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Contributing to Skater

Skater is an open source project released under the MIT license. We invite users help contribute to the project by reporting bugs, requesting features, working on the documentation and codebase.

As with any GitHub project, one should always begin addressing a bug by searching through existing issues. If an issue for the bug does not exist, please create one with the relevant tags:

Performance Memory and speed related issues.
Installation Issues experienced attempting to install Skater.
Plotting Issues associated with Skater's plotting functionality.
Enhancement Request for a new feature, or augmentation of an existing feature.
Bug Errors or unexpected behavior.

We may augment this tag set as needed.

Currently there are 4 test files:

Feature Importance
Partial Dependence
Tests of LIME functionality

New tests should be added to relevant test file. If no current file covers the feature, please add a new file with the following structure:

class MyNewTestClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        create objects and data

    def test_function_1(self):
    def test_function_2(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)

Skater is distributed under an MIT license. By submitting a pull request for this project, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license to this project as well.

Stylistically, contributions should follow PEP8, with the exception that methods are separated by 2 lines instead of 1.

Before a PR is accepted, travis builds must pass on all environments, and flake8 tests must all pass.

Every additional package dependency adds a potential installation complexity, so only dependencies that are critical to the package should be added to the code base. PRs that involve the addition of a new dependency will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Is the application of the dependency isolated, such that removing it is trivial, or will it be deeply integrated into the package.
  • Does the dependency have known installation issues on common platforms?
  • Does the application using the dependency need to be in the Skater package?

We'd like to improve the package in a few key ways. The list below represents aspects we definitely want to address.

Performance We would like to improve performance where ever possible. Model agnostic algorithms can only be implemented under a "perturb and observe" framework, whereby inputs are selectively chosen, outputs are observed, and metrics, inferences, visualizations are created. Therefore, the bottleneck is always the speed of the prediction function, which we will not have control over. The best way to improve Skater performance is with parallelization (what is the quickest way to execute N function calls) and intelligent sampling (how few function calls can we make/ how few observations can we pass to each function).
Algorithms There are other interpretation algorithms we'd like to support. One family of algorithms would fall under the category of "model surrogates", where models are approximated, either locally (like LIME) or globally. These algorithms must be accurate/faithful to the original model, and simple/interpretable to be useful. We are considering bayesian rule lists and regressions for now, though this may change. The user would also need to know if and where the surrogate is a poor representative of the original model. There are also extensions to partial dependence such as ICE and accumulated local effects plots that may give better indication of interaction effects.
Plotting We'd like to iterate on our visualizations to make them more intuitive, and ideally not rely on matplotlib.

The following list represents aspects that are not definite, but are currently being considered for the roadmap.

Validation Currently Skater explains model behavior. It in no way evaluates the quality of that behavior through validation. Extending the library to support conditional validation--when and why does a model do well or poorly--may be within scope.
Model Comparison Early users of the package used Skater to compare models to each other. Currently, model comparisons must be done manually by the user; run an algorithm, store results in a dictionary, plot.
Dependence probabilities Currently there is no built in way to assess whether a model may have learned an interaction other than explicitly plotting partial dependence with respect to two features. We're interested in providing a matrix of probabilities of dependence. More formally, for features x1, x2, and model f f(x1, x2, x_compliment), the probability that the partial derivative of f with respect to x1 is unequal to the probability is unequal to that conditioned on values of x2.