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File metadata and controls

322 lines (248 loc) · 15.2 KB

Element autoMethod

Element autoMethod is used to configure the auto-generated implementation of a method in interface specified in element autoService.

An example of autoMethod elements is provided in index. In this section some specifics of this element will be provided.

The format of autoMethod

Method name and return type in autoMethod

  • Method name is specified using the attribute name.
  • Method return value type is specified using the attribute returnType and optional attribute assembly, or alternatively using attribute returnTypeRef to reference a type defined in sole /iocConfiguration/typeDefinitions/typeDefinition element.


    Even though we only need the method name and signature, to identify the method, the return type makes the configuration more readable. Also, the return type serves as an additional way to identify the method, if a method with similar name and signature exists in multiple extended interfaces.

The example below demonstrates how method name and return type are specified:

<autoMethod name="GetValidators"

    <!--method signature and return value elements go here...-->

Method signature

Child element methodSignature is used to specify the auto-implemented method signature.

If the method has no parameters, no methodSignature element is necessary. Otherwise, this element should be present, which should list the method parameters.

The example below demonstrates how method signature is specified:

<!--autoMethod below is a configuration for a C# method
System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList[SharedServices.Interfaces.IActionValidator] GetValidators(
                        SharedServices.DataContracts.ActionTypes actionType,
                        System.Guid projectGuid,
                        int someIntParam)-->
<autoMethod name="GetValidators"

        <!--paramName attribute is optional, however it
            makes the auto-implementation more readable. -->
        <object paramName="actionType" typeRef="ActionTypes"/>
        <object paramName="projectGuid" type="System.Guid"/>
        <int32 paramName="someIntParam" />

    <!--return value elements go here..-->

Specifying the return values

Return values are specified by using any number of optional if elements, followed by required default element.

  • Specifying a return value using element if

    Element if is used to specify a return value by providing values for up to 10 parameters using attributes parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameter10.

    Attribute parameter1 corresponds to the first parameter in methodSignature element, attribute parameter2 corresponds to the second parameter in methodSignature element, and so on.

    The number of parameter attributes should be the same as the number of parameters in element methodSignature.

    The method auto-implemented by IoC.Configuration will return the value specified in child element of if element, if parameters in method call are equal to the values in attributes parameter1, parameter2, etc.


    The child of if element should be a value initializer element, such as collection, int32, constructedValue, injectedObject, etc. Refer to ../value-initialization-elements/index for more details on value initializer elements.

    The value of parameter attribute is one of the following:

    • A value that will be de-serialized by a parameter serializer to a value of the parameter (example <if parameter1="15.3">).


      Refer to ../parameter-serializers for more details on parameter serializers.

      Example (see parameter2 with value "8663708F-C707-47E1-AEDC-2CD9291AD4CB"):

      <!--The generated code will return a collection with two items of types
          SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator1 and SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator3
          if the first parameter value is SharedServices.DataContracts.ActionTypes.ViewFilesList, and the second parameter
          value is a Guid "8663708F-C707-47E1-AEDC-2CD9291AD4CB" (note, this value will be serialized to System.Guid,
          if the parameter is of type System.Guid).
      <if parameter1="_classMember:SharedServices.DataContracts.ActionTypes.ViewFilesList"
              <injectedObject type="SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator1" />
              <injectedObject type="SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator3" />
    • A class member specified by using prefix _classMember followed by class member path. Class member path is the full name of the type (or the type alias for some type defined in iocConfiguration/typeDefinitions/typeDefinition element), followed by class member name.


      Refer to ../value-initialization-elements/class-member for more details on how class members are resolved.


      Class member can be can be a member in the auto-generated service as well.

      Example (see parameter1 with value "_classMember:ActionTypes.ViewFileContents"):

      <!--The generated code will return a collection with one items of type
          SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator1, if the first parameter
          value is SharedServices.DataContracts.ActionTypes.ViewFileContents, and the second parameter
          value is a Guid "F981F171-B382-4F15-A8F9-FE3732918D3F" (note, this value will be serialized to
          System.Guid, if the parameter is of type System.Guid).
      <if parameter1="_classMember:ActionTypes.ViewFileContents"
              <injectedObject type="SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator1" />
    • A setting value specified by using prefix _settings followed by a setting name. A general, or plugin setting with specified name should exist in configuration file.


