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Uncertainty Datatypes Python Library: User Guide

Uncertainty is an inherent property of any measure or estimation performed in any physical setting, and therefore it needs to be considered when modeling systems that manage real data. Although several modeling languages permit the representation of measurement uncertainty for describing some system attributes, these aspects are not normally incorporated into their type systems. Thus, operating with uncertain values and propagating uncertainty are normally cumbersome processes, difficult to achieve at the model level. This library provides an extension of Python basic datatypes to incorporate data uncertainty coming from physical measurements or user estimations into the models, along with the set of operations defined for the values of these types.

Uncertainty Datatypes is a Python library that supports a set of uncertain primitive datatypes, including ubool, sbool, uint, ufloat, uenum and ustr. They extend their corresponding Python types (bool, int, float, enum and str) with uncertainty.

The Uncertainty Datatypes library implements linear error propagation theory in Python. Uncertainty calculations are performed analytically.

Installation and Usage

To install the UTypes library, use the package manager pip.

pip install uncertainty-datatypes

You can then import all the datatypes and functions as follows:

from uncertainty.utypes import *

Basic Datatypes

Type ubool

Type ubool is an embedding of type bool that extends traditional logic truth values (True, False) with probabilities, and replaces truth tables with probability expressions. Thus, an ubool value is expressed by a probability (i.e., a number between 0 and 1) representing the degree of belief (i.e., the confidence) that a given statement is true. For example, ubool(0.7) means that there is a 70% chance of an event occurring. Python bool values True and False correspond to ubool(1.0) and ubool(0.0), respectively.

x = ubool(0.7) 
y = ubool('0.7')  # A str can be used if it represent a float[0, 1]
z = ubool(1)      # int 0 or 1 can be used too.
w = ubool(False)  # True or False can be also used. 
                   #True -> ubool(1.0) and False -> ubool(0.0).

It is always possible to know the confidence of an ubool value using the confidence property:

x = ubool(0.7)
print (x.confidence)
# 0.7

Type conversion and projection

ubool values can be converted to bool values, using a threshold that determines when the ubool value is evaluated as True or False. This threshold is called "level of certainty" and its default value is 0.9. The level of certainty can be changed using ubool.setCertainty(c: float) and queried using ubool.getCertainty().

y = ubool(0.7)

# Certainty by default: 0.9
if y:   # y is ubool(0.7) < 0.9
    'not executed'

if y:   # y is ubool(0.7) >= 0.5

# Get certainty
# 0.5

In this way, ubool values and variables can be used as booleans in conditional statements.

if x:

In addition, method u.tobool() -> bool explicitly converts an ubool variable into a bool, using the level of certainty: u.tobool() = (x.confidence >= ubool.getCertainty()).

Logical operators

Operations on ubool values are proper extensions of those of type bool. This means that, when working with bool values, the behavior of ubool operations is exactly the same as their boolean versions.

ubool logical operators include: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, IMPLIES, and EQUIVALENT. The library offers the following four ways of using logical operators:

  • Infix symbol operators: x & y
  • Infix textual operators: x |AND| y
  • Instance methods: x.AND(y)
  • Functions: AND(x, y)

The table below summarizes all the possible usages.

Operation Infix (symbol) Infix (textual) Method Function
AND x & y x |AND| y x.AND(y) AND(x, y)
OR x | y x |OR| y x.OR(y) OR(x, y)
XOR x ^ y x |XOR| y x.XOR(y) XOR(x, y)
NOT ~x x.NOT() NOT(x)
EQUALS x == y x |EQUALS| y x.EQUALS(y) EQUALS(x, y)

Note that equal and equivalent operations are not the same. Equivalence corresponds to ~(x^y) (i.e., the negation of xor), while the equal operation (==) requires that the two values are the same.


  • This library assumes variables are independent.
  • All ubool operators must be enclosed in parentheses to ensure correct operator precedence.

ubool code example:

x = ubool(0.3)
y = ubool(0.8)
z = ubool(0.5)
t = ubool(0.2)

w = (~x & y) |IMPLIES| (z | t)
# w = ubool(0.776)

Using ubools with bools

ubool values can be used together with bool values, but always using ubool operators.

if x & (3 > 2): 
    # do something
elif OR(x, 3 > 2): 
    # do something
elif x |XOR| (3 > 2):
    # do something
while x.AND(3 > 2):
    # do something

Note that Python logical operations (3 > 2) must be enclosed in parentheses. Boolean True (e.g., the result of 3 > 2) is automatically converted into ubool(1.0) and False into ubool(0.0).

IMPORTANT: The Python logical operators (and, or, and not) have a different meaning when they are used with objects. Therefore, ubool special logical operators must ALWAYS be used to deal with ubool values.

