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Arrow Fx Coroutines

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Λrrow Fx Coroutines is part of Arrow Fx Λrrow, and the public documentation and information on how to use the library can be found there.

Contributing and understanding the internals of Arrow Fx Coroutines

To understand how Arrow Fx Coroutines work, we need to take a step back and look at how Coroutines work in Kotlin.

We have several core types that are exposed from Kotlin Std, and the code rewrite performed by the compiler.

It's not very important to understand how the code rewrite works, the most important thing to understand is that it rewrites your suspend code into a very efficient state machine that allows flattening callbacks. In other words, when a method suspends it means that it will not return immediately but at a later point in time through a callback. This is important to know, since this concept also leaks into public API of coroutines.

Kotlin Std Coroutines


CoroutineContext is a immutable key-value map, where the keys are the types and the values are the instances of the type. Meaning that for every type, there can only be a single instance entry. This is useful to for example ensure there is only a single ContinuationInterceptor, or a single Job in the case of KotlinX Coroutines or a single SuspendConnection in the case of Arrow Fx Coroutines.

A suspend function/program always has a CoroutineContext, this restriction is made in the Continuation interface.

This type-instance relationship is achieved by two interfaces CoroutineContext.Element and CoroutineContext.Key<E: CoroutineContext.Element>. Where CoroutineContext.Element has a Key<*>, which needs to point to a Key for it's concrete type.

A simple example:

class CoroutineName(val name: String): CoroutineContext.Element {
  companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineName>
  override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> = Key


interface Continuation<A> {
	val ctx: CoroutineContext
	fun resume(result: Result<A>)

As mentioned above, a suspend programs can return immediately or suspend and return it's value at a later point in time. Thus this can be modeled with a Contination<A> where both the immediate result or a suspended result is always returned to resume, this ensures that the result is always consumed in the same manner no matter how the suspend program behaves.

Important to note here is that the resume callback works with Result<A> which is similar to Either<Throwable, Int> but with a fast inlined implementation. This allows us to safely run any code inside suspend, whilst keeping our programs from blowing up since it will be safely rewired to resume.

Additionally it always has a CoroutineContext, which could be EmptyCoroutineContext (~ emptyMap()), or any other CoroutineContext.

Such a Continuation is always required to consume any suspend program through the runners exposed by the Kotlin Standard Library.


The most high level runner in the standard library is startCoroutine, and it's the first method we'll discuss that creates a Coroutine and runs it. Kotlin’s standard library defines a Coroutine as an instance of a suspendable computation. In other words, a Coroutine is a compiled suspend () -> T program wired to a Continuation.

Let’s take a quick look at an example with the 3 types we've seen and discussed above.

import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine

suspend fun one(): Int = 1

suspend fun fail(): Int = TODO()

fun main() {
  ::one.startCoroutine(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
    println(it) // Success(1)

  ::fail.startCoroutine(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
    println(it) // Failure(kotlin.NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented.)

Here you can see that even if our program blows up, it will be correctly wired into the Continuation callback without blowing up main.

If we take a look at its very short implementation, we can see that it exists of a composition of 3 functions. createCoroutineUnintercepted with the completion Continuation, intercepted and resume. In the sections below we'll dig into what that means, and how that works. All you really need to remember here is that suspend () -> T will run on a given Continuation<T>, on its CoroutineContext. If that CoroutineContext is capable of interception, it will intercept first and then it will start with resume(Unit).

public fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutine(completion: Continuation<T>) {


Before we can move into what createCoroutineUnintercepted is or how it works, we should first understand what interception or intercepted is in Kotlin Coroutines. One thing that is important to understand is that Coroutines by themselves have nothing to do with concurreny or asynchronity, but rather they can be used to build concurrent frameworks or libraries.

So let's take a quick look at its definition

public interface ContinuationInterceptor : CoroutineContext.Element {
    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<ContinuationInterceptor>

    public fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T>

    public fun releaseInterceptedContinuation(continuation: Continuation<*>) {
        /* do nothing by default */

Here we can see that ContinuationInterceptor is a CoroutineContext.Element, which means we can put into an immutable CoroutineContext map. It has an abstract interceptContinuation method, which is called upon calling intercepted. It can be called upon the Continuation returned by createCoroutineUnintercepted, and in that case will call interceptContinuation in the case the CoroutineContext contains a ContinuationInterceptor. This operation is idempotent, since the result is cached.

When the Continuation is finished running, then before returning it will call releaseInterceptedContinuation, but only in the case interceptContinuation returned a different Continuation than it received.

