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File metadata and controls

499 lines (365 loc) · 14.6 KB


The top level object in every configuration file must be a ~flambe.runnable.Runnable, the most common and useful being the ~flambe.experiment.Experiment class which facilitates executing a ML pipeline.

The Experiment's most important parameter is the ~flambe.experiment.Experiment.pipeline, where users can define a DAG of Components describing how dataset, models, training procedures, etc interact between them.


For a full specification of Experiment, see ~flambe.experiment.Experiment

The implementation of ~flambe.experiment.Experiment and its pipeline uses `Ray's Tune <>_ under the hood.


A pipeline is defined as a list of Components that will be executed sequentiall. Each ~flambe.compile.Component is identified by a key that can be used for later linking.

Let's assume that we want to define an experiment that consists on:

  1. Pick dataset A and preprocess it.
  2. Train model A on dataset A.
  3. Preprocess dataset B.
  4. Finetune the model trained in 2. on dataset B.
  5. Evaluate the fine tuned model on dataset A testset.

All these stages can be represented by a sequential pipeline in a simple and readable way:

    dataset_A: !SomeDataset

    model_A: !SomeModel

    trainer: !Trainer
       model: !@ model_A
       dataset: !@ dataset_A

    dataset_B: !Trainer

    fine_tunning: !Trainer
       model: !@ trainer.model
       dataset: !@ dataset_B

    eval: !Evaluator
       model: !@ trainer.model
       dataset: !@ dataset_A

Note how this represents a DAG where the nodes are the Components and the edges are the links to attributes of previouly defined Components.

As seen before in starting-quickstart_label, stagegs in the pipeline are connected using Links.

Links can be used anywhere in the pipeline to refer to earlier components or any of their attributes.

During the compilation that is described above in understanding-component-delayed-init_label we actually resolve the links to their intended value, but cache the original link representation so that we can dump back to YAML with the original links later.

Search Options

Experiment supports declaring multiple variants in the pipeline by making use of the search tags:

    model: !TextClassifier
       n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]


The value !g [2, 3, 4] indicates that each of the values should be tried. Flambé will create internally 3 variants of the model.

You can specify grid search options search for any parameter in your config, without changing your code to accept a new type of input! (in this case n_layers still receives an int )


You can also search over Components or even links:


  dataset: !SomeDataset
      text: !g
      - !SomeTextField {{}}  # Double braces needed here
      - !SomeOtherTextField {{}}

Types of search options


Previously shown. It grids over all its values

param: !g [1, 2, 3]  # grids over 1, 2 and 3.
param: !g [0.001, 0.01]  # grids over 0.001 and 0.01

Yields k values from a range (low, high). If both low and high are int values, then !s will yield int values. Otherwise, it will yield float values.

param: !s [1, 10, 5]  # yiels 5 int values from 1 to 10
param: !s [1.5, 2.2, 5]  # yiels 5 float values from 1.5 to 2.2
param: !s [1.5, 2.2, 5, 2]  # yiels 5 float values from 1.5 to 2.2, rounded to 2 decimals

Combining Search tags

Search over different attributes at the same time will have a combinatorial effect.

For example:

    model: !TextClassifier
       n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
       hidden_size: !g [128, 256]

This will produce 6 variants (3 n_layers values times 2 hidden_size values)

Variants inheritance


Any object that links to an attribute of an object that describes multiple variants will inherit those variants.

    model: !TextClassifier
       n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
       hidden_size: !g [128, 256]
    trainer: !Trainer
       model: !@ model
       lr: !g [0.01, 0.001]

    evaluator: !Evaluator
       model: !@ trainer.model

The trainer will have 12 variants (6 from model times 2 for the lr). eval will run for 12 variants as it links to trainer.


Experiment provides a ~flambe.experiment.Experiment.reduce mechanism so that variants don't flow down the pipeline. reduce is declared at the Experiment level and it can specify the number of variants to reduce to for each Component.

    model: !TextClassifier
       n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
       hidden_size: !g [128, 256]
    trainer: !Trainer
       model: !@ model
       lr: !g [0.01, 0.001]

    evaluator: !Evaluator
       model: !@ trainer.model

   trainer: 2

Flambé will then pick the best 2 variants before finishing executing ``trainer``. This means eval will receive the best 2 variants only.

Resources (Additional Files and Folders)

The ~flambe.experiment.Experiment.resources argument lets users specify files that can be used in the ~flambe.experiment.Experiment (usually local datasets, embeddings or other files). In this section, you can put your resources under local or remote.

Local resources: The local section must include all local files.

