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SAP HANA HA Submodule

This module deals with SAP HANA HA configuration and deployment.


The resources/services/activations/deletions that this module will create/trigger are:

  • Create Primary and Secondary Compute Instance that will host SAP HANA HA.
  • Create a Static IP Address for the two Compute Instance's.
  • Create 2 Persistent Disks to host SAP HANA HA's File systems on primary and secondary nodes.

You can go in the examples folder complete working example. However, here's an example of how to use the module in a file.

module "gcp_sap_hana_ha" {
source                      = "../../modules/sap_hana_ha"
subnetwork                 = "${var.subnetwork}"
linux_image_family         = "${var.linux_image_family}"
linux_image_project        = "${var.linux_image_project}"
instance_type              = "${var.instance_type}"
network_tags               = "${var.network_tags}"
project_id                 = "${var.project_id}"
region                     = "${var.region}"
service_account_email      = "${var.service_account_email}"
boot_disk_size             = "${var.boot_disk_size}"
boot_disk_type             = "${var.boot_disk_type}"
autodelete_disk            = "true"
pd_ssd_size                = "${var.pd_ssd_size}"
pd_hdd_size                = "${var.pd_hdd_size}"
sap_hana_deployment_bucket = "${var.sap_hana_deployment_bucket}"
sap_deployment_debug       = "false"
post_deployment_script     = "${var.post_deployment_script}"
sap_hana_sid               = "${var.sap_hana_sid}"
primary_instance_name      = "${var.primary_instance_name}"
secondary_instance_name    = "${var.secondary_instance_name}"
primary_zone               = "${var.primary_zone}"
secondary_zone             = "${var.secondary_zone}"
sap_hana_instance_number   = "${var.sap_hana_instance_number}"
sap_hana_sidadm_password   = "${var.sap_hana_sidadm_password}"
sap_hana_system_password   = "${var.sap_hana_system_password}"
sap_hana_sidadm_uid        = 900
sap_hana_sapsys_gid        = 900
sap_vip                    = "${var.sap_vip}"
sap_vip_secondary_range    = "${var.sap_vip_secondary_range}"
primary_instance_ip        = "${var.primary_instance_ip}"
secondary_instance_ip      = "${var.secondary_instance_ip}"
public_ip                  = "${var.public_ip}"

sap_vip_internal_address   = "${var.sap_vip_internal_address}"


Make sure you've gone through the root Requirement Section

SAP HANA Software

Follow instructions here to properly Download SAP HANA from the SAP Marketplace, and upload it to a GCS bucket.

Configure Service Account for identifying the Compute instances

The compute instances created by this submodule will need to download SAP HANA from a GCS bucket in order install it. Follow the instructions below to ensure a successful installation:

  1. Create a new service account
  2. Grant this new service account the following permissions on the bucket where you uploaded SAP HANA installation file:
    • roles/storage.objectViewer

You may use the following gcloud commands: gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project-id> --member=serviceAccount:<service-account-email> --role=roles/storage.objectViewer

  1. When configuring the module, use this newly created service account's email, to set the service_account_email input variable.

Post deployment script

If you need to run a post deployment script, the script needs to be accessible via a https:// or gs:// URl. It is the recommended way is to use a GCS Bucket in the following way.:

  1. Upload the to a GCS bucket.

  2. Make sure the service account attached to the instance has the following permissions on the bucket:

    • roles/storage.objectViewer
      • Note that this permission should already be granted if the bucket is in the same project as the one where you created the service account previously.
  3. Set the post_deployment_script input to the gs:// link to your script. (i.e gs://<bucket_name>/<my_script>)


Name Description Type Default Required
autodelete_disk Whether the disk will be auto-deleted when the instance is deleted. string "false" no
boot_disk_size Root disk size in GB string n/a yes
boot_disk_type The GCE data disk type. May be set to pd-standard (for PD HDD) or pd-ssd. string n/a yes
disk_name_0 Name of first disk. string "sap-hana-pd-sd-0" no
disk_name_1 Name of second disk. string "sap-hana-pd-sd-1" no
disk_name_2 Name of third disk. string "sap-hana-pd-sd-2" no
disk_name_3 Name of fourth disk. string "sap-hana-pd-sd-3" no
disk_type_0 The GCE data disk type. May be set to pd-ssd. string "pd-ssd" no
disk_type_1 The GCE data disk type. May be set to pd-standard (for PD HDD). string "pd-standard" no
instance_type The GCE instance/machine type. string n/a yes
linux_image_family GCE image family. string n/a yes
linux_image_project Project name containing the linux image. string n/a yes
network_tags List of network tags to attach to the instance. list n/a yes
pd_hdd_size Persistent disk size in GB string "" no
pd_ssd_size Persistent disk size in GB string "" no
post_deployment_script SAP post deployment script string n/a yes
primary_instance_ip Primary instance ip address string n/a yes
primary_instance_name A unique name for the resource, required by GCE. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
primary_zone The primary zone that the instance should be created in. string n/a yes
project_id The ID of the project in which the resources will be deployed. string n/a yes
region Region to deploy the resources. Should be in the same region as the zone. string n/a yes
sap_deployment_debug Debug flag for SAP HANA deployment. string "false" no
sap_hana_deployment_bucket SAP HANA post deployment script. Must be a gs:// or https:// link to the script. string n/a yes
sap_hana_instance_number SAP HANA instance number string n/a yes
sap_hana_sapsys_gid SAP HANA SAP System GID string n/a yes
sap_hana_sid SAP HANA System Identifier. When using the SID to enter a user session, like this for example, su - [SID]adm, make sure that [SID] is in lower case. string n/a yes
sap_hana_sidadm_password SAP HANA System Identifier Admin password string n/a yes
sap_hana_sidadm_uid SAP HANA System Identifier Admin UID string n/a yes
sap_hana_system_password SAP HANA system password string n/a yes
sap_vip SAP VIP string n/a yes
sap_vip_internal_address Name of static IP adress to add to the instance's access config. string n/a yes
sap_vip_secondary_range SAP seconday VIP range string n/a yes
secondary_instance_ip Secondary instance ip address string n/a yes
secondary_instance_name A unique name for the resource, required by GCE. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
secondary_zone The secondary zone that the instance should be created in. string n/a yes
service_account_email Email of service account to attach to the instance. string n/a yes
startup_script_1 Startup script to install SAP HANA. string n/a yes
startup_script_2 Startup script to install SAP HANA. string n/a yes
subnetwork Compute Engine instance name string n/a yes


Name Description
primary_instance_machine_type Primary GCE instance/machine type.
primary_instance_name Name of sap primary instance
primary_zone Compute Engine primary instance deployment zone
secondary_instance_machine_type Secondary GCE instance/machine type.
secondary_instance_name Name of sap secondary instance
secondary_zone Compute Engine secondary instance deployment zone