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utility module for Android to handle in-app purchases through Google Play Store.

The module contains

  • PaymentViewGroup:
  • PaymentDialogFragment:
  • ThankYouDialogFragment:


In order to use this module in your Android Studio, you should first reference it from your project.

Modify build.gradle file to specify the directory to the donations.aar file. In my case, I put my aar files in a directory called aars under the project directory.

repositories {
    flatDir { dirs 'aars' }

Then add the module dependency declaration:

dependencies {
    compile(name: 'donations', ext: 'aar')

Now you can start using the module. PaymentDialogFragment class takes the array resource of the product ids of your in-app purchase items. In the arrays.xml file, define your product ids.

<array name="product_ids">

Create a new instance of the ProductDialogFragment class with the previously defined product ids array resource as an argument and show it like you would any fragment instance:

FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
Fragment prev = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(DONATE_DIALOG);
if(prev != null) {

final PaymentDialogFragment frgDonationsDialog = PaymentDialogFragment.getInstance(R.array.product_ids);, DONATE_DIALOG);

To listen for successful payment events, for example, to thank your donors implement the PaymentDialogFragment.PaymentCompletedListener interface:

frgDonationsDialog.setPaymentCompletedListener(new PaymentDialogFragment.PaymentCompletedListener() {
    public void onPaymentCompleted() {

Finally, you need to listen for the result for the buy intent. The buy intent is sent from PaymentDialogFragment, but the result will first arrive at the parent activities onActivityResult() method. Therefore, you need modify the method to redirect the result into out Dialog Fragment. PaymentDialogFragment send the intent with the PaymentDialogFragment.PAYMENT_RESULT_CODE request code. You can use that constant to redirect the proper response.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {		
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if(requestCode == PaymentDialogFragment.PAYMENT_RESULT_CODE) {
        FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
        Fragment fragment = fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(DONATE_DIALOG);
        if (fragment != null)
            fragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

You can find a complete example in the app section of the project. Additionally, you can check out my AndrOSC and PhotoStrips repositories to see further examples.


a utility module for Android to handle in-app purchases through Google Play Store






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