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agular-tagsCategorizer Build Status

Inline year selector with callbacks, drag and drop and range selection. WIP.


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Getting Started

Install with Bower or download the files directly from the dist folder in the repo.

bower install agular-tagsCategorizer --save

Add dist/angular-tagscategorizer.js and dist/angular-tagscategorizer.css to your index.html.

IMPORTANT: At this point, tags-categorizer depends on angular-dragula and dragula. Please add it as a dependency.

Add tagsCategorizer as a module dependency for your module.

angular.module('your_app', ['tagsCategorizer']);


The tags-categorizer directive, by default, expects only the model object, which will give you the selected date or range

You can use it like this:

<div tags-categorizer="{model: 'myModel'}"></div>

IMPORTANT: The library is dependent on many third part libs, so at this time it is not feasible. That's why the WIP.

There's also a full set of options:

  • something - Optional. Defaults to 10 years. You can input a number of years from which you can select or a scope variable with the length you need. Mind you, if you put 40 years in a really small container it won't look good. This is a TODO.

A full usage would look like this: <div tags-categorizer="{model: 'myModel', years: 15, attachTo: '.mySelector', attachNow: triggerAttachment, externalCallback: updateYearSelection, range: false, drag: false}"></div>

Release History

  • v0.1.0 - Initial release.