

  • specout[:, :, :, 8]

    Total line :term:`FWHM`. Units are [nm].

  • specout[:, :, :, 9]

    Non-thermal component of the FWHM line width. A measure or estimation of the instrumental line broadening/width will significantly increase the accuracy of this determination. Units are [nm].


    Sporadic pixels close to limb in synthetic data exhibited very narrow profiles but otherwise they were deemed usable by the statistics tests. This turns into a problem that will throw invalid value runtime warnings when computing this quantity. To fix, we set specout[:, :, :, 9] = 0 in all such occurences.

  • specout[:, :, :, 10]

    Fraction of linear polarization Pl with respect to the total :term:`Stokes I` counts. Dimensionless.

  • specout[:, :, :, 11]

    Fraction of total polarization (linear + circular) Pv with respect to the total :term:`Stokes I` counts. Dimensionless.


Regardless if solving for 1-line or 2-line observations, specout will return both nline dimensions. In the case of 1-line observations, the nline = 1 dimension corresponding to the hypothetical second line is returned as 0 for all pixel locations. The unused dimension can be removed from the upstream example script, if needed. This behavior is known and enforced to keep output casting static, making the codebase compatible with Numba and speeding up execution.

The BLOS_PROC Function


Stokes V observations are required for this analytical method. Thus, BLOS_PROC is incompatible with the IQUD :ref:`setup <ctrl_iqud-label>`.


Implements the :term:`analytical solutions` of Casini & Judge, ApJ, 1999 and Dima & Schad, ApJ, 2020 to calculate the :term:`LOS` projected magnetic field strength and magnetic azimuth angle. The module returns two degenerate constrained magnetograph solutions, where the one that matches the sign of the atomic alignment is more precise. The less precise "classic" magnetograph formulation is also returned.


There is not enough information in 1-line observations to deduce which of the two degenerate solution is "more precise". The "classic" magnetograph estimation is less precise than the optimal degenerate constrained magnetograph solution, but more precise than the other. The differences will vary from insignificant to tens of percents of the magnetic field strength based on observation and magnetic geometry, and degree of linear polarization. The choice of what product to use remains the prerogative of the user.

This branch requires only 1-line observations (4 stokes profiles). The setup is used to get as much magnetic information as possible (the field strength and :term:`LOS` projection) in the absence of a second line. For a :ref:`sobs_tot <sobs_tot-label>` input of 2-lines, the module will produce independent products for each input line observation.


Observations of Si X 1430.10 nm will benefit from an additional alignemnt correction due to the non-zero F factor of this transition. Additional details in Dima & Schad, ApJ, 2020.

BLOS_PROC Main Functions

\diamond BLOS_PROC

BLOS_PROC Main Variables

blosout [nx,ny,4*nline] output float array

The array returns 4 or 8 products containing :term:`LOS` projected magnetic field estimations and magnetic azimuth angle in G units at each pixel location.

  • blosout[:, :, 0] and/or blosout[:, :, 4]
    First degenerate constrained magnetograph solution for each respective line.
  • blosout[:, :, 1] and/or blosout[:, :, 5]
    Second degenerate constrained magnetograph solution for each respective line.
  • blosout[:, :, 2] and/or blosout[:, :, 6]
    "Classic" magnetograph solution for each respective line. Values lie in between the two above degenerate solutions.
  • blosout[:, :, 3] and/or blosout[:, :, 7]
    Magnetic field azimuth angle derived from the Q and U linear polarization components of the respective line; -\pi to \pi range.


A \frac{\pi}{2} :term:`degeneracy` will manifest due to using arctan functions to derive the angle.



Main 2-line inversion function. CLEDB_INVPROC compares the preprocessed observations with the selected databases by performing a \chi^2 goodness of fit measurement between each independent voxel and the complete set of calculations in the matched database. If CLEDB_GETSUBSET is enabled via :ref:`ctrlparams<ctrl-label>` class :ref:`getsubset key<ctrl_red-label>`, a presorting of the database entries to those that match the direction of observer linear polarization azimuth is performed. After the main sorting is performed, the best database solutions are then queried with respect to the physical parameters that gave the matched profiles. CLEDB_INVPROC acts like a pixel iterator and variable ingestion setup for either CLEDB_MATCHIQUV or CLEDB_MATCHIQUD.


The :ref:`reduced<ctrl_red-label>` presorting will slightly change the final ordering of solutions in certain cases.

CLEDB_INVPROC Main Functions


Matches a set of two full Stokes IQUV observations with a model observation of the same Stokes quantities. Solutions are 2 times degenerate with respect to the :term:`LOS`. Matching is done individually for one pixel in the input array. This is a computationally demanding and time consuming function.

