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Monad Comprehensions

Monad Comprehensions

{:.intermediate} intermediate

Monad comprehensions is the name for a programming idiom available in multiple languages like JavaScript, F#, Scala, or Haskell. The purpose of monad comprehensions is to compose sequential chains of actions in a style that feels natural for programmers of all backgrounds. They're similar to coroutines or async/await, but extensible to existing and new types!

Let's walk through the evolution of how code was written, up to where comprehensions are today. It'll take a couple of sections to get there, so if you're familiar with flatMap feel free to skip to [Comprehensions over coroutines]({{ '/docs/patterns/monad_comprehensions/#comprehensions-over-coroutines' | relative_url }}).

Synchronous sequences of actions

A typical coding class starts teaching new programmers to think like an ideal computer. The computer is fed instructions one by one, and executed one after another. The instructions modify the internal registers of this ideal computers to store and operate on values. As the values change over time, a result is returned and the program completes.

Let's see one example:

int number = 0;
number += 1;
return number;

This style of programming is what's usually called "imperative programming" after the fact of telling the computer what to do. This style has grown over time over many programming languages with new paradigms, all with this underlying base. It scaled during decades thanks to Moore's law, where computer became faster and faster at alarming paces. At some point in the past decade, Moore's law of vertical scaling plateaued near its theoretical limit. Scaling started to become horizontal, with multiple cores working in parallel to achieve increasingly complex tasks. This physical representation of cores became more apparent in software with the increase of multi-threading programs.

Mathematical laws for parallel programming have been known for decades, and applied in multiple languages. They allow us to write sequenced code that can be run asynchronously over multiple threads, with assurances for completion.

Asynchronous sequences of actions

The abstraction of sequencing execution of code is summarised in a single function that in Arrow is called flatMap, although you may find it in other languages referred as andThen, then, bind, or SelectMany. It takes as a parameter one function to be called after the current operation completes, and that function has to return another value to continue the operation with. With knowledge of flatMap we can write sequential expressions that are ran asynchronously, even over multiple threads.

The [typeclass]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/intro' | relative_url }}) interface that abstracts sequenced execution of code via flatMap is called a [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}), for which we also have a [tutorial]({{ '/docs/patterns/monads' | relative_url }}).

Implementations of [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}) are available for internal types like Try and also integrations like [RxJava 2]({{ '/docs/integrations/rx2' | relative_url }}) and [kotlinx.coroutines]({{ '/docs/integrations/kotlinxcoroutines' | relative_url }}). Let's see one example using a [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}) called [IO]({{ '/docs/effects/io' | relative_url }}), where we fetch from a database the information about the dean of university some student attends:

val university: IO<University> = 
  getStudentFromDatabase("Bob Roxx").flatMap { student ->
      getUniversityFromDatabase(student.universityId).flatMap { university ->

The sequence of events is assured in that getUniversityFromDatabase will not be called until getStudentFromDatabase returns a result. If getStudentFromDatabase fails, then getUniversityFromDatabase will never be called. That same way, if getUniversityFromDatabase then getDeanFromDatabase will never be called. Error handling propagates through the chain.

While this coding style is an improvement for asynchrony, the readability for users accustomed to traditional imperative code suffers. Computer science can bring us a construct to get the best of both styles.

Comprehensions over coroutines

This feature is known with multiple names: async/await, coroutines, do notation, for comprehensions...each version contains certain unique points but all derive from the same principles. In Kotlin, coroutines (introduced in version 1.1 of the language) make the compiler capable of rewriting seemingly synchronous code intro asynchronous sequences. Arrow uses this capability of the compiler to bring you coroutines-like notation to all instances of the [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}) typeclass.

This means that comprehensions are available for Option, Try, List, Reader, Observable, Flux or IO all the same. In the following examples we'll use IO as it's a simple concurrency primitive with straightforward behavior.

Every instance of [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}) contains a method binding that receives a suspended function as a parameter. This functions must return the last element of the sequence of operations. Let's see a minimal example.

import arrow.*
import arrow.effects.*
import arrow.typeclasses.*

IO.monad().binding {

Anything in the function inside binding can be imperative and sequential code that'll be executed when the data type decides. In the case of [IO]({{ '/docs/effects/io' | relative_url }}), it is immediately run blocking the current thread using unsafeRunSync(). Let's expand the example by adding a second operation:

IO.monad().binding {
  val a = IO.invoke { 1 }
  a + 1
// Compiler error: the type of a is IO<Int>, cannot add 1 to it

This is our first challenge. We've created an instance of [IO]({{ '/docs/effects/io' | relative_url }}) that'll run a block asynchronously, and we cannot get the value from inside it. From the previous snippet the first intuition would be to call unsafeRunSync() on a to get the value. This will block the current thread until the operation completes. What we want is to, instead, run and await until a completes before yielding the result. For that we have two flavors of the function bind(), which is a function only available inside the function passed to binding().

IO.monad().binding {
  val a = IO.invoke { 1 }.bind()
  a + 1
IO.monad().binding {
  val a = bind { IO.invoke { 1 } }
  a + 1

What bind() does is use the rest of the sequential operations as the function you'd normally pass to flatMap. The equivalent code without using comprehensions would look like:

IO.invoke { 1 }
  .flatMap { result ->
    IO.just(result + 1)

With this new style we can rewrite our original example of database fetching as:

val university: IO<University> = 
  IO.monad().binding {
    val student = getStudentFromDatabase("Bob Roxx").bind()
    val university = getUniversityFromDatabase(student.universityId).bind()
    val dean = getDeanFromDatabase(university.deanId).bind()

And you can still write your usual imperative code in the binding block, interleaved with code that returns instances of [IO]({{ '/docs/effects/io' | relative_url }}).

fun getNLines(path: FilePath, count: Int): IO<List<String>> = 
  IO.monad().binding {
    val file = getFile(path).bind()
    val lines = file.readLines().bind()
    if (lines.length < count) {
      IO.raiseError(RuntimeException("File has fewer lines than expected")).bind()
    } else {

While this looks like a great improvement to manually raise errors sometimes you will encounter unexpected behavior and exceptions in seemingly normal code.