Remote resources: The remote section must contain all files that are going to be located in the instances and must not be uploaded. This feature is only useful when running remotely (read understanding-clusters_label)


        data: path/to/train.csv
        embeddings: path/to/embeddings.txt
        remote_embeddings: /file/in/instance/


The remote section is only useful in remote experiments. If the user is running local experiments, then only the local section should be used.

resources can be referenced in the pipeline via linking:


        embeddings: path/to/embeddings.txt

      some_field: !@ embeddings

Scheduling and Reducing Strategies

When running a search over hyperparameters, you may want to run a more sophisticated scheduler. Using Tune, you can already use algorithms such as HyperBand, and soon more complex search algorithms like HyperOpt will be available.

    b1: !tune.HyperBandScheduler

    b0: !ext.TCProcessor
        dataset: !ext.SSTDataset
    b1: !Trainer
        train_sampler: !BatchSampler
            data: !@ b0.train
            batch_size: !g [32, 64, 128]
        model: ...
    b2: !Evaluator
        model: !@ b1.model

General Logging

We adopted the standard library's logging module for logging:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
..."Some info here")
logger.error("Something went wrong here...")

The best part of the logging paradigm is that you can instantly start logging in any file in your code without passing any data or arguments through your object hierarchy.


By default, only log statements at or above the INFO log level will be shown in the console. The rest of the logs will be saved in ~/.flambe/logs (more on this in advanced-debugging_label)

In order to show all logs in the console, you can use the --vebose flag when running flambé:

flambe my_config_file.yaml --verbose

Tensorboard Logging

Flambé provides full integration with Tensorboard. Users can easily have data routed to Tensorboard through the logging interface:

from flambe import log
loss = ... # some calculation here
log('train loss', loss, step)

Where the first parameter is the tag which Tensorboard uses to name the value. The logging system will automatically detect the type and make sure it goes to the right Tensorboard function. See flambe.logging.log in the package reference.

Flambé provides also logging special types of data:

  • flambe.logging.log_image for images
  • flambe.logging.log_histogram for distributions and histograms
  • flambe.logging.log_pr_curves for displaying PR curves
  • flambe.logging.log_text for displaying text

See the ~flambe.logging for more information on how to use this logging methods.

Script Usage

If you're using the flambe.learn.Script object to wrap an existing piece of code with a command-line based interface, all of the logging information above still applies to you!

See more on Scripts in tutorials-script_label.

Checkpointint and Saving

As starting-quickstart_label explains, flambé saves an ~flambe.experiment.Experiment in a hierarchical way so that Components can be accessed independant to each other. Specifically, our save files are a directory by default, and include information about the class name, version, source code, and YAML config, in addition to the state that PyTorch normally saves, and any custom state that the implementer of the class may have included.

For example, if you initialize and use the following object as a part of your Experiment:

embedder: !Embedder
  embedding: !torch.Embedding
    input_size: !@ b0.text.vocab_size
    embedding_size: 300
  encoder: !PooledRNNEncoder
    input_size: 300
    rnn_type: lstm
    n_layers: 2
    hidden_size: 256
output_layer: !SoftmaxLayer
  input_size: !@ b1.model.encoder.encoder.rnn.hidden_size
  output_size: !@ b0.label.vocab_size

Then the save directory would look like the following:

├── config.yaml
├── version.txt
├── embedder
│   ├──
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── version.txt
│   ├──
│   ├── embedding
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── config.yaml
│   │   ├── version.txt
│   │   └──
│   └── encoder
│       ├──
│       ├── config.yaml
│       ├── version.txt
│       └──
└── output_layer
    ├── config.yaml
    ├── version.txt

Note that each subdirectory is self-contained: if it's possible to load that object on its own, you can load from just that subdirectory.


As seen before, each variant of a ~flambe.compile.Component will have it's separate output folder.


Flambé will save in this format automatically after each Component of the pipeline executes As there are objects that execute multiple times (for example, ~flambe.learn.Trainer), each time the state will be overriden by the latest one (checkpointing).


~/flambe.experiment.Experiment has a way of resuming perviously run experiments:

resume: trainer
    model: !TextClassifier
       n_layers: !g [2, 3, 4]
       hidden_size: !g [128, 256]

    trainer: !Trainer
       model: !@ model
       lr: !g [0.01, 0.001]

    other_trainer: !Trainer
       model: !@ trainer.model

By providing a Component keyname (or a list of them) that belong to the pipeline, then flambé will resume all blocks up until the given one (or ones).


Experiment has a debugging option that is only available in local executions (not remotely). This is activated by adding debug: True at the top level of the YAML.

When debugging is on, a debugger will appear before executing run on each Component.


Debugging is not enabled when running remote experiments.

Adding Custom State

Users can add other data to the state that is saved in the save directory. If you just want to have some additional instance attributes added, you can register them at the end of the __init__ method:

class MyModel(flambe.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, x, ...):
        self.x = x,
        self.y = None
        self.register_attrs('x', 'y')

This will cause the get_state method to start including x and y in the state dict for instances of MyModel, and when you load state into instances of MyModel it will know to update these attributes.

If you want more flexibility to manipulate the state_dict or add computed properties you can override the ~flambe.compile.Component._state and ~flambe.compile.Component._load_state methods.