Matches a set of two partial Stokes IQU observations with a model observation of the same Stokes quantities. The matched solutions are initially more degenerate than CLEDB_MATCHIQUV, usually 4 timee with respect to LOS and signed field strength combinations. We are currently evaluating the feasibility of including additional information from Doppler oscillation tracking to recover field strengths and reduce degeneracies (to 2 times). Matching is done individually for one pixel in the input array. This is a computationally demanding and time consuming function.


Based on the ctrlparams :ref:`iqud key<ctrl_iqud-label>` only one of the CLEDB_MATCHIQUV or CLEDB_MATCHIQUD setups is selected and utilized.

When :ref:`enabled<ctrl_red-label>` via ctrlparams, the information encoded in the Stokes Q and U magnetic azimuth is used to reduce the matched database by approximately 1 order of magnitude in terms of observation-comparable calculations.
When :ref:`reduced is enabled<ctrl_red-label>` via ctrlparams, the information encoded in the doppler wave angle azimuth is used to reduce the matched database by approximately 1 order of magnitude in terms of observation-comparable calculations.


Tests done on CoMP and uCoMP data showed that when Doppler oscialtions are avaialble, using the phase angle as a proxy (as opposed to the default linear polarization azimuth) for running :ref:`reduced<ctrl_red-label>` runs, produces a more sharp output with better details especially around regions where magnetic polarity reverses. CLEDB_GETSUBSETIQUD will use this information if available. This option can not be directly enabled for IQUV matches yet, as the doppler oscilation data requires special observing conditions and separate processing. Some altering of matching and subset selecting functions by the user will be required to enable such a setup.


If the subset calculation is :ref:`enabled <ctrl_red-label>` via :ref:`ctrlparams<ctrl-label>`, execution time in the case of large databases is significantly decreased.

\triangleright CLEDB_PARTSORT
A custom function that performs a fast partial sort of the input array because only a small subset of ctrlparams :ref:`nsearch key <ctrl_nsearch-label>` solutions are requested via the ctrlparams :ref:`nsearch key<ctrl_nsearch-label>`. This increases execution times by a few factors when requesting just few nsearch solutions (< 100 on 10^8 entries databases). CLEDB_PARTSORT is used by CLEDB_MATCHIQUV, CLEDB_MATCHIQUD, and CLEDB_GETSUBSET functions. In CLEDB_MATCH, CLEDB_PARTSORT performs a < nsearch sorting of database entries based on the \chi^2 metric. In CLEDB_GETSUBSET, CLEDB_PARTSORT selects for each \varphi angle orientation only the most compatible \vartheta directions based on the \Phi_B azimuth given by the linear polarization Q and U measurements.
\triangleright CLEDB_PHYS

Returns 9 physical and geometrical parameters corresponding to each selected database index following the ctrlparams :ref:`nsearch <ctrl_nsearch-label>` and :ref:`maxchisq <ctrl_maxchisq-label>` constraints. These products are returned as dimensions of the :ref:`invout <invout-label>` output variable.

These are helper functions that prop CLEDB_PHYS by providing interfaces with the parameters encoded in selected databases and helping transform quantities between different geometrical systems.
\triangleright CLEDB_QUDEROTATE
The inverse function of :ref:`OBS_QUROTATE <qurotate-label>`. Derotates the Q and U components from each selected database entry, in order to make the set of fitted solutions directly comparable with the original integrated input :ref:`sobs_tot <sobs_tot-label>` observation.

CLEDB_INVPROC Main Variables

database [ned,nx,nbphi,nbtheta,nline*4] list of float arrays
Individual entries from the database list are fed to the CLEDB_MATCHIQUV or CLEDB_MATCHIQUD functions. From the database list, only the best matching height entry via :ref:`db_enc<dbenc-label>` variable is passed via the database_in internal variable.
database_sel [ned,nx,nbphi,nbtheta,nline*4] float array
An element reduced database list that is used by CLEDB_MATCHIQUV or CLEDB_MATCHIQUD for matching the observation in one pixel. This alleviates memory shuffling and array slicing operations. The array is reshaped into a 2D [ned*nx*nbphi*nbtheta,nline*4] form (e.g. [index,nline*4]). In the case where ctrlparams :ref:`reduction key<ctrl_red-label>` is enabled, database_sel is additionally reduced with respect to the number of potential indexes to match. Otherwise, the variable is only trimmed of the entries where the sign of Stokes V does not math the observation.
Input variable to CLEDB_INVPROC described :ref:`here<sobs_totrot-label>`.
Doppler oscillation magnetic field strength and :term:`POS` orientation resulting from Doppler oscillation analysis. The two utilized dimensions are sobs_dopp[:,:,0] and sobs_dopp[:,:,1] representing respectively the magnetic field strength and the wave angle. The two other dimensions represent :term:`POS` projections of the magnetic field computed either via the linear polarization azimuth or the afore mentioned wave angle, but are not currently utilized.


