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Instructions for setup

In order to use this code, you need to use the docker image we have relased along with the code for dependencies. For a basic tutorial on Docker, see this. For installation steps, follow this. In simple terms, for our case, docker is like a self-enclosed virtual environment which anyone can download and run the code inside it instead of having to follow the tedious steps for installing dependencies. Check the installation by running:

$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe

Depending on whether you have a CPU-only machine or a GPU machine, you need to use different docker images. If you do have a GPU machine, make sure you are able to run nvidia-smi and see your GPUs.


  1. Creating an account on Weights and Biases: We use W&B (or wandb) for logging and visualization. If you do not have a W&B account, you can create one for free. After that, copy your W&B API key from Settings. This will be needed later on.

  2. Create a dockerhub account and login: Create an account on In your local terminal, log in:

docker login -u <your-dockerhub-username>
Password: <Enter your dockerhub password when asked to enter>
  1. Setup SSH keys on GitHub: Instead of entering password everytime you push code to GitHub, this code requires using SSH keys. If you have already set this up, you can skip this step. Follow the steps here.
  1. Setup data and output folders: Create the following folder structure (to store data and outputs) inside ~/ or any other directory.
├── data
└── outputs
    └── <your name>

3 directories, 0 files

Get started

  • Clone the repository
cd ~/
mkdir projects; cd projects;
git clone

For internal testing, please switch to branch pb/test-no-lfs to continue.

  • Pull required docker image: Note that this might change depending on whether this image works. For a CPU-only machine, run:
docker pull wadhwaniai/cough-against-covid:py3-1.1

For a GPU machine, run:

Note: This image is not ready yet.

docker pull wadhwaniai/cough-against-covid:py3-1.2
  • Fire a container using the docker image: First, set the following enviroment variables:
export WANDB_API_KEY=<your W&B API key obtained from previous section>
export WANDB_CONFIG_DIR=</path/to/any/folder>/.config/wandb/

Tip: It is convenient to put these in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile instead of setting them manually everytime. Add the line export WANDB_API_KEY=XYZ to your ~/.bashrc file.

Depending on whether you have a CPU-only machine or a GPU machine, you can choose which docker image to use. Next, you can start a container by the following command:

cd ~/projects/cough-against-covid/setup/

# for a GPU machine
bash -g 0 -n sample-container -e ~/cac/ -u piyush -p 8001

# for a CPU machine
bash -g -1 -n sample-container -e ~/cac/ -u piyush -p 8001

>>> Explanation
-g: GPU number, pass -1 for a non-GPU machine
-n: name of the container
-e: path to the folder where data and outputs are to be stored
-u: username (this is the name of folder you created inside outputs/ folder)
-p: port number (this is needed if you want to start jupyter lab on a remote machine)

Once you are inside the container, you can run the training/evaluation scripts. You should see an interface like this. image

Note that, inside the container, the code is mounted at /workspace/cough-against-covid/, the data is mounted at /data/ and your outputs at /outputs/.

For CPU-only machine, inside the container, run the following command to test you are able to load the right torch version:

$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

For GPU machine, inside the container, run the following command to test you are able to load the right torch version:

$ python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

You can exit (and kill) the running docker container by pressing Ctrl + D inside the container.

(Optional) Starting Jupyter lab

In order to spin up jupyter lab from inside the container, use: (note the use of the same port which was used to start the container)

cd /workspace/cough-against-covid/setup/
bash 8001

Now visit <IP of the machine>:8001 in a browser. If running on a local machine, visit, the password is "cac@1234" without the double-quotes. If you want to keep this secure, you can set the password by running jupyter notebook passwd, modifying to remove --NotebookApp.password argument before running the above command.

(Optional) Updating docker image

In case you want to make certain changes to your local docker container and commit them as a new image, you can do that by modifying the Dockerfile and then running:

cd setup/
docker build -t wadhwaniai/cough-against-covid:py3-1.0 . -f Dockerfile
docker push <your docker username>/<your docker repo>:<tag>