Let's take a look at a simple example.

import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine

suspend fun helloWorld(): String = "Hello World!"

fun main() {
  ::helloWorld.startCoroutine(Continuation(Printer) {
    println("Received result: $it")

object Printer : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(ContinuationInterceptor), ContinuationInterceptor {
  override fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T> {
    val newContinuation = object : Continuation<T> {
      override val context: CoroutineContext = continuation.context

      override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
        println("PrinterContinuation resume: pass $result to original continuation")
    println("interceptContinuation($continuation)\nand returning a new one: $newContinuation\n")
    return newContinuation

  override fun releaseInterceptedContinuation(continuation: Continuation<*>) {
1. interceptContinuation(Continuation at kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.IntrinsicsKt__IntrinsicsJvmKt$createCoroutineUnintercepted$$inlined$createCoroutineFromSuspendFunction$IntrinsicsKt__IntrinsicsJvmKt$2) 
and returning a new one: Printer$interceptContinuation$newContinuation$1@448139f0

2. PrinterContinuation resume: pass Success(kotlin.Unit) to original continuation

3. releaseInterceptedContinuation(Printer$interceptContinuation$newContinuation$1@448139f0)

4. Received result: Success(Hello World!)

Let's analyse the output:

In the first line of the output we can clearly see that our original Continuation created by startCoroutine is one created by the Kotlin Compiler through createCoroutineUnintercepted (and some other internal machinery inside the Kotlin Std library which creates a Coroutine from a suspending function). We wrap it, and return our own Printer continuation.

Secondly, our Printer continuation is started with resume(Unit), which we see reflected as receiving Success(kotlin.Unit) in resume and then simply passing it along to our original continuation. The original continuation, created by the Kotlin Compiler, will then start our helloWorld suspend program.

  1. After our program is finished, we see that our Printer continuation is released.

  2. Finally, we see that our result is finally returned to our own Continuation.

So you might be wondering why this is useful? This isn't very useful for printing anything obviously, because we only get intercepted before anything starts running and released when it's finished. But it gives us the perfect entry point to schedule the coroutine on a Thread or ExecutorService.

Intercepting to schedule/dispatch

Scheduling something on a ExecutorService is simply a call to the function ExecutorService#submit with a Runnable argument. Which is exactly what we can do with interception, looking at the previous log output, we can intercept the start signal of Result<Unit> before we pass it to the original continuation. This means we can intercept the start signal, and submit it on an ExecutorService before starting the original continuation. So let's see the most basic example where we do this for the ForkJoinPool.

object CommonPoolContext : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(ContinuationInterceptor), ContinuationInterceptor {
  val pool: ForkJoinPool = ForkJoinPool()

  override fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T> =
    object : Continuation<T> {
      override val context: CoroutineContext = continuation.context

      override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
        pool.submit { continuation.resumeWith(result) }

We create a singleton ContinuationInterceptor just like we did for our Printer, and we when we get intercepted we can then wrap the original Continuation with a Continuation that submits the start signal onto the ForkJoinPool.

A small example to see this in action, we need the Thread.sleep in main since when we reach pool.submit in the Continuation main will finish and we want to wait a bit so we can see the ouput printed.

import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.ContinuationInterceptor
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine

suspend fun helloWorld(): String =
  "Hello from ${Thread.currentThread().name}"

object CommonPoolInterceptor : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(ContinuationInterceptor), ContinuationInterceptor {
  val pool: ForkJoinPool = ForkJoinPool()

  override fun <T> interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation<T>): Continuation<T> =
    object : Continuation<T> {
      override val context: CoroutineContext = continuation.context

      override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
        pool.execute { continuation.resumeWith(result) }

fun main() {
  ::helloWorld.startCoroutine(Continuation(CommonPoolInterceptor) {


Now that we know what it means to intercept and why it's crucial to build effect systems on top of Kotlin Coroutines, let's investigate some more of the lower level combinators. Those will allow us to by-pass intercepted from the higher level combinators to avoid scheduling all over the place, or allowing us to change CoroutineContext without having to explicitly schedule. This is important in relation to cancellation, which we'll see in great detail below.


createCoroutineUnintercepted is the lowest level function of creating (and thus subsequently starting) a Coroutine, and you'll find it is used in most other function with either createCoroutineXXX or startCoroutineXXX.