sobs_dopp is only used as input to CLEDB_MATCHIQUD when ctrlparams :ref:`iqud <ctrl_iqud-label>` is enabled. For Numba consistency, an empty array is also passed to CLEDB_INVPROC when performing full IQUV inversions, but it is never used.

chisq [ned*nx*nbphi*nbtheta,nline*4] float array
Computes the squared difference between the voxel IQUV measurements [nline*4] and each index element of the database [index,nline*4].
sfound [nx,ny,nsearch,nline*4] output float array;

Returns the first nsearch de-rotated and matched Stokes IQUV sets from the database. These can be compared to the input Stokes observation.


As the databases are only computed for B = 1 G, the Stokes V profiles will not match accurately. The sign should match.

invout [nx,ny,nsearch,11] output float array

Main 2-line inversion output products. invout contains the matched database index, the \chi^2 fitting residuals, and 9 inverted physical parameters, for all :ref:`nsearch <ctrl_nsearch-label>` closest matching solutions with respect to the input observation. The 11 parameters follow with individual descriptions.

  • invout[:,:,:,0]

    The index of the database entry that was matched at the :ref:`nsearch <ctrl_nsearch-label>` rank. The index is used to retrieve the encoded physics that match the observations.

  • invout[:,:,:,1]

    The \chi^2 residual of the matched database entry.

  • invout[:,:,:,2]

    Plasma density computed via the database. This output is applicable for the Fe XIII 1074.68/1079.79 line ratio (same ion). Other line combinations will produce less accurate results due to the relative abundance ratios, that are varying dynamically. For a real-life observation, we do not consider trustworthy the implicit static relative abundance ratios of different ions, resulted from the :term:`CHIANTI` tabular data implicitly ingested via the :ref:`ATOM files <atom-label>` when build databases. Units are logarithm of number electron density in cm^{-3}.

  • invout[:,:,:,3]

    The apparent height of the observation. Analogous to the :ref:`yobs<yobs-label>` variable. Units are R_\odot.

  • invout[:,:,:,4]

    Position of the dominant emitting plasma along the :term:`LOS`. Units are R_\odot.

  • invout[:,:,:,5]

    Magnetic field strength recovered via the ratio of observed stokes V to database Stokes V (computed for B = 1 G); Uses ctrlparams class :ref:`bcalc key<ctrl_bcalc-label>`. Units are [G].


    Due to how the problem is posed, CLEDB_MATCHIQUV can only use :ref:`bcalc<ctrl_bcalc-label>` = 0, 1, or 2 while CLEDB_MATCHIQUD can only use :ref:`bcalc<ctrl_bcalc-label>` = 3.


    The bcalc estimation employs a logical test to avoid division by 0 in cases where the Zeeman signal vanishes due to geometry in teh database. If the database Stokes V component is less than 1e-7, then the matched field strength is set to 0 regardless of what the signal is in the observation(usually it is very small, or noise)

  • invout[:,:,:,6]

    Magnetic field \varphi :term:`LOS` angle in CLE frame. Range is 0 to 2\pi.

  • invout[:,:,:,7]

    Magnetic field \vartheta :term:`POS` :term:`Azimuth` angle in CLE frame. Range is 0 to \pi.

  • invout[:,:,:,8]

    Bx cartesian projected magnetic field depth/:term:`LOS` component. Units are [G].

  • invout[:,:,:,9]

    By cartesian projected magnetic field horizontal component. Units are [G].

  • invout[:,:,:,10]

    Bz cartesian projected magnetic field vertical component. Units are [G].


  • Solutions are skipped if the \chi^2 fitting residuals are greater than the limit set by the ctrlparams :ref:`maxchisq key<ctrl_maxchisq-label>`. Thus, it is possible and even expected that less than requested ctrlparams :ref:`nsearch <ctrl_nsearch-label>` solutions to be returned for one observed voxel in both invout and sfound.
  • Regardless of the number of solutions (if any) that are found inside the ctrlparams :ref:`maxchisq<ctrl_maxchisq-label>` and :ref:`nsearch <ctrl_nsearch-label>` constraints, the invout output array will keep its dimensions fixed and return "0" value fields to keep output data shapes consistent. This is a Numba requirement. Only the index is set to "-1" to notify the user that no result was outputted. sfound behaves similarly.