Error propagation in comprehensions

While [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}) represents sequential code, it doesn't account for an existing execution flow pattern: exceptions. Exceptions work like old goto that can happen at any point during execution and stop the current block to jump to a catch block.

Let's take a somewhat common mistake and expand on it:

fun getLineLengthAverage(path: FilePath): IO<List<String>> = 
  IO.monad().binding {
    val file = getFile(path).bind()
    val lines = file.readLines().bind()
    val count = { it.length }.foldLeft(0) { acc, lineLength -> acc + lineLength }
    val average = count / lines.length

What would happen if the file contains 0 lines? The chain throws ArithmeticException with a division by 0! This exception goes uncaught and finalizes the program with a crash. Knowing this it is obvious we can do better.

Our next approach can do automatic wrapping of unexpected exceptions to return them inside the operation sequence. For this purpose, the typeclass [MonadError]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monaderror' | relative_url }}) was created. [MonadError]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monaderror' | relative_url }}) allows us to raise and recover from errors. It also contains a version of comprehensions that automatically wraps exceptions, called bindingCatch.

fun getLineLengthAverage(path: FilePath): IO<List<String>> = 
  IO.monadError().bindingCatch {
    val file = getFile(path).bind()
    val lines = file.readLines().bind()
    val count = { it.length }.foldLeft(0) { acc, lineLength -> acc + lineLength }
    val average = count / lines.length

With a small change we get handling of exceptions even within the binding block. This wrapping works the same way as if we raised an error as the return from getFile() or readLines(), short-circuiting and stopping the sequence early.

Note that while most data types include an instance of [Monad]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monad' | relative_url }}), [MonadError]({{ '/docs/typeclasses/monaderror' | relative_url }}) is somewhat less common.

What about those threads?

Arrow uses the same abstraction as coroutines to group threads and other contexts of execution: CoroutineContext. There are multiple default values and wrappers for common cases in both the standard library, and the extension library kotlinx.coroutines.

Blocking thread jumps

NOTE: This blocking approach to thread jumping will change before the 1.0 release, as it's causing non-blocking datatypes to behave as if they were blocking.

In any binding() block there is a helper function bindIn() that takes a CoroutineContext as a parameter and can return any value. This value will be lifted into a data type using just().

The functions will cause a new coroutine to start on the CoroutineContext passed as a parameter to then bind() to await for its completion.

val ioThreadContext = newSingleThreadContext("IO")
val computationThreadContext = newSingleThreadContext("Computation")

fun getLineLengthAverage(path: FilePath): IO<List<String>> = 
  IO.monadError().bindingCatch {
    // Implicitly wrap the result of a synchronous operation into IO.just() using bindIn
    val file = bindIn(ioThreadContext) { getFile(path) }    
    val lines = bindIn(computationThreadContext) { file.readLines() }
    val count = { it.length }.foldLeft(0) { acc, lineLength -> acc + lineLength }
    val average = count / lines.length

Note that bindIn()assures that the execution will return to the same thread where the binding started after the bindIn block executes.

There is also a version of bindIn called bindDeferredIn that allows deferred construction. It's available for bindingCancellable comprehensions over instances of [MonadDefer]({{ '/docs/effects/monaddefer' | relative_url }}).

Non-blocking thread jumps

Any datatype that allows asynchronous execution has to be abstracted by the typeclass [Async]({{ '/docs/effects/aync' | relative_url }}). Thus, it's only logical that these datatypes allow for non-blocking thread jumping.

The typeclass [Async]({{ '/docs/effects/aync' | relative_url }}) defines an extension function for comprehensions that enables continuing the execution on a new thread. This function is called continueOn(), takes a CoroutineContext and applies the effect of jumping to it, without any value returned. The rest of the continuation will be executed on that CoroutineContext. Simple as that.

Let's see an example:

IO.async().run {
  binding {
    // In current thread
    val id = createIdFromNumber(762587).bind()

    // In CommonPool now!
    val result = request(id).bind()

    // In Ui now!

Behind the scenes continueOn() starts a new coroutine and passes the rest of the execution as the block to execute. It's worth reminding that this means that you have to precompute thread local values like a thread name before doing the jump.

What if I'd like to run multiple operations independently from each other, in a non-sequential way?

You can check the section on the Applicative Builder pattern for them!

Cancellation and cleanup of resources

In some environments that have resources with their own lifecycle (i.e. Activity in Android development) retaining these values in operations that can run indefinitely may cause large memory leaks and lead to undefined behavior. As cleanup is important in these restricted environments, any instance of [MonadDefer]({{ '/docs/effects/monaddefer' | relative_url }}) provides the function bindingCancellable, which allows for comprehensions to be finished early by throwing an BindingCancellationException at the beginning of the next bind() step.

val (binding: IO<List<User>>, unsafeCancel: Disposable) =
  ioSync.bindingCancellable {
    val userProfile = bindDefer { getUserProfile("123") }
    val friendProfiles = userProfile.friends().map { friend ->
        bindDefer { getProfile( }
    listOf(userProfile) + friendProfiles

binding.unsafeRunAsync { result ->
  result.fold({ println("Boom! caused by $it") }, { println(it.toString()) })

// Boom! caused by BindingCancellationException

Note that the cancellation happens on the bind() step, so any currently running operations before bind() will have to complete first, even those that are scheduled for threading.