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executable file
214 lines (171 loc) · 7.69 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
214 lines (171 loc) · 7.69 KB

Sample code heavily based on the 'Professional Node JS' and the 'Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja' book

What is this?

Who are we?

  • We at ALT-F1 are studying those JavaScript technologies. We thought it was a simple way to

How much time?

  • We needed 5 working days to develop, understand, fine tune the code you have in front of you

Which tools have we used to code?

Early difficulties?

  • Jade scripts were very hard to understand
  • the debug of Jade is painful i.e. we lose too much time correcting tabulations vs. spaces !!!!
  • The syntax of JavaScript functions is quite unusual, hopefully the first chapters of Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja book are goldmine to understand them
  • the code of the Professional Node JS book doesn't fit today' versions of the tools which obliged us to debug the code
  • We didn't find a decent debugger (read visual) step by step of NodeJS scripts
  • Understand how Grunt works, but we have deleted this part of scripts for the moment

The future?

How to install?


Check versions of your tools

  • on my computer (but other versions might work too ?!?
    • npm -v - use "1.3.5"
    • node -v - use "v0.10.15"


  • run any node <name file>.js application
  • open the web browser on the right port, read the command line. e.g. http://localhost:<port>


  • npm install
  • grunt
    • see the Gruntfile.js for further documentation
  • node app
  • open the web browser on the right port, read the command line. e.g. http://localhost:<port>


  • npm install
  • update ```app.js``file
    • update the line accordingly : var dbURL = 'mongodb://<login>:<password><port>/<database name>';
  • node app
  • open the web browser on the right port, read the command line. e.g. http://localhost:<port>


  • based on the Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja book
  • Easy way to test assertions
  • standalone html pages including javascripts
  • open the web pages EqualityinJS.html
  • open the web pages HowFunctionsAreDeclared.html

Event-driven architecture

In event-driven programming you start by defining the code that will be executed when an event occurs, then put that code inside a function, and finally pass that function as an argument to be called later. See chapter 2 of the Professional Node JS book ... This shows that by using the closure pattern, you can have the best of both worlds: You can do event-driven programming without having to maintain the state by passing it around to functions. A JavaScript closure keeps the state for you.

Functional requirements

  1. you can login, logout
  2. you can delete a user from the database
  3. you can create a user

Technical requirements

Web application

  • Strict Model - View - Controller separation

  • Programming languages

  • Frameworks



  • add grunt to chap_21-Express


  • update the name of the directories
  • clean credentials
  • check package.json are correct
  • improve ergonomics of the application (e.g. display credentials available, improve error texts ...)
  • upload v1 on github

v2013-08-10 early morning


v2013-08-08 end of Ramadan



  • add test case using Karma
  • find/learn/implement many Grunt components


  • create "01.HTTP_Middleware" app
  • created hello_world_app' node displaying a simple "hello world"
  • Based on Professional Node JS book Part V "Building web application"
  • created reply_text module
  • create a middleware component that introduces a header into the response header section