It's found in the kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics package, which we saw 1 method of so far intercepted. And we'll cover the other content below. As we've already mentioned above, this method turns a suspend () -> T function into a Coroutine, which is an instance of a suspendable computation. This Coroutine hasn't started running yet, and we can run it as many times as we want. As you might've guessed from above, we can start the Coroutine by calling resume(Unit) on it.

For a given program suspend () -> T we pass a Continuation<A>, and createCoroutineUnintercepted returns us a Continuation<Unit>. This Continuation<Unit> models a Coroutine, which is the program suspend () -> T wired to it's context and callback resume: (Result<T>) -> Unit.

Let's see a quick example of the creation of a simple Coroutine which is started multiple times.

import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.createCoroutineUnintercepted
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.resume

suspend fun one(): String = "Hello World!"

val cont: Continuation<Unit> = ::one
  .createCoroutineUnintercepted(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext, ::println))

fun main() {
  println("Fired once")

  println("Fired Twice")

  println("Fired three times")

If we look back at startCoroutine, we see that is simply creates a Coroutine, always invokes its interceptor and then immediately starts it. So the highest level runner, combines the lowest level functions.

public fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutine(completion: Continuation<T>) {

suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn / COROUTINE_SUSPENDED

As you might've noticed in all examples above, we haven't actually used any suspension so far. But what does it mean to suspend? Most simply put it means the function doesn't immediately returns, but is going to return the result through the callback (Result<T>) -> Unit.

At the lowest guts of writing suspend functions you can find this function, is capable of returning immediately or returning in a suspended way. We however have to signal to Kotlin's Coroutine system that we're returning immediately or we're suspending and returning at a later point in time. This is done with the marker COROUTINE_SUSPENDED.

COROUTINE_SUSPENDED is a simply marker that can be compared to check if it's the users result, or we should wait for Continuation#resume to be called. In the Kotlin Standard Library we can find following definition.


So in combination with suspend inline fun <T> suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(crossinline block: (Continuation<T>) -> Any?): T, we can now write suspend fun which suspend or return immediately.

suspend fun immediateHelloWorld(): String =
  suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
    "Hello World!"

suspend fun suspendingHelloWorld(): String =
  suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
    cont.resumeWith(Result.success("Hello World!"))

Here you can see that in immediateHelloWorld we immediately return "Hello World!" to the suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn function, and in suspendingHelloWorld we return the value through the Continuation#resume callback and signal to the Coroutine that we returned the result through the callback.

This is useful when you need to access the CoroutineContext, but you know you don't actually need to suspend since it allows accesing the Continuation and its CoroutineContext without having to suspend. Or when you want to suspend the coroutine but you don't want to explicitely intercept again, this is a useful optimisation when for example the CoroutineContext contains a ContinuationInterceptor that dispatches/schedules which is an expensive operation when it's unnecessary.


So what is the difference with the higher level and better known suspendCoroutine function? As the name of the lower level function might have hinted, this function always calls intercepted but additionally it also removes the ability to immediately return whilst still allowing for this optimisation underneath at a relative small cost!.

The implementation of suspendCoroutine looks like this:

public suspend inline fun <T> suspendCoroutine(crossinline block: (Continuation<T>) -> Unit): T {
    contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
    return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c: Continuation<T> ->
        val safe = SafeContinuation(c.intercepted())

As you can see here it's build on top of the lower level function suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn, which we've discussed above, but it calls intercepted on the Continuation. This is done to add some additional safety, which only works in the case the CoroutineContext contains a dispatching ContinuationInterceptor.

Let's say that inside suspendCoroutine you wrap some Java API that runs on an unbounded cached pool (commonly known as IO pools) to run blocking IO operations such as JDBC, it would be dangerous to remain on this pool since we could unknownlingly exhaust the JDBC pool deadlocking calls to JDBC. For this reason it's much safer to always call intercepted so that after suspension we return to the original context. Similarly to how evalOn or withContext return to their original context after running an operation on a different pool. This is a safety measure commonly used in effect systems in other languages as well such as IO.async from Cats Effects in Scala. Important to note is that this only works if a dispatching ContinuationInterceptor is available in the CoroutineContext.

So what is SafeContinuation? SafeContinuation runs the code provide by the block lambda, and in case that it calls resumeWith in an immediate manner we want to return that result immmediately to suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn. In the case it for example forks to a different context, for example for JDBC or a network call, we cannot return immediately and we need to return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED such as explained above. This machinery and state machine is hidden inside SafeContinuation. Simply put, getOrThrow is raced with resumeWith to see which one is reached first and depending on who wins it returns the result or COROUTINE_SUSPENDED. You can check the implementation here.


