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Aries Mobile Agent React Native - Part of the Aries Bifold effort to provide SSI capabilities in a production ready app.


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Aries Mobile Agent React Native

Aries Mobile Agent React Native is an open source Aries mobile agent app. This is a project that has been created to focus the community's efforts towards a central open source project. Various different organizations and people have expressed interest in a open source community project to help focus efforts to help prevent duplication of work between projects. Aries Bifold is also intended to help get complex or specific use-case projects started faster by cloning and having a basis of an Aries agent.


This project utilizes Aries Framework Javascript (AFJ) and rn-indy-sdk.

This project is intended to be contributed to Hyperledger after the initial conversations regarding the project within the community


Indicio has organized working group calls for community discussions on the project on every other Wednesdays. Everyone is more than welcome to attend and contribute at the working group call.

Indicio has provided existing code, but we really want to make this into a community effort.

Project State


Aries Bifold currently is built on React Native 0.61.5. Newer versions of React Native experience issues with ZMQ (Fatal Signal 6 (SIGABRT)). We are making efforts to be able to move to React Native 0.63.4.

As of now Aries Bifold targets Android API 29.0.3, with plans to support API 30 soon.

iOS targets iOS 10.0+. Aries Bifold can only be run on physical devices as of right now.


Aries Mobile Agent React Native aims to utilize the Aries Protocols Test Suite (APTS) and potentially the Aries Agent Test Harness (AATH) to test for Aries Agent compatibility and interoperability.



React Native

Installation instructions are documented here.

Troubleshooting guides can be found in the docs/installation directory.

Cocoa Pods (iOS specific)


In order to use Aries Bifold, you must have a mediator to use with the app. Instructions for launching your own mediator locally can be found in docs/mediations or at Aries Framework Javascript.


Aries Bifold as of right now is tied to one ledger with the intention of making this more flexible/dynamic in the future. You must have a genesis file url for your chosen network, such as:

Running the App

Clone the repo:

git clone
cd aries-mobile-agent-react-native
npm install

In the root directory add a .env file for the following environment variables, such as the following:


Android Specific

Run Via Command Line

Run the App on a connected device or emulator:

npm run start

In another terminal, run:

npm run android

Run Via Visual Studio

To run the Android Emulator, install Android Studio and setup emulator version in AVD manager.
Instructions can be found here.

git clone
cd aries-mobile-agent-react-native

After clone, install using --force if version error appear:

npm install --force

Export the environmental variables:

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools


Sample generated APKs can be found in each github release.

iOS Specific

Install iOS Pods:

cd ios
pod install

In the /ios directory, open the project workspace file in Xcode. Once the project is open, navigate to the project's Signing & Capabilities tab and apply your personal Apple Developer Account or your organization's team to target AriesBifold and target AriesBifoldTests.

Adjust the bundle identifier if needed.

Plug in iOS Device

npm run start

Run Via Command Line

npm run ios

Run Via Xcode

Choose your physical iOS device as the destination.

Click the "Play" button to Build and Run.


TODO: Additional community conversation is needed on this topic.


Hot Reloading

Hot reloading may not work correctly with instantiated Agent objects. Reloading (r) or reopening the app may work. Any changes made to native modules require you to re-run the compile step.

Mediator Issues

There are known mediator issues which is undergoing work to address.

Dependency Issues, Native Module Linking Issues, or Usage Issues

If you end up changing dependencies or structures, you may need to perform the following steps:


rm -rf node_modules
npm install

Clean the Android build:

cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..

Start and clean the Metro cache:

npm run start

In your second terminal, you can now run:

npm run android


Apache License Version 2.0


Aries Mobile Agent React Native - Part of the Aries Bifold effort to provide SSI capabilities in a production ready app.



Code of conduct





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  • TypeScript 64.7%
  • JavaScript 24.0%
  • Objective-C 4.2%
  • Ruby 2.8%
  • Java 2.1%
  • Starlark 1.9%
  • Other 0.3%