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76 lines (59 loc) · 3.58 KB

Data Structures and Algorithms

Language: Python

Folder and Challenge Setup

Each type of code challenge has slightly different instructions. Please refer to the notes and examples below for instructions for each DS&A assignment type.

Data Structure: New Implementation

  • Create a new folder under the python level, with the name of the data structure and complete your implementation there

    • i.e. linked_list
  • Implementation (the data structure "class")

    • The implementation of the data structure should match package name

      • i.e. linked_list/
    • Follow Python naming conventions

      class LinkedList:
        def __init__(self):
          # ... initialization code
        def method_name(self):
          # method body
  • Tests

    • Within folder tests create a test file called test_[data_structure].py
      • i.e. tests/
      • Your tests will then need to require the data structure you're testing
        • i.e. from linked_list.linked_list import LinkedList

Data Structure: Extending an implementation

  • Work within the existing data structure implementation
  • Create a new method within the class that solves the code challenge
    • Remember, you'll have access to self within your class methods
  • Tests
    • You will have folder named tests and within it, a test file called test_[data_structure].py
      • i.e. tests/
      • Add to the tests written for this data structure to cover your new method(s)

Code Challenge / Algorithm

Code challenges should be completed within a folder named code_challenges under the python level

  • Daily Setup:
    • Create a new folder under the python level, with the name of the code challenge
      • Each code challenge assignment identifies the branch name to use, for example 'find-maximum-value'
      • For clarity, create your folder with the same name, ensuring that it's snake_cased
      • i.e. For a challenge named 'find_maximum_value', create the folder:code_challenges/find_maximum_value
    • Code Challenge Implementation
      • Each code challenge requires a function be written, for example "find maximum value"
      • Name the actual challenge file with the name of the challenge, in snake_case
        • i.e.
      • Reminder: Your challenge file will then need to require the data structure you're using to implement
        • i.e. from linked_list.linked_list import LinkedList
      • Your challenge function name is up to you, but name something sensible that communicates the function's purpose. Obvious is better than clever
        • i.e. find_maximum_value(linked_list)
    • Tests
      • Ensure there is a tests folder at the root of project.
        • i.e. a sibling of this document.
      • within it, a test file called test_[challenge].py
        • i.e. tests/
        • Your test file would require the challenge file found in the directory above, which has your exported function
          • i.e. from code_challenges.find_maximum_value import find_maximum_value

Running Tests

If you setup your folders according to the above guidelines, running tests becomes a matter of deciding which tests you want to execute. Jest does a good job at finding the test files that match what you specify in the test command

From the root of the data-structures-and-algorithms/python folder, execute the following commands:

  • Run every possible test - pytest
  • Run filtered tests - pytest -k some_filter_text
  • Run in watch mode - ptw or pytest-watch