The last method we haven't discussed yet is startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn, which is similar to startCoroutine but as you might've guessed doesn't call intercepted. Additionally, it's more raw bones since it either returns us the result immediately or it returns us the result in the Continuation callback.

If we look at the implementation, we can also clearly see how it works in a desugared way on the JVM.

public actual inline fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(
    completion: Continuation<T>
): Any? = (this as Function1<Continuation<T>, Any?>).invoke(completion)

The suspend () -> T function is casted to a Function1<Continuation<T>, Any?>, and we simply pass the completion callback as an argument. If you think back to suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn which either passed the result to the callback or returned immediately it's clear how these two could be wired together. So let's take back our examples from suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn and see how they behave when we run them with startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn.

import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED

suspend fun immediateHelloWorld(): String =
  suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
    "Hello World!"

suspend fun suspendingHelloWorld(): String =
  suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
    cont.resumeWith(Result.success("Hello World!"))

fun main() {
  ::immediateHelloWorld.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
    println("I am never called")
  }).also { println("Immediately returned: $it") }

  ::suspendingHelloWorld.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(Continuation(EmptyCoroutineContext) {
    println("I am called with result: $it")
  }).also { println("suspending returned: $it") }


Immediately returned: Hello World!
I am called with result: Success(Hello World!)
suspending returned: COROUTINE_SUSPENDED

Here in the output we can clearly see that in the first case the callback is never invoked, and we get the result immediately returned to us. In contrast to the second case where the callback is invoked, and the immediate returned value is COROUTINE_SUSPENDED. This means that if we use startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn you always need to check the returned value to check if it's COROUTINE_SUSPENDED or a user returned value (which in that case needs to be casted back from Any? to T).

This might all seem very obscure, but very powerful as we'll discuss below how we use these primitives to implement some of Arrow Fx Coroutines core operations.

Arrow Fx Coroutines

When building an effect system it's crucial that we take into account cancellation, since in todays high traffic back-ends or fast paced web/mobile users its important we can cancel request when a user or device is not interested in receiving the result anymore.


At the basis of this cancellation is a sealed class SuspendConnection, which is also a CoroutineContext and is defined as follows:

sealed class SuspendConnection : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(SuspendConnection) {
  companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<SuspendConnection>
  abstract suspend fun cancel(): Unit
  abstract fun isCancelled(): Boolean

  abstract fun push(token: CancelToken): Unit

  // ...

A CancelToken is a inline class wrapper around suspend () -> Unit which is used to model cancellation token. These are used to define cancellable operations in a typed manner.

It has two implementations, Uncancellable and DefaultConnection


The uncancellable implementation has a no-op cancel method, and always returns false upon checking isCancelled. Which subsequently means that all cancellable operations become uncancellable when run on this CoroutineContext. Some optimisations could be implemented when an uncancellable context is detected.


The DefaultConnection keeps track of all CancelToken registered for a given SuspendConnection. It does so by keeping all CancelToken in a FIFO stack, and running them in order when cancelled. Since SuspendConnection is a FIFO stack, we can register a token before running a cancellable operation, and pop the token after the cancellable operation has finished so we don't run a CancelToken when it's not necessary anymore since that could lead to (undefined) weird behavior. This is useful for example in parMap2 where we want to launch two parallel operations, and push their cancellation system onto to the original SuspendConnection and pop it when both finish.


So what does it actually mean to cancel? Currently in Arrow 0.11.0, cancellation means that the code stops running (or in other words suspends forever and never returns). This is implemented as a cancelBoundary, and with all the understanding of the low-level Kotlin machinery we have now can be implemented as follows.

suspend fun cancelBoundary(): Unit =
  suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont ->
    if (cont.context[SuspendConnection]?.isCancelled() == true) COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
    else Unit

So a cancelBoundary checks if the SuspendConnection#isCancelled and if so it suspends forever and never invokes the callback, effectively this means it stops running the code. In the case the SuspendConnection isn't cancelled, it immediately returns Unit. Here we use suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn since we can return immediately when no cancellation signal was triggered, and we don't want to intercept or schedule but we have to check the Continuation#context to be able to access the SuspendConnection.

So this is how from any user or library code we can add checks for cancellation that automatically exit when a cancellation signal was trigerred.

When isCancelled returns true, this means that all the registered CancelToken's inside SuspendConnection have run, or are running.

