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Merge ad39807 into c9d6735
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keflavich committed Jan 9, 2014
2 parents c9d6735 + ad39807 commit 648d03c
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions reproject/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
"""HEALPIX (Hierarchical Equal-Area and Isolatitude Pixelization) utility functions.
This is a thin wrapper convenience functions around
`healpy` ( functionality.
Refer to and
from __future__ import print_function, division
from astropy import wcs
from import fits
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['healpix_to_image', 'image_to_healpix']

valid_coordinate_systems = ('galactic','icrs')

def healpix_reproject_file(hp_filename, reference, outfilename=None, clobber=False, ext=1, **kwargs):
Reproject a HEALPIX file
hp_filename : str
A HEALPIX FITS file name
reference : fits.Header, fits.PrimaryHDU, fits.HDUList, or str
A fits.Header or HDU or FITS filename containing the target for projection
outfilename : str or None
The filename to write to
clobber : bool
Overwrite the outfilename if it exists?
ext : int
The FITS extension containing the HEALPIX table to reproject
kwargs : dict
passed to healpix_hdu_to_hdu
fits.PrimaryHDU containing the reprojected image
hp_hdu =[ext]

if isinstance(reference,str):
reference_header = fits.getheader(reference)
elif isinstance(reference,fits.Header):
reference_header = reference
elif isinstance(reference,fits.PrimaryHDU):
reference_header = reference.header
elif isinstance(reference,fits.HDUList):
reference_header = reference[0].header
raise TypeError("Reference was not a valid type; must be some sort of FITS header representation")

new_hdu = healpix_hdu_to_hdu(hp_hdu, reference_header, **kwargs)

if outfilename is not None:
new_hdu.writeto(outfilename, clobber=clobber)

return new_hdu

def healpix_hdu_to_hdu(hp_hdu, reference_header, field=None, **kwargs):
Convert a HEALPIX binary-table HDU to a target FITS header.
hp_hdu : fits.BinTableHDU
The HDU containing the healpix data table
reference_header : fits.Header
The target header, containing a valid WCS
field : None or string
The field name containing the data to be reprojected. If not
specifies, defaults to the first field in the BinTable
fits.PrimaryHDU containing the reprojected image
if field is None:
field =[0].name

nested = hp_hdu.header['ORDERING'] == 'NESTED'
coordsys = hp_hdu.header['COORDSYS'].lower()

if coordsys not in valid_coordinate_systems:
raise KeyError("Coordinate system was %s, which is not one of %s" % (coordsys,valid_coordinate_systems))

healpix_data =[field]

reprojected_data = healpix_to_image(healpix_data, reference_header,
coordsys, nest=nested, **kwargs)

new_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=reprojected_data, header=reference_header)

return new_hdu

def healpix_to_image(healpix_data, reference_header, hpx_coord_system,
interp=True, nest=False):
Convert image in HEALPIX format to a normal FITS projection image (e.g.
CAR or AIT).
healpix_data : `numpy.ndarray`
HEALPIX data array
reference_image : ``
A reference image to project to. Must have a 'COORDSYS' keyword of
either 'galactic' or 'icrs'
hpx_coord_system : 'galactic' or 'icrs'
The target coordinate system. Should be derived from the HEALPIX
COORDSYS keyword if it is a FITS file
nest : bool
The order of the healpix_data, either nested or ring. Stored in
FITS headers in the ORDERING keyword.
interp : bool
Get the bilinear interpolated data? If not, returns a set of neighbors
reprojected_data : `numpy.ndarray`
HEALPIX image resampled onto the reference image
>>> import healpy as hp
>>> from import fits
>>> from reproject.healpix import healpix_to_image
>>> healpix_filename = 'healpix.fits'
>>> healpix_data = hp.read_map(healpix_filename)
>>> healpix_system = fits.getheader(healpix_filename,ext=1)['COORDSYS']
>>> healpix_isnested = fits.getheader(healpix_filename,ext=1)['ORDERING'] == 'NESTED'
>>> reference_image ='reference_image.fits')[0]
>>> reprojected_data = healpix_to_image(healpix_data, reference_image, healpix_system, nest=healpix_isnested)
>>> fits.writeto('new_image.fits', reprojected_data, reference_image.header)
>>> neighbors = healpix_to_image(healpix_data, reference_image, healpix_system, nest=healpix_isnested, interp=False)
>>> reprojected_data = healpix_data[neighbors].mean(axis=0)
>>> fits.writeto('new_image.fits', reprojected_data, reference_image.header)
import healpy as hp
refwcs = wcs.WCS(reference_header)
yinds,xinds = np.indices([reference_header['NAXIS2'],reference_header['NAXIS1']])
lon_deg, lat_deg = refwcs.wcs_pix2world(xinds,yinds,0)
lon, lat = np.radians(lon_deg), np.radians(lat_deg)

# If the reference image uses a different celestial coordinate system from
# the HEALPIX image we need to transform the coordinates
ref_coord_system = reference_header['COORDSYS']
if ref_coord_system != hpx_coord_system:
from ..utils.coordinates import sky_to_sky
lon, lat = sky_to_sky(lon, lat, ref_coord_system, hpx_coord_system)

# theta must be in the range [0,pi], but wcs gives it in the range (-pi/2,pi/2)
# also, somehow, lat=pi/2 corresponds to the SOUTH galactic pole and lat=-pi/2 the NORTH
# (this confuses me, but test it yourself by comparing some Galactic
# surveys... W51, M17, and others are flipped if you don't use -lat)
if interp:
data = hp.get_interp_val(healpix_data, theta=-lat+np.pi/2, phi=lon, nest=nest)
neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(2048, theta=-lat+np.pi/2, phi=lon, nest=nest)
data = healpix_data[neighbors]

return data

def sky_to_sky(lon, lat, in_system, out_system, unit='deg'):
"""Convert between sky coordinates.
(utility function - likely belongs somewhere else)
copied from gammapy:
lon, lat : array_like
Coordinate arrays
in_system, out_system : {'galactic', 'icrs'}
Input / output coordinate system
unit : {'deg', 'rad'}
Units of input and output coordinates
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, Galactic
systems = dict(galactic=Galactic, icrs=ICRS)

lon = np.asanyarray(lon)
lat = np.asanyarray(lat)

in_coords = systems[in_system](lon, lat, unit=(unit, unit))
out_coords = in_coords.transform_to(systems[out_system])

if unit == 'deg':
return out_coords.lonangle.deg, out_coords.latangle.deg
return out_coords.lonangle.rad, out_coords.latangle.rad

def image_to_healpix(image, healpix_pars):
"""Convert image in a normal FITS projection (e.g. CAR or AIT) to HEALPIX format.
image : ``
The input image
healpix_pars : TODO
TODO: what HEALPIX parameters do we need?
healpix_data : `numpy.array`
HEALPIX array data
raise NotImplementedError
# Can we use Kapteyn or Healpy to get e.g. bilinear interpolation?

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