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  Hans Heidmann	 Calvin Hicks

Sean Tranchetti  Madison Rockwell


An Arduino wristband that provides information on how the user is pacing
themselves during a run, walk or cycling route. It tracks GPS locations
and current times to compare the users current performance with previous attempts
at the route. Other features could include more familiar statistics such as
total time, heart rate, and calories burned as well as an accompanying app to
display this information in a beautiful and clear manner. This is a large 
project that could be beyond the scope of time set for this class. We will set
smaller goals that can be met by class end and expand on that if we are ahead
of schedule. 

./3d Models -> Models for a failed 3D print of a case for our wristband
./Arduino Code -> All code for the Arduino in our wristband
./AssingmentPDFs -> All PDFs of the various assignment parts for the class
./Circuit_Schematics -> Generated images of our wristband circuit layout
./core-plot -> A graphing library we need for our app
./doc -> The doxygen-generated documentation for our code
./Fritzing -> Fritzing files for circuit design
./Icons and Launch Image -> Icon for our app on the home screen
./InPace -> Our source code
./Photo_Documentation -> Various pictures of our project
./Photoshop App Icon Files -> Photoshop file for our Icons
./test -> Test framework and test files

How to Build and Run InPace:

Step 1 - Clone our Respository

// git clone

Step 2 - Open Xcode 

// Click File -> Open: CS-3308-Project/InPace/InPace.xcodeproj

Step 3 - Build and Run

// In Xcode, press COMMAND+R or click Project -> Build and Run

Running InPace Tests (note that these require clang and GNUSTEP)

Step 1 - Build the test executable

// make test

Step 2 - run the executable

// ./test/db_test

///   						  ///

***  Electronics Parts List  ***
// Arduino Pro Mini (5V/16mHz Version)

// Sparkfun "FTDI Basic" (USB Mini to FTDI programmer, 5V version) 

// Common Anode RGB LED (4 pins, See my pin description below)

// 2 brown-black-red resistors (1KΩ 5% tolerance)

// 3 red-black-brown resistors (200Ω 5% tolerance)

// 2 Momentary Tactile Push Buttons (2 pin)

// 3-pin On/Off Switch

// Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout Board

// Adafruit microSD Card Breakout (Input Voltage: 3-5 Volts)

// 3.7 Volt Single Cell 110 mAh LiPo Battery

// Adafruit "MicroLipo" Lipo Charger (3.7 Volt Output)

// Power Booster "DROK® Slim Boost Converter Module"  (DC 2.5-6V to 4-12V Voltage Regulator)

// Red Bear Labs "BLE Mini v1.1" Bluetooth Module 


Adafruit microSD Card Read/Write Pins

CS -> pin D-10
MOSI -> pin D-11
MISO -> pin D-12
CLK -> pin D-13


Adafruit Ultimate GPS_Module Module Pins

RX --> pin D-2
TX --> pin D-3


Red Bear Labs BLE 4.0 Bluetooth Module Pins

RX --> TX
TX --> RX


Bluetooth push button --> pin 8
GPS push button --> pin 9


Four-Pin Addressable G-R-B LED

    /  \
    |___|  <-- flat side
    /| |\
   | | | |
   | | | |
   | | | |
   | | | 4
   1 | 3 

(1) RED ground
(2) 4.5-6V VIN  -->  VCC
(3) ground  -->  GND
(4) locic output  -->  (Nothing, but could be used to chain more G-R-B LEDs together.)


////// systemState ////

systemState = 1: Waiting for user interaction
                 - RGB LED should be RED
                 - attemping to get a GPS_Module Satellite fix

systemState = 2: Logging GPS_Module data
                 - LED should be GREEN
                 - open dataFile (GPS_Moduledata.txt) for writing to
                 - read in GPS_Module data from software serial pins 2 and 3
                 - write GPS_Module data to the microSD

systemState = 3: Sending Data Over Bluetooth
                 - LED should be BLUE
                 - open dataFile (GPS_Moduledata.txt) for reading from
                 - iterate through all the lines of the text file
                 - send each line of the text file through bluetooth as a string
                 - *GPS_Moduledata.txt will be "rebuilt" string by string on the iOS receiving end


InPace - Spring 2015 Final Submission






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