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Project #2: CRUD Application


Build a web-based CRUD application


  • A full CRUD app, with create, edit, and delete functionality that has at least 2 related models and ulilizes a 3rd party API and is hosted on Heroku
  • A public repository on with your code for this project & a thorough commit history dating back to the beginning of the project
  • A thorough file that contains the following:
    • The project's name and description
    • Your wireframes and user stories
    • The technologies, APIs, and modules you used and a description of each
    • A code snippet of a part of the app you're particularly proud of
    • Any things you plan to fix or features you plan to add
    • Instructions for downloading the code and running it on localhost
  • A presentation in class that:
    • Is 5 minutes in length
    • Shows off the features of the app you're most proud of
    • Explains one or two technical details
    • Explains one or two technical challenges
    • Explains which improvements you might make

Tech Requirements

You will be expected to use the following technologies to implement this project:

  • HTML / EJS: Your HTML should be semantic and valid. Your app uses EJS to render information on the page.
  • Node and Express: Your app will need to have its own server, built using Express.
  • MVC Pattern: Your app uses Models, Views, Controllers pattern we have gone over in class.
  • SQL / PG-PROMISE: Your app will need to persist data. Your app should have at least two related models.
  • Your app will need to make a third-party API call from the back-end using ANY npm package of your choosing.
  • CSS & Design: Your app should be pleasing to look at. Your design should take usability into account.

Project Overview

Project Schedule

Day Deliverable Approval From Squad Lead
Day 1: Thur Idea, Wireframes and Priority Matrix Complete
Day 2: Fri Pseudocode\actual code, App setup Complete
Day 3: Sat Build out core features Complete
Day 4: Sun Build out core features Complete
Day 5: Mon Basic Clickable Model Complete
Day 6: Tue Working Prototype Complete
Day 7: Wed CSS Styling Complete
Day 8: Thur CSS Styling Complete
Day 9: Fri Post-MVP Complete
Day 10: Sat Post-MVP Complete
Day 11: Sun Post-MVP Complete
Day 12: Mon Completed App / Slides / Heroku Complete
Day 13: Tue Project Presentations Complete

Project Description

The Ready Set Plan App enables one to plan ahead for a medical crisis by providing a list of essential documents one should have created and stored for a loved one to access in the event of an emergency.

Priority Matrix

Prioritized features include the following:

  • CRUD functionality
  • Email registration + Google API registration options
  • CSS applied to all Views

Trello Board

Initial Trello Layout

##User Stories

User Stories


  • CRUD functionality
  • Email registration + Google API registration options
  • CSS applied to all Views


  • To Accomplish/Completed alternate view
  • Logout functionality


Wireframes - high fid, color version

CRUD App Components

Register / Sign In

When the site is loaded the user will be asked to sign-in or register to continue:

  • Sign In with username and password
  • Register with username, email and password (new page) and if success redirected to View Items page
  • Sign In with google credentials and if success redirected to View Items page

View Items

When the user enters the site, she is presented with a list of documents to complete with a description on how to complete them and where the documents should be stored. The user is able to mark a document complete or incomplete.

Edit Item / Delete Item

If the user needs to update any information about the document, the user can click on the title of the document, which will take her to a separate page where she can edit and save the new information. Alternatively, if she would like to delete an item that option is present as well.

New Item

If the user would like to add another document/item to the list, the user can do so by clicking on the 'new item' button. This will take her to a new page where she can fill in information for a new item. Upon 'saving' the item, she will be redirected to the view all page and the new item will appear at the bottom.

Functional Components

Based on the initial logic defined in the previous game phases section try and breakdown the logic further into functional components, and by that we mean functions. Does your logic indicate that code could be encapsulated for the purpose of reusablility. Once a function has been defined it can then be incorporated into a class as a method.

Time frames are also key in the development cycle. You have limited time to code all phases of the game. Your estimates can then be used to evalute game possibilities based on time needed and the actual time you have before game must be submitted.

Component Priority Estimated Time Time Invetsted Actual Time
Server Setup H 3hr 3hr 3hr
CSS Setup (CSS Grid and Flexbox) H 3hr 1hr X
CRUD App Setup H 8hrs 10hrs 10hrs
Email Registration H 4hrs 4hrs 4hrs
Google API Registration H 15hrs 14hrs 14hrs
CSS Styling H 8hrs 10hrs 10hrs
Logout Functionality H 2hrs 2hrs 2hrs

Libraries, Technologies, APIs and Modules Used

Type Description
Google Fonts Used to set font for all text in game
Google Login API Image Used to create image of google sign-in logo
Google Login API Used to sign-in a user with their google credentials
OAuth Works with passport to ease use of Google Login API

Code Snippet


passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({

  clientID        : configAuth.googleAuth.clientID,
  clientSecret    : configAuth.googleAuth.clientSecret,
  callbackURL     : configAuth.googleAuth.callbackURL,
  passReqToCallback: true

}, function(req, token, refreshToken, profile, done) {{ username: }) .then( user => { return done(null, user) }) .catch( err => { console.log(err) }) }));

Instructions for Downloading Code

Instructions for downloading the code and running it on localhost:

To install this example on your computer, clone the repository and install dependencies

  1. Git clone
  2. Install dependencies, located in .json, npm install
  3. Open a web browser and run on localhost:7000/readysetplan

This app uses environment variables to configure the clientID and clientSecret to access Google's API. Start the server with your own variables set to the appropriate credentials - see google developers console.