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PoC for CVE-2016-1000027

This is a demo Spring Boolt application that is affected by CVE-2016-1000027.

Steps to reproduce the vulnerability

  1. Start a vulnerable server com.gypsyengineer.server.Server.
  2. Run com.gypsyengineer.client.Exploit.

The Exploit class reads payload.bin and sends it to the vulnerable server. payload.bin contains a payload generated by ysoserial. The current payload.bin is CommonsCollections5 that runs gedit:

java -jar target/ysoserial-0.0.6-SNAPSHOT-all.jar CommonsCollections5 gedit > payload.bin

How to fix an application that is affected by CVE-2016-1000027

The issue has not been fixed in Spring Framework. See spring-projects/spring-framework#24434

Here is what can be done on application side.

  1. The best way is to stop using HttpInvokerServiceExporter and RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter classes. They are already deprecated and will likely be remove in next versions of Spring Framework.
  2. Do not accept untrusted data in the endpoints that are based on these vulnerable classes.
  3. Use serialization filters that were introduced by JEP 290.


  1. [R2] Pivotal Spring Framework HttpInvokerServiceExporter readRemoteInvocation Method Untrusted Java Deserialization
  2. OWASP: Deserialization of untrusted data
  3. The application is based on this.