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Meeting Topic Queue

mojavelinux edited this page Sep 13, 2014 · 13 revisions

A queue of high-level topics for future meetings, BOFs or conferences. As Linda Richman would say, “Talk among yourselves.”

  • Migrating the discussion list to Discourse (or alternative)

  • Inline parsing using a recursive decent parser

  • Tooling ideas

  • Additional extension points (e.g., block filters)

  • Documentation layout and aggregation (DRY, C.O.P.E.)

  • Stylesheet factory (Foundation 5, Bootstrap 3)

  • Visual QA

  • Linux packaging

  • Standardization (i.e., UniDoc)

  • Software Freedom Conservancy membership

  • Google Summer of Code, Gnome Outreach Program for Women, Facebook Open Academy (and CS at Stanford)

  • Automation

  • Linked assets (e.g., alternate CDNs that we control, like Bintray)

  • Deployment, configurating & experience on services like GitHub / ReadTheDocs

  • Test suite (specifically core)

  • Release planning and management / using issue milestones and consistent labels