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Code Documentation

.. currentmodule:: selfies

Core Functions

.. autofunction:: encoder
.. autofunction:: decoder

Utility Functions

.. autofunction:: len_selfies
.. autofunction:: split_selfies
.. autofunction:: get_alphabet_from_selfies
.. autofunction:: get_semantic_robust_alphabet
.. autofunction:: selfies_to_encoding
.. autofunction:: encoding_to_selfies
.. autofunction:: batch_selfies_to_flat_hot
.. autofunction:: batch_flat_hot_to_selfies

Advanced Functions

By default, :mod:`selfies` operates under the following semantic constraints

Max Bonds Atom(s)
1 F, Cl, Br, I
2 O
3 N
4 C
5 P
6 S
8 All other atoms

The +1 and -1 charged versions of O, N, C, S, P are also constrained, where a +1 increases the maximum bond capacity of the neutral atom by 1, and a -1 decreases the maximum bond capacity of the neutral atom by 1. For example, N+1 has a bond capacity of 3 + 1 = 4, and N-1 has a bond capacity of 3 - 1 = 2.

However, the default constraints are inadequate for SMILES that violate them. For example, nitrobenzene O=N(=O)C1=CC=CC=C1 has a nitrogen with 6 bonds and the chlorate anion O=Cl(=O)[O-] has a chlorine with 5 bonds - these SMILES cannot be represented as SELFIES under the default constraints. Additionally, users may want to specify their own custom constraints. Thus, we provide the following methods for configuring the semantic constraints of :mod:`selfies`.


SELFIES may be translated differently under different semantic constraints. Therefore, if custom semantic constraints are used, it is recommended to report them for reproducibility reasons.

.. autofunction:: get_default_constraints
.. autofunction:: get_octet_rule_constraints
.. autofunction:: get_hypervalent_constraints
.. autofunction:: get_semantic_constraints
.. autofunction:: set_semantic_constraints