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Yint is a small library easy to use with a cli implementation which works the same way as (see interpolate) .

It uses same implementation as you may found at (some code come from directly from it but without heavy dependencies).

Yaml patching use library.

Use as a library


package main

import (

var toto string = `
  key1: val1
var totoOps string = `

- type: replace
  path: /toto/key1
  value: titi

func main() {
	b, err := yint.Apply(yint.ApplyOpts{
		YamlContent: []byte(toto),
		YamlPath:    "manifest.yml",
		OpsFiles:    []string{"ops-file.yml", "ops-file2.yml"},
		OpsContent:  []byte(totoOps),

		//VarsKV: map[string]interface{}{
		//	"foo": "bar",
		//VarFiles: "foo=./content",
		//VarsEnv: []string{"MY"},
		VarFiles: []string{"vars.yml"},
	if err != nil {

Options details:

type ApplyOpts struct {
	YamlContent     []byte                 // Template byte content that will be interpolated (will be append to YamlPath if exists)
	YamlPath        string                 // Path to a template that will be interpolated (will be append to YamlContent if not empty)
	OpsContent      []byte                 // Load manifest operations from byte content (will be append with loaded OpsFiles if exists)
	OpsFiles        []string               // Load manifest operations from one or more YAML file(s) (will be append with loaded OpsContent if exists)
	VarsKV          map[string]interface{} // Set variable to inject
	VarFiles        []string               // Set variable to file contents
	VarsFiles       []string               // Load variables from a YAML file
	VarsEnv         []string               // Load variables from environment variables (e.g.: 'MY' to load MY_var=value)
	OpPath          string                 // Extract value out of template (e.g.: /private_key)
	VarErrors       bool                   // Expect all variables to be found, otherwise error
	VarErrorsUnused bool                   // Expect all variables to be used, otherwise error

Install the cli

On *nix system

You can install this via the command-line with either curl or wget.

via curl

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

via wget

$ sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

On windows

You can install it by downloading the .exe corresponding to your cpu from releases page: . Alternatively, if you have terminal interpreting shell you can also use command line script above, it will download file in your current working dir.

From go command line

Simply run in terminal:

$ go get

Use the cli

Like bosh int

yint interpolate manifest.yml [-v ...] [-o ...] [--path op-path] [--stdin] (Alias: int)

Interpolates variables into a manifest sending result to stdout. Operation files and variables can be provided to adjust and fill in template.

--path flag can be used to extract portion of a YAML document.


$ yint int bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/virtualbox/cpi.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/virtualbox/outbound-network.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/bosh-lite.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/jumpbox-user.yml \
  -v director_name=vbox \
  -v internal_ip= \
  -v internal_gw= \
  -v internal_cidr= \
  -v network_name=vboxnet0 \
  -v outbound_network_name=NatNetwork

$ yint int creds.yml --path /admin_password

$ yint int creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca

Simplest form

yint [-v ...] [-o ...] [--path op-path] [--stdin] manifest.yml


$ yint -o bosh-deployment/virtualbox/cpi.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/virtualbox/outbound-network.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/bosh-lite.yml \
  -o bosh-deployment/jumpbox-user.yml \
  -v director_name=vbox \
  -v internal_ip= \
  -v internal_gw= \
  -v internal_cidr= \
  -v network_name=vboxnet0 \
  -v outbound_network_name=NatNetwork \

$ yint --path /admin_password creds.yml

$ yint --path /director_ssl/ca creds.yml