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[ML] Manga (Dark Mode)

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📃 | Description

Um simples projeto feito em Python (training) e TypeScript (proxy/tests) para remover o background de mangas. Fiz isso, pois leio mangas majoritariamente a noite.

Input Output
Input Output

Esse projeto usa U-Net, e foi implementado usando Tensorflow.

U-Net article:

Ronneberger, Olaf, Philipp Fischer, and Thomas Brox.
"U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation."
In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, pp. 234-241. Springer, Cham, 2015.

⚙️ | Requirements

Program Vesion
Nodejs v21.5.0
Python v3.10.12

💹 | Production (only proxy)

# Install fnm
apt install -y curl unzip

curl -fsSL | bash
# rode o retorno do fnm, no meu caso:
# export PATH="/home/ashu/.local/share/fnm:$PATH"
eval "$(fnm env --use-on-cd)"
fnm install
fnm use

npm install

# For ARM64
npm rebuild @tensorflow/tfjs-node --build-from-source

# Start
npm run production

🐛 | Develop (training)

Install requirements

# Windowns WSL2:
# Install cuda:

sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
sudo apt install -y python3.10-venv libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
python3.10 -m venv ./
source bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install pillow --no-binary :all:


# Active venv
source bin/activate

# Look for the best result.
python training/ --unet --best

# Run a ready-made script.
python training/ --unet
Saving current Libs
pip freeze > .\requirements.txt

Soluções de Erros

Error code: ImportError: cannot import name 'shape_poly' from 'jax.experimental.jax2tf'

Causa: Esse erro é do próprio código.


# Path: lib/python3.10/site-packages/tensorflowjs/converters/

# Remove:
from jax.experimental.jax2tf import shape_poly
PolyShape = shape_poly.PolyShape

# Add:
from jax.experimental.jax2tf import PolyShape
Error code: Wsl/Service/CreateInstance/MountVhd/HCS/ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND

Causa: Possivelmente você desistalou e reinstalou o wsl/distro.


# List the distributions installed, by running following in PowerShell.
wsl -l

# Unregister the distribution. Replace the "Ubuntu" below with your distribution name found in Step #1:
wsl --unregister Ubuntu-22.04

# Launch the Ubuntu (or other distribution) which was installed using Microsoft Store