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assimbly edited this page May 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Deploy directory

The deploy directory is a directory where files can be deployed to run on Assimbly.

Where is the deploy directory?


For example


Note that the Assimbly base directory is printed in the log after startup:


What type of files can be deployed?

Currently only XML files can be deployed. Others are ignored. These XML files must contain a flow or route. The following types are allowed:

  1. Assimbly format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Tip: This file can also be exported from the web application from the deployment page (Administration --> Deployment).

  1. CamelContext

A CamelContext.xml contains the error route (onException) and routes:

<camelContext id="ID_62304af4f74a802780000006" xmlns="" useMDCLogging="true" streamCache="true">
		<redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="0" redeliveryDelay="5000"/>
		<setExchangePattern pattern="InOut"/>
	<route id="00306c20-a438-11ec-a4bf-758ef17085f0">
		<from uri="jetty:"/>
		<removeHeaders pattern="CamelHttp*"/>
		<split streaming="false" parallelProcessing="false">
			<xpath saxon="true" threadSafety="true">/foods/food</xpath>
			<setHeader headerName="CamelSplitIndex">
			<setHeader headerName="CamelSplitSize">
			<setHeader headerName="CamelSplitComplete">
			<convertBodyTo type="java.lang.String"/>
					<simple>${body}  contains 'sub'</simple>
					<toD uri="file://C:/test2?autoCreate=true&amp;charset=utf-8&amp;fileExist=Override&amp;consumer.bridgeErrorHandler=true"/>
					<toD uri="file://C:/test3?autoCreate=true&amp;charset=utf-8&amp;fileExist=Override&amp;consumer.bridgeErrorHandler=true"/>
		<toD uri="file://C:/test1?autoCreate=true&amp;charset=utf-8&amp;fileExist=Override&amp;consumer.bridgeErrorHandler=true"/>
  1. Route
    <from uri="file:C:/messages/in"/>
    <to uri="log:result"/>

How can files be deployed?

  • Copy or save the XML file to the deploy directory. To undeploy just delete the file.


  • Use the REST API:

    • Install REST endpoint: /api/integration/{integrationId}/flow/fileinstall/{flowId}
    • Uninstall REST endpoint: /api/integration/{integrationId}/flow/fileuninstall/{flowId}

See the Swagger page (Administration --> API) to try these endpoints.

Monitor deployments

File deployments are synced with the user interface. This means you need to check to log file if a flow is successfully installed or not.

Configure the deploy directory

On startup it

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