NOTE: In Kotlin 1.4, CancellationException was added to the Kotlin Std as an ExperimentalApi. The documentation states that a cancellable coroutine should throw it to signal that it has been canccelled. In a future version of Arrow Fx Coroutines we can follow this pattern by instead of suspend upon cancellation like we did in Arrow Fx IO, and as is known from Cats Effects IO, we can throw CancellationException. This would also only happen when we're running on a cancellable SuspendConnection, and we'd still be able to control cancellation in the same way as you might be familiar with from Cats Effects IO or Arrow Fx IO.


So how do we start a Coroutine with SuspendConnection, so we can start suspend () -> T in a cancellable way. Using SuspendConnection is no different than using any other CoroutineContext, so let's take a look at the most simple example we can come up with.

import arrow.fx.coroutines.CancelToken
import arrow.fx.coroutines.SuspendConnection
import arrow.fx.coroutines.seconds
import arrow.fx.coroutines.sleep
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.startCoroutine

suspend fun main() {
  val connection = SuspendConnection()
  connection.push(CancelToken { println("CancelToken ran") })

  suspend { sleep(1.seconds) }.startCoroutine(Continuation(connection) {
    println("This never runs, since sleep was cancelled.")


  Thread.sleep(2000) // Sleep longer than suspend program


CancelToken ran

As we can see in the output, it only prints the println from the CancelToken. The reason that we also don't see the output from the Continuation callback is because it was cancelled before reaching it, since the sleep operation gets cancelled and thus never resumed.

So one of the final questions is, how do we build cancellable operators such as sleep.

cancellable (suspendCoroutineCancellable)

To understand how cancellable operations are build, let's take a quick look at the implementation of sleep. If you're familiar with Arrow's IO, or another IO implementation the code below might look familiar.

internal val scheduler: ScheduledExecutorService = TODO()

suspend fun sleep(duration: Duration): Unit =
  if (duration.amount <= 0) Unit
  else cancellable { resumeWith: (Result<Unit>) -> Unit ->
    val cancelRef = scheduler.schedule(
      { resumeWith(Result.success(Unit)) },

    CancelToken { cancelRef.cancel(false) }

We open a cancellable block and get a callback which we can invoke with either a pure value, or a Throwable failure. We can then schedule a task to resume the callback after the desired Duration has passed, and to the cancellable block we return the CancelToken that we want to execute if the resulting suspend fun gets cancelled.

So the signature of cancellable looks like:

suspend fun <A> cancellable(cb: ((Result<A>) -> Unit) -> CancelToken): A

Where we create a cancellable suspend fun by consuming a callback of the shape ((Result<A>) -> Unit) and returning CancelToken.

So let's take a look at what the implementation of cancellable looks like.

suspend fun <A> cancellable(cb: ((Result<A>) -> Unit) -> CancelToken): A =
  suspendCoroutine { cont ->
    val conn = cont.context[SuspendConnection] ?: SuspendConnection.Uncancellable

    val cancellable = ForwardCancellable()

    val token = try {
    } catch (throwable: Throwable) {

We suspendCoroutine to access the Continuation, and since we use suspendCoroutine here it will also intercept and thus behave in the same safe way as Kotlin's high-level combinators. We retrieve the SuspendConnection, and default back to an Uncancellable connection.

Since we don't know how long it will take before cb: ((Result<A>) -> Unit) -> CancelToken returns the CancelToken we need a mechanism to back-pressure conn, when it gets cancelled, until we receive the CancelToken. Otherwise conn might get cancelled whilst CancelToken is not registered yet creating a race-condition and possibly leaking resources.

ForwardCancellable allows us to defer or back-pressure the cancellation signal from the original conn, until we receive the complete signal with the resulting CancelToken.

So here we create a ForwardCancellable and push its cancel token onto the SuspendConnection. We run the foreign user code with the resumeWith callback, and complete the ForwardCancellable with the returned CancelToken. In case of an exception we resumeWith the exception and return a no-op CancelToken.


ForwardCancellable is useful to forward cancellation when you want to inject an uncancellable piece of logic, or defer cancellation and wire two different SuspendConnection's together.

ForwardCancellable can be cancelled and completed with a CancelToken.

The following 4 scenarios can occur:

  • When cancel is called before complete, then cancel's token is back-pressured until complete is called. Then cancel's token will subsequently call the CancelToken that was passed to complete.

  • When cancel is called after complete, then cancel immediately runs the cancellation token passed to complete.

  • When the ForwardCancellable is completed, before cancel's token is invoked. The completed CancelToken will be invoked immediately when cancel's token is invoked.

  • Calling complete twice will result in an ArrowInternalException, and is considered an internal developer bug.