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File metadata and controls

272 lines (186 loc) · 9.2 KB


The most important class in Flambé is ~flambe.compile.Component which implements loading from YAML (using !ClassName notation) and saving state.

Loading and Dumping from YAML

A ~flambe.compile.Component can be created from a YAML config representation, as seen the starting-quickstart_label example.

Lets take the previously used ~flambe.nlp.classification.TextClassifier component:

embedder: !Embedder
  embedding: !torch.Embedding
    num_embeddings: 200
    embedding_dim: 300
  encoder: !PooledRNNEncoder
    input_size: 300
    rnn_type: lstm
    n_layers: 3
    hidden_size: 256
output_layer: !SoftmaxLayer
  input_size: 256
  output_size: 10

Loading and dumping objects can be done using flambe.compile.yaml module.

from flambe.compile import yaml

# Loading from YAML into a Schema
text_classifier_schema = yaml.load(open("model.yaml"))
text_classifier = text_classifier_schema()  # Compile the Schema

# Dumping object
yaml.dump(text_classifier, open("new_model.yaml", "w"))


Components compile to an intermediate state called ~flambe.compile.Schema when calling yaml.load(). This partial representation can be compiled into the final object by calling obj() (ie executing __call__), as shown in the example above. For more information about this, go to understanding-component-delayed-init_label.

For more examples of the YAML representation of an object look at understanding-configuration_label

Saving and Loading State

While YAML represents the "architecture" or how to create an instance of some class, it does not capture the state. For state, Components rely on a recursive ~flambe.compile.Component.get_state and ~flambe.compile.Component.load_state methods that work similarly to PyTorch's nn.Module.state_dict and nn.Module.load_state_dict:

from flambe.compile import yaml

# Loading from YAML into a Schema
text_classifier_schema = yaml.load(open("model.yaml"))
text_classifier = text_classifier_schema()  # Compile the Schema

state = text_classifier.get_state()

from flambe.nlp.classification import TextClassifier

another_text_classifier = TextClassifier(...)

Semantic Versioning

In order to identify and describe changes in class definitions, flambé supports opt-in semantic class versioning. (If you're not familiar with semantic versioning see this link).

Each class has a class property _flambe_version to prevent conflics when loading previously saved states. Initially, all versions are set to 0.0.0, indicating that class versioning should not be used. Once you increment the version, Flambé will then start comparing the saved class version with the version on the class at load-time.

See understanding-experiments-custom-state_label for more information about ~flambe.compile.Component.get_state and ~flambe.compile.Component.load_state.

Delayed Initialization

When you load Components from YAML they are not initialized into objects immediately. Instead, they are precompiled into a ~flambe.compile.Schema that you can think of as a blueprint for how to create the object later. This mechanism allows Components to use links and grid search options.

If you load a schema directly from YAML you can compile it into an instance by calling the schema:

from flambe.compile import yaml

schema = yaml.load('path/to/file.yaml')
obj = schema()

Core Components


This object holds the training, validation and test data. Its only requirement is to have the three properties: train, dev and test, each pointing to a list of examples. For convenience we provide a TabularDataset implementation of the interface, which can load any csv or tsv type format.

from flambe.dataset import TabularDataset
import numpy as np

# Random dataset
train = np.random.random((2, 100))
val = np.random.random((2, 10))
test = np.random.random((2, 10))

dataset = TabularDataset(train, val, test)

A field takes raw examples and produces a torch.Tensor (or tuple of torch.Tensor). We provide useful fields such as TextField, or LabelField which perform tokenization and numericalization.

from flambe.field import TextField
from flambe.tokenizer import WordTokenizer

import numpy as np

# Random dataset
data = np.array(['Flambe is awesome', 'This framework rocks!'])
text_field = TextField(WordTokenizer())

# Setup the entire dataset to build vocab.
text_field.vocab_size  # Returns to 9

text_field.process("Flambe rocks")  # Returns tensor([6, 1])

A sampler produces batches of data, as an interator. We provide a simple BaseSampler implementation, which takes a dataset as input, as well as the batch size, and produces batches of data. Each batch is a tuple of tensors, padded to the maximum length along each dimension.

from flambe.sampler import BaseSampler
from flambe.dataset import TabularDataset
import numpy as np

dataset = TabularDataset(np.random.random((2, 10)))

sampler = BaseSampler(batch_size=4)
for batch in sampler.sample(dataset):
    # Do something with batch

This object is the main model component interface. It must implement the forward method as PyTorch's nn.Module requires.

We also provide additional machine learning components in the nn submodule, such as Encoder with many different implementations of these interfaces.


A ~flambe.learn.Trainer takes as input the training and dev samplers, as well as a model and an optimizer. By default, the object keeps track of the last and best models, and each call to run is considered to be an arbitrary of training iterations, and a single evaluation pass over the validation set. It implements the ~flambe.learn.Trainer.metric method, which points to the best metric observed so far.


An ~flambe.learn.Evaluator evaluates a given ~flambe.nn`Module over a ~flambe.dataset.Dataset and computes given metrics.


A ~flambe.learn.Script integrate a pre-written script with Flambé.


For more detailed information about this Components, please refer to their documentation.

Custom Component

Custom Components should implement the method. This method performs a single computation step, and returns a boolean, indicating whether the Component is done executing (True iff there is more work to do).

class MyClass(Component):

    def __init__(self, a, b):

    def run(self) -> bool:
        return continue_flag


We recommend always extending from an implementation of Component rather than implementing the plain interface. For example, if implementing an autoencoder, inherit from Module or if implementing cross validation training, inherit from Trainer.

If you would like to include custom state in the state returned by ~flambe.compile.Component.get_state method see the understanding-experiments-custom-state_label section and the ~flambe.compile.Component package reference.

Then in YAML you could do the following:

  a: val1
  b: val2

# or using the registrable_factory

Flambé also provides a way of registering factory methods to be used in YAML:

class MyClass(Component):


    def special_factory(cls, x, y):
        a, b = do_something(x, y)
        return cls(a, b)

Now you can do:

  x: val1
  y: val2

For information on how to add your custom ~flambe.compile.Component in the YAML files, go to understanding-extensions_label