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0x11. C - Singly linked lists

What you should learn from this project

At the end of this project you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:

When and why using linked lists vs arrays How to build and use linked lists


  1. Print list Write a function that prints all the elements of a list_t list. Prototype: size_t print_list(const list_t *h); Return: the number of nodes Format: see example If str is NULL, print [0] (nil) You are allowed to use printf

  2. List length Write a function that returns the number of elements in a linked list_t list. Prototype: size_t list_len(const list_t *h);

  3. Add node Write a function that adds a new node at the beginning of a list_t list. Prototype: list_t *add_node(list_t **head, const char *str); Return: the address of the new element, or NULL if it failed str needs to be duplicated You are allowed to use strdup

  4. Add node at the end Write a function that adds a new node at the end of a list_t list. Prototype: list_t *add_node_end(list_t **head, const char *str); Return: the address of the new element, or NULL if it failed str needs to be duplicated You are allowed to use strdup

  5. Free list mandatory Write a function that free a list_t list. Prototype: void free_list(list_t *head);