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File metadata and controls

63 lines (51 loc) · 2.27 KB

Reading/writing to CRTF region files

CASA Region Text Format (CRTF) : The CASA region file format provides a flexible, easily edited set of region definitions which are accepted across CASA tasks.

The regions package provides the functionality to serialise and de-serialise Python lists of ~regions.Region objects to CRTF region strings. De-serialisation is done using the ~regions.CRTFParser. It converts the CRTF string to ~regions.ShapeList object, which is a list of ~regions.Shape each representing one CRTF region. The ~regions.Shape objects can be converted to ~regions.Region objects.

To learn more about the format specifications, please go to the official page.

>>> from regions import CRTFParser
>>> reg_string = 'circle[[42deg, 43deg], 3deg], coord=J2000, color=green '
>>> parser = CRTFParser(reg_string)
>>> print(parser.shapes[0])
Type : reg
Coord sys : fk5
Region type : circle
Meta: {'color': 'green', 'include': True, 'type': 'reg'}
Composite: False
Include: True
>>> regions = parser.shapes.to_regions()
>>> print(regions[0])
Region: CircleSkyRegion
center: <SkyCoord (FK5: equinox=J2000.000): (ra, dec) in deg
    (42., 43.)>
radius: 3.0 deg
>>> print(regions[0].meta)
{'include': True, 'type': 'reg'}
>>> print(regions[0].visual)
{'color': 'green'}

Serialisation is done using the ~regions.crtf_objects_to_string function

>>> from regions import crtf_objects_to_string
>>> crtf_objects_to_string(regions, coordsys='galactic')
'#CRTFv0\nglobal coord=GALACTIC\ncircle[[144.559169deg, -14.923593deg], 3.000000deg], color=green\n'

There's also ~regions.write_crtf and ~regions.read_crtf which write to and read from a file in addition to doing the region serialisation and parsing.

>>> from regions import read_crtf, write_crtf
>>> filename = 'region.crtf'
>>> write_crtf(regions, filename)
>>> regions = read_crtf(filename)
>>> regions
[<CircleSkyRegion(center=<SkyCoord (FK5: equinox=J2000.000): (ra, dec) in deg
    (42., 43.)>, radius=3.0 deg)>]