Type ufloat

An ufloat value represents a float endowed with an associated uncertainty.

x = ufloat(-230.30, 0.7) 
y = ufloat(233, '0.7')  # Data can be provided as str, int or float.
# y = ufloat(233.0, 0.7)

This representation of uncertainty for numerical values follows the "ISO Guide to Measurement Uncertainty" (JCMG 100:2008), where values are represented by the mean and standard deviation of the assumed probability density function representing how measurements of ground truth values are distributed. For example, if we assume that the values of a variable $X$ follow a normal distribution $N(x, \sigma)$, then we set $u = \sigma$. If we can only assume a uniform or rectangular distribution of the possible values of $X$, then the nominal value $x$ is taken as the midpoint of the interval, $x = (a + b)/2$, and its associated standard deviation as $u = (b - a)/(2 * \sqrt{3})$.


ufloat operators include: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, FLOOR DIV, NEG, and POW. The table below summarizes all the possible operations. Uncertainty propagates through all the operations performed on variables with uncertainty.

Operation Infix operator Method Function
ADD x + y x.add(y) add(x, y)
SUB x - y x.sub(y) sub(x, y)
MUL x * y x.mul(y) mul(x, y)
DIV x / y x.div(y) div(x, y)
FLOOR DIV x // y x.floordiv(y) floordiv(x, y)
NEG -x x.neg() neg(x)
POW x ** y x.pow(y) pow(x, y)

When using the traditional infix operators, precedence is respected and it works the same as with float values.

In addition, any ufloat variable can be interrogated for its nominal value (x) and its uncertainty (u), using properties value and uncertainty, respectively.


x = ufloat(925.69, 23.8)
y = ufloat(536.50, 31.83)
z = ufloat(-3404, 4.76)

w = (x / y)**2 - z
# w = ufloat(3406.977, 5.946)

# 3406.977
# 5.964

Specifying the covariance of variables in operations

By default, variables are assumed to be independent. Among other things, this means that expressions should be simplified and reduced in order for the results to be correct.

In case of having to operate with dependent variables, it is possible to specify their covariance. In particular, operations add, sub, mul, div, and floordiv allow specifying the covariance of the operands as an additional parameter.

x = ufloat(92.69, 3.8)
y = ufloat(56.50, 1.83)

w = x.add(y, covariance = 0.0)
# w = ufloat(149.190, 4.218)
z = x.add(y, covariance = 12.4)
# z = ufloat(149.190, 6.526)

Usage with uint, int and float.

ufloat values can be used together with values of type uint, as well as with Python's float and int values ("crisp" values of types float and int act as scalars in this case).

x = ufloat(5.69, 23.8)
y = x + 3.1
# y = ufloat(8.790, 23.8)

Type uint

An uint is represented by an int value and an associated uncertainty. They work basically as ufloat values, but their nominal value is an int.

x = uint(-654, 2.4) 
# x = uint(-654, 2.4)
y = uint(432, '5.7')  # Data can be provided as str, int or float.
# y = uint(432, 5.7)


In addition to the operators defined also for ufloat, type uint also supports operator MOD.

Operation Infix operator Method Function
MOD x % y x.mod(y) mod(x, y)


x = uint(145, 3.4)
y = uint(56, 4.35)
z = uint(23, 5.2)

w = (x // y)**3 % z
# w = uint(8, 1.246)

Covariance methods

Covariance can also be specified in uint operations, exactly the same as with ufloat operations.

Usage with ufloat, int and float

uint values can be used together with ufloat values and with Python's float and int values.

x = uint(5, 23.8)
y = x - 3
# y = ufloat(2, 23.800)
z = y - ufloat(0.3, 10.3)
# z = ufloat(1.700, 25.933)

Comparison operators between uncertain numeric values

Comparison between uncertain numerical values (of types uint or ufloat) no longer return bool values, but become probabilities, i.e., values of type ubool.

For example, consider the real values $x=2.0$ and $y=2.5$. Using Real arithmetic, $x &lt; y$ = true. However, assuming some given uncertainties, namely $x=2.0\pm 0.3$ and $y=2.5\pm 0.25$, then we obtain that $x &lt; y$ with probability 0.893.

x = ufloat(2.0,0.3)
y = ufloat(2.5,0.25)
z = x < y
# z = ubool(0.893)

Comparisons between uint and ufloat can be performed using the traditional comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=, == and !=. These operators return ubool values.

