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57 lines (48 loc) · 3.39 KB

File metadata and controls

57 lines (48 loc) · 3.39 KB

Misho's Neovim Configuration


Command Description
<leader>f Open telescope - find files
<leader>s Open telescope - grep for string
<leader>rr Grep first then open in telescope
<leader>gt Open telescope - help tags
<leader>gb Open telescope - git branches
<leader>gb Open telescope - git commits
<leader>gs Open telescope - treesitter symbols
<leader>df Open telescope - diff this
<leader>gd LSP - go to definition
K LSP - hover
<leader>ca LSP - code actions
<leader>gr LSP - references
<leader>vrn LSP - rename
<leader>[d LSP - next diagnostic
<leader>]d LSP - previous diagnostic
<leader>ws LSP - search for symbol in workspace
<leader>e Neotree - opn in float mode
<leader><tab> Neotree - open to the left
P Neotree - preview file
<leader>hh Harpoon - open UI
<leader>a Harpoon - add mark
<leader>1 Harpoon - mark 1
<leader>2 Harpoon - mark 2
<leader>3 Harpoon - mark 3
<leader>4 Harpoon - mark 4
<C-[> (TO BE FIXED - Not active) Harpoon - Go to previous mark
<C-]> (TO BE FIXED - Not active) Harpoon - Go to next mark
gc Comment - Comment line or visually selected block
gb Comment - Comment block
tt Trouble - Toggle
tw Trouble - Workspace Diagnostics
td Trouble - Document Diagnostics
tf Trouble - Quickfix (idk what this does)
tl Trouble - Loclist (idk what this does)
tr Trouble - LSP References

Additional Commands


:NoNeckPain - Place a buffer in the middle of the screen. :NoNeckPainResize - Resize the buffer (arg INT).


:Git blame - if you want to check difference between different commits. <leader>df - if you want to check difference between current file and the last commit.

Tips & Tricks

Pressing K once again in a hover window would lead to corresponding manpage (if any). JavaScript manpages.