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The example of FUOTA over LoRaWAN

This example is forked from the repo

Target device: L-TEK FF1705

Steps to build the application

  1. Install Mbed Studio-1.2.1
  2. Import this repository via:
    $ mbed import
  3. In source folder, rename the device_details_copy.h file to device_details.h. Then specify the APP_EUI, APP_KEY, GEN_APP_KEY, and FW_VER_STR in device_details.h file. Here the DEV_EUI will be fetched from the internal memory. Please specify this Device EUI in your ChirpStack Application.
  4. Also provide asvin device and user credentials in device_details.h
  5. In mbed_app.json specify the frequency plan
  6. Build the application using:
    $ mbed compile -m FF1705_L151CC -t GCC_ARM --profile=./profiles/tiny.json
    This will create binary files in BUILD/FF1705_L151CC/GCC_ARM-TINY/ folder
  7. From the folder BUILD/FF1705_L151CC/GCC_ARM-TINY/ copy the mbed-os-example-lorawan-fuota.bin file to the development board (mounted as flash storage device).
  8. After flashing, press on-board reset button and connect the device to serial monitor with baud rate of 115200 to view the device logs.

Signing tool installation and setup of keys

Tip!! On Windows, it is better to use Ubuntu18 on WSL2 to run this tool

  1. Requirements: Node.js 8 o higher, Python 2.7, OpenSSL
  2. Install the lorawan-fota-signing-tool:
    $ npm install lorawan-fota-signing-tool -g
  3. Create a public/private key pair:
    $ lorawan-fota-signing-tool create-keypair -d -m your-device-model-string
    $ lorawan-fota-signing-tool create-keypair -d -m LTEK

Creating a delta update

  1. Before building the aplication with new updates, copy the file mbed-os-example-lorawan-fuota_update.bin to ./updates folder. And rename it as v1_update.bin
  2. Now build the application with updates. It will create binary files with necessary updates in BUILD/FF1705_L151CC/GCC_ARM-TINY/ folder
  3. Then copy the file mbed-os-example-lorawan-fuota_update.bin to ./updates folder. And rename it as v2_update.bin
  4. Create the delta file using:
    $ lorawan-fota-signing-tool sign-delta --old ./updates/v1_update.bin --new ./updates/v2_update.bin --output-format bin -o ./updates/v1_to_v2.bin

Firmware update using asvin platform

  1. Upload the diff file v1_to_v2.bin to the filegroup of LoRaWAN update files.
  2. Then create fuota deployment rollout in the rollouts tab
  3. This will create a Multicast-group for the mulcast session setup and distribute update
  4. After successful update, the device sends a success status LoRa uplink which will be used to store the current running firmware version of the end node.