Operation Infix operator Method Function
Less than x < y lt(x, y)
Less than or Equals x <= y x.le(y) le(x, y)
Greater than x > y gt(x, y)
Greater than or Equals x >= y ge(x, y)
Equals x == y x.eq(y) eq(x, y)
Not Equals x != y ne(x, y)

Given that ufloat and uint values can be considered random variables, they are compared using equality in distribution: two variables are equal (==) if their probability distributions are the same.


x = uint(100, 0.7)
y = ufloat(900.45, 0.6)
z = ufloat(900.00, 0.6)
if y > x:
    w = y - x # ufloat - uint
    # w = ufloat(800.450, 0.922)
b = z < y
# b = ubool(0.292)

Math functions

The library provides the following math functions for uint and ufloat variables and values: sqrt(), sin(), cos(), tan(), atan(), acos(), asin(), inverse(), floor(), round(), max(), min().


m = max( 
    sin(ufloat(53.34, 0.8)),
    cos(uint(2, 0.6)),
    uint(23, 0.6), 
    floor(ufloat(3.4, 0.8)),
    uint(84, 0.6)
# m = uint(84, 0.600)

Type ustr

Values of type ustr are used to represent Python strings with uncertainty. That is, type ustr extends type str, adding to their values a degree of confidence on the contents of the string. This is useful, for example, when rendering strings obtained by inaccurate OCR devices or texts translated from other languages if there are doubts about specific words or phrases.

Values of type ustr are pairs (s, c), where s is the string and c the associated confidence (a real number between 0 and 1). To calculate the confidence of a string s, the Levenshtein distance is normally used. For example, ustr('hell0 world!', 0.92) means that we do not trust at most one of the 12 characters of the string. Values of Python type str are embedded into ustr values as ustr(s, 1.0).

x = ustr('What is Lorem Ipsum?', 0.97)

Accesing individual characters

Individual characters of an uncertain string can be accesed using operation [index] or method at(index).

x = ustr('What is Lorem Ipsum?', 0.97)

# 'W'
# 'W'


Both operator [start, stop, step] and method uSubstring(start, stop, step) can be used to split an uncertain string. start indicates the starting index of the substring. The character at this index is included in the substring. The default value is 0. end indicates the terminating index of the substring. The character at this index is not included in the substring. If end is not indicated, or if the specified value exceeds the string length, it is assumed to be equal to the length of the string by default. step indicates that every "step" character after the current character is to be included. The default value is 1.

Negative indexes are valid, they indicate positions from the right end of the string. Note that the confidence is adjusted according to the length of the substring.

x = ustr('What is Lorem Ipsum?', 0.97)

x[0: 4]
x[: 4]
x.uSubstring(0, 4)
# ustr(What, 0.993)

x[-6: ]
# ustr(Ipsum?, 0.979)

Concatenating ustrs

Method add(ustr), function add(ustr, ustr), or operator + can be used to concatenate uncertain strings, strings, or both, as the example below shows:

x = ustr('What is Lorem Ipsum?', 0.97)
y = ustr(' Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text', 0.7)

x + y
concat(x, y)
# ustr(What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text, 0.802)

x + ' Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text'
concat(x, ' Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text')
x.concat(' Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text')
# ustr(What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text, 0.989)

Comparison operators

Comparisons between uncertain strings can also be performed using the traditional comparison operators (using their infix versions, as methods, or as functions), which now return ubool values.

x = ustr('What is Lorem Ipsum?', 0.97)
y = ustr('What is', 0.7)

x >= y
# ubool(0.679)
# ubool(0.321)

le(x, y)
# ubool(0.321)

ustr methods

Further operations available for any uncertain string s include:

  • s.len() -> int returns the size of s as an int.
  • s.uLen() -> uint returns the size of s as uint.
  • s.uUpper() -> ustr returns a new ustr with all characters of s converted into upper case.
  • s.uLower() -> ustr returns a new ustr with all characters of s converted into lower case.
  • s.uCapitalize() -> ustr returns a new ustr with the first character of s capitalized.
  • s.uFirstLower() -> ustr returns a new ustr with the first character of s in lower case.
  • s.index(t: str) -> int returns the index of string t within s.

Conversion methods

Given an uncertain string s that represents a float, int, bool, ufloat, unit, or ubool value, the following methods provide conversion operations to the corresponding types.

  • s.tofloat() -> float converts s into a float value.
  • s.toufloat() -> ufloat converts s into an ufloat value.
  • s.toint() converts s into an int value.
  • s.touint() converts s into an uint value.
  • s.tobool() converts s into a bool value.
  • s.toubool() converts s into an ubool value.

These instance methods also have their function counterparts: float(s: ustr) -> float, int(s: ustr) -> int, bool(s: ustr) -> bool, ufloat(s: str) -> ufloat, uint(s: ustr) -> uint, ubool(s: ustr) -> ubool.

