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Every application needs to store some settings and use these settings somewhere in the application. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a strong infrastructure to store/retrieve application, tenant and user level settings available on both the server and client sides.

A setting is a name-value string pair that is generally stored in a database (or another source). We can store non-string values by converting it to a string.

About ISettingStore

The ISettingStore interface must be implemented in order to use the setting system. While you can implement it in your own way, it's fully implemented in the Module Zero project. If it's not implemented, settings are read from the application's configuration file (web.config or app.config) but those settings cannot be changed. Scoping will also not work.

Defining settings

A setting must be defined before its use. ASP.NET Boilerplate is designed to be modular, so different modules can have different settings. A module must create a class derived from the SettingProvider in order to define its settings. An example setting provider is shown below:

public class MySettingProvider : SettingProvider
    public override IEnumerable<SettingDefinition> GetSettingDefinitions(SettingDefinitionProviderContext context)
        return new[]
                    new SettingDefinition(

                    new SettingDefinition(
                        scopes: SettingScopes.Application | SettingScopes.Tenant

                    new SettingDefinition(
                        scopes: SettingScopes.User,
                        clientVisibilityProvider: new VisibleSettingClientVisibilityProvider()


The GetSettingDefinitions method returns the SettingDefinition objects. The SettingDefinition class has some parameters in it's constructor:

  • Name (required): A setting must have a system-wide unique name. It's a good idea to define a const string for a setting name instead of using a magic string.
  • Default value: A setting may have a default value. This value can be null or an empty string.
  • Scopes: A setting should define it's scope (see below).
  • Display name: A localizable string that can be used to show setting's name later in the UI.
  • Description: A localizable string that can be used to show a setting's description later in the UI.
  • Group: Can be used to group settings. This is just for the UI, and not used in setting management.
  • ClientVisibilityProvider: Can be used to determine if a setting can be used on the client-side or not.
  • isInherited: Used to set if this setting is inherited by tenant and users (See setting scope section).
  • customData: Can be used to set custom data for this setting definition.
  • IsEncrypted: A Boolean value indicates that whether this setting value should be encrypted on save and decrypted on read. It makes possible to secure the setting value in the database.

After creating a setting provider, we must register it in the PreIntialize method of our module:


The setting providers are registered via dependency injection automatically. A setting provider can inject any dependency (like a repository) to build the setting definitions using some other source.

Setting encryption/decryption are done using SettingEncryptionConfiguration. In order to change default encryption/decryption configuration, you can access this configuration as below;

Configuration.Settings.SettingEncryptionConfiguration.Keysize = 256;
Configuration.Settings.SettingEncryptionConfiguration.DefaultPassPhrase = "pass_phrase";
Configuration.Settings.SettingEncryptionConfiguration.InitVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your_secret_value");
Configuration.Settings.SettingEncryptionConfiguration.DefaultSalt = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your_secret_value");

Setting scope

 There are three setting scopes (or levels) defined in the SettingScopes enum:

  • Application: An application scoped setting is used for user/tenant independent settings. For example, we can define a setting named "SmtpServerAddress" to get the server's IP address when sending emails. If this setting has a single value (not changes based on users), then we can define it as Application scoped.
  • Tenant: If the application is multi-tenant, we can define tenant-specific settings.
  • User: We can use a user-scoped setting to store/get the value of the setting specific to each user.

The SettingScopes enum has a Flags attribute, so we can define a setting with more than one scope.

The setting scope is hierarchic by default (unless you set isInherited to false). For example, if we define a setting's scope as "Application | Tenant | User" and try to get current value of the the setting;

  • We get the user-specific value if it's defined (overrided) for the user.
  • If not, we get the tenant-specific value if it's defined (overrided) for the tenant.
  • If not, we get the application value if it's defined.
  • If not, we get the default value.

The default value can be null or an empty string. It's recommended that you provide default values for settings where it's possible.

Overriding Setting Definitions

context.Manager can be used to get a setting definition to change its values. In this way, you can manipulate setting definitions of dependent modules.

Getting setting values

After defining a setting, we can get its current value on both the server and client.



The ISettingManager is used to perform setting operations. We can inject and use it anywhere in the application. ISettingManager defines many methods to get a setting's value.

The most-used method is GetSettingValue (or GetSettingValueAsync for an async call). It returns the current value of the setting based on the default value, application, tenant and user settings (as described in Setting scope section before). Examples:

//Getting a boolean value (async call)
var value1 = await SettingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>("PassiveUsersCanNotLogin");

//Getting a string value (sync call)
var value2 = SettingManager.GetSettingValue("SmtpServerAddress");

GetSettingValue has generic and async versions as shown above. There are also methods to get a specific tenant or user's setting value or list of all setting values.

Since ISettingManager is widely used, some special base classes (like ApplicationService, DomainService and AbpController) have a property named SettingManager. If we derive from these classes, there's no need to explicitly inject it.


Also ISettingDefinitionManager can be used to get setting definitions that are defined in AppSettingProvider. We can inject and use it anywhere in the application as well. You can get definition name, default value, display name and etc. by using ISettingDefinitionManager.


ClientVisibilityProvider property of a setting definition determines the visibility of a setting for the client-side. There are four implementations of ISettingClientVisibilityProvider.

  • VisibleSettingClientVisibilityProvider: Makes a setting definition visible to the client-side.
  • HiddenSettingClientVisibilityProvider: Makes a setting definition hidden to the client-side.
  • RequiresAuthenticationSettingClientVisibilityProvider: Makes a setting definition visible to the client-side if a user is logged in.
  • RequiresPermissionSettingClientVisibilityProvider: Makes a setting definition visible to the client side if logged in user has a specific permission.

If a setting is visible to client-side according to ClientVisibilityProvider of a setting definition , then you can get it's current value on the client-side using JavaScript. The abp.setting namespace defines the needed functions and objects. Example:

var currentColor = abp.setting.get("SiteColorPreference");

There are also the getInt and getBoolean methods. You can get all the values using the abp.setting.values object. Note that if you change a setting on the server-side, the client can not know this change unless the page is refreshed, settings are somehow reloaded, or manually updated by code.

Changing settings

The ISettingManager defines the ChangeSettingForApplicationAsync, ChangeSettingForTenantAsync and ChangeSettingForUserAsync methods (and sync versions) to change settings for the application, for a tenant and for a user respectively.


ISettingEncryptionService is used to encrypt/decrypt setting values when IsEncrypted property of a setting definition was set to true.

You can replace this service in the dependency injection system to customize the encryption/decryption process.

About caching

The Setting Manager caches settings on the server-side, so we should not directly change a setting value using a repository or database update query.