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System Information Commands


Windows Linux

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Find Out the Maximum RAM Your Computer Can Support Windows

Windows users can determine the maximum RAM capacity in the Command prompt with the command below. It gives the final value in kilobytes which can be converted to gigabytes (divide the value by 1048576 to convert KB to GB).

wmic memphysical get MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices

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Basic Linux Commands to Check Hardware and System Information

  1. Printing Machine Hardware Name (uname –m uname –a)

    Using the -m switch with the uname command prints the hardware name of our machine. If we want the uname command to print all the information mentioned above, we can use the command with all the switches.

     uname –m
     uname -a

  1. The lscpu command reports information about the cpu and processing units. It does not have any further options or functionality.

The lscpu command reports information about the cpu and processing units. It does not have any further options or functionality.


lshw –List Hardware

A general purpose utility, that reports detailed and brief information about multiple different hardware units such as cpu, memory, disk, usb controllers, network adapters etc.

       sudo lshw
       sudo lshw –short

Generate report in html/xml format

We can also export lshw reports in html, xml and json formats.

        sudo lshw –html > lshw-output.html

        sudo lshw –xml >lshw-output.xml

7 hwinfo

         hwinfo –short

  1. lspci- List PCI


  1. lsscsi-List sci devices


  1. lsusb- List usb buses and device details


  1. lsblk- List block devices


  1. df-disk space of file systems

          df -H

  1. fdisk

          sudo fdisk –l

  1. mount

         mount | column -t

  1. Dmidecode

The dmidecode command is different from all other commands. It extracts hardware information by reading data from the SMBOIS data structures (also called DMI tables). # display information about the processor/cpu

        sudo dmidecode -t processor # memory/ram information

        sudo dmidecode -t memory # bios details

        sudo dmidecode -t bios

  1. /proc files

Many of the virtual files in the /proc directory contain information about hardware and configurations. Here are some of them

CPU/Memory information

            cat /proc/cpuinfo


            cat /proc/version

SCSI/Sata devices

            cat /proc/scsi/scsi 


             cat /proc/partitions

  1. hdparm

The hdparm command gets information about sata devices like hard disks. Each of the command has a slightly different method of extracting information.


  1. Inxi

            inxi –Fx

Ways to Check Available Memory in Ubuntu 22.04

free           command.
vmstat         command.
/proc/meminfo  command.
top            command.
htop           command.
cat /proc/meminfo

top –i

M – sort task list by memory usage
P – sort task list by processor usage
N – sort task list by process ID
T – sort task list by run time

man top

Graphical Utility Option:

To launch Ubuntu’s system monitor, enter the following in a terminal window:


ps ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10


To find the maximum RAM capacity in Linux, you can make use of the command dmidecode, though it is not installed by default in most distros.

  1. Install dmidecode:


sudo apt install dmidecode


sudo pacman -S dmidecode


sudo dnf install dmidecode


sudo zypper in dmidecode
  1. Run the command:

    sudo dmidecode -t 16