      Refer to ../settings or ../plugins for more details on general and plugin settings.

      Example (see parameter2 with value "_settings:Project1Guid"):

      <!--The generated code will return a collection with one item of type
          SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator3, if the first parameter
          value is SharedServices.DataContracts.ActionTypes.ViewFileContents, and the second parameter
          is equal to the value of setting named **Project1Guid**.
      <if parameter1="_classMember:ActionTypes.ViewFileContents"
              <injectedObject type="SharedServices.Implementations.ActionValidator3" />
  • Specifying a return value using element default

    Element default is is used to specify a value to return, if none of the conditions specified in if elements is true, or if no if element is present.

    IoC.Configuration will return the value specified in child of default element.


    The child of default element should be a value initializer element, such as collection, int32, constructedValue, injectedObject, etc. Refer to ../value-initialization-elements/index for more details on value initializer elements.


    <autoService interface="IoC.Configuration.Tests.AutoService.Services.IMemberAmbiguityDemo">
        <!--GetIntValues(): IReadOnlyList<int> GetIntValues(int param1, string param2)-->
        <autoMethod name="GetIntValues" returnType="System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList[System.Int32]" >
                <int32 paramName="param1"/>
                <string paramName="param2"/>
            <if parameter1="1" parameter2="str1">
                    <int32 value="17"/>
                    <int32 value="18"/>
                    <int32 value="19"/>
        <!--Some other autoMethod and autoproperty elements go here-->

Referencing the auto-implemented method parameters

Element parameterValue is used to reference a parameter value in auto-implemented method of auto-generated service.

This element can be used only under elements if or default under element autoMethod.

The element uses an attribute paramName to reference the parameter of auto-generated method. A parameter with this name should be declared under element ../autoService/autoMethod/methodSignature.


  <!--Demo of referencing auto-implemented method parameters using
      parameterValue element-->

    <autoMethod name="CreateAppInfo"

        <int32 paramName="appId"/>
        <string paramName="appDescription"/>

            <!--The value of name attribute is the name of constructor parameter
                in AppInfo-->
            The value of paramName attribute is the name of parameter in
            This parameter should be present under autoMethod/methodSignature element.
            <!--In this example the values of name and paramName are similar, however
                they don't have to be.-->
            <parameterValue name="appId" paramName="appId" />
            <parameterValue name="appDescription" paramName="appDescription" />

Caching the returned values

If constructing the object returned by the function is time consuming, an optional attribute reuseValue in element autoMethod can be used to cache the returned values.


    <autoMethod name="GetValidators"
                reuseValue="true" >
      <!--method signature and return value elements go here...-->
    <!--Some other autoMethod and autoProperty elements go here -->

Resolving conflicts by using declaringInterface in autoMethod

If the auto-implemented method with the specified name, signature, and return type is not in auto-implemented interface, but is present in multiple parent interfaces, IoC.Configuration will report an error, since it will not know which method the configuration refers to.

In such rare cases an attribute declaringInterface can be used to specify explicitly the parent interface, where the method is declared.


IoC.Configuration.Tests.AutoService.Services.IMemberAmbiguityDemo demonstrates cases
when there are multiple occurrences of auto-generated methods and properties with
same signatures and return types in its base interfaces.
<autoService interface="IoC.Configuration.Tests.AutoService.Services.IMemberAmbiguityDemo">

    <!--GetIntValues(): IReadOnlyList<int> GetIntValues(int param1, string param2)-->
    <autoMethod name="GetIntValues"
                returnType="System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList[System.Int32]" >
            <int32 paramName="param1"/>
            <string paramName="param2"/>
        <if parameter1="1" parameter2="str1">
              <int32 value="17"/>
                <int32 value="18"/>
                <int32 value="19"/>

    This method is declared in IMemberAmbiguityDemo_Parent3, which is a base interface for
    We can provide implementation for this interface, even though it has a similar signature
    and return type as the method
    By using the attribute 'declaringInterface', we make a distinction between these two.
    <autoMethod name="GetIntValues"
            <int32 paramName="param1"/>
            <string paramName="param2"/>
                <int32 value="3"/>