Type uenum

Type uenum is the embedding supertype for Python type enum that adds uncertainty to each of its values. A value of an uncertain enumeration type enum is not a single literal, but a set of pairs ${(l_1,c_1),...,(l_n,c_n)}$, where ${l_1,...,l_n}$ are the enumeration literals and ${c_1,...,c_n}$ are numbers in the range [0, 1] that represent the probabilities that the variable takes each literal as its value. They should fulfil that $c_1+...+c_n=1$. Pairs whose confidence $c_i$ is 0 can be omitted.

An uenum value can be created in three ways:

  1. providing a Dictionary in Python whose keys are the literals and the values are their confidences;
  2. providing a list of strings with the literals and a list with the confidence of each literal;
  3. providing a list of ustr values.
x = uenum(["Red", "Blue"], [0.3, 0.453])
y = uenum({"red": 0.8, "green": 0.771})
z = uenum([ustr("blue", 0.83), ustr("yellow", 0.7)])

The literals of an uenum value can be accessed using the property literals. A copy of the Dictionary can be obtained with the property elements. A list with the ustr values of each element of the uncertain enumeration can be obtained with the property ustrs.

# ['Red', 'Blue']
# {'Red': 0.3, 'Blue': 0.453}
# [ustr(Red, 0.300), ustr(Blue, 0.453)]

Type sbool

Type sbool provides an extension of ubool to represent binomial opinions in Subjective Logic. They allow expressing degrees of belief with epistemic uncertainty, and also trust.

A binomial opinion $w_X^A=(b,d,u,a)$ about a given fact $X$ by a belief agent $A$ is represented as a quadruple sbool(b, d, u, a) where

  • Belief: b is the degree of belief that $X$ is True
  • Disbelief: d is the degree of belief that $X$ is False
  • Uncertainty: u is the amount of uncommitted belief, also interpreted as epistemic uncertainty.
  • Base rate: a is the prior probability in the absence of belief or disbelief.

These values are all real numbers in the range [0,1], and satisfy that b+d+u=1. The "projected" probability of a binomial opinion is defined as P=b+au.

Type sbool can be initialized providing the four float values, a bool or an ubool.

x = sbool() # Same as: sbool(True)
# sbool(1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000)
y = sbool(False)
# sbool(0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.000)
z = sbool(0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)
# sbool(0.700, 0.100, 0.200, 0.500)
w = sbool(ubool(0.7))
# sbool(0.700, 0.300, 0.000, 0.700)

The four components of an opinion can be known using the corresponding properties:

z = sbool(0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5)
# sbool(0.700, 0.100, 0.200, 0.500)
# 0.700
# 0.100
# 0.200
# 0.500

All information about Subjective Logic and the operations it defines to reason about opinions and trust can be found in Audun Jøsang's book "Subjective Logic: A formalism to reason about uncertainty".

Conversion methods

Values of type sbool can be converted into ubool or bool values as follows:

  • Method s.toubool() -> ubool converts an sboolean variable s into an ubool value by projecting it. That is, s.toubool() = s.projection()

  • Method s.tobool() -> bool converts an sboolean variable s into a bool value by projecting it and then using the degree of certainty: s.tobool() = (s.projection() >= ubool.getCertainty()).

Sometimes, an sbool value needs to be converted into an equivalent one but with maximized uncertainty (i.e., with either null belief or disbelief):

  • s.uncertaintyMaximized() -> sbool returns an sbool that is equivalent to s but with maximum uncertainty.

Information access methods

In addition, type sbool supports the following query methods.

  • s.projection() -> bool returns the projected probability of opinon s, i.e., s.projection() = s.belief + s.uncertainty*s.base_rate.
  • s.isAbsolute() -> bool returns True if s.belief == 1 or s.disbelief == 1.
  • s.isMaximizedUncertainty() -> bool returns True if s.belief == 0 or s.disbelief == 0.
  • s.isVacuous() -> bool returns True if s.uncertainty == 1.
  • s.isDogmatic() -> bool returns True if s.uncertainty == 0.

Logical operators

Type sbool extends all the logical operations that type bool supports. This is a proper extension, which means that the behavior of sbool operations is exactly the same as their ubool and bool versions when applied to values of these latter types, although they now return sbool values.

Basic operations include AND, OR, NOT, XOR, IMPLIES, and EQUIVALENT. The same four ways of using these logical operators are supported: Infix symbol operators (x & y), Infix textual operators (x |AND| y), Instance methods (x.AND(y)) and functions (AND(x, y)).

Operation Infix (symbol) Infix (textual) Method Function
AND x & y x |AND| y x.AND(y) AND(x, y)
OR x | y x |OR| y x.OR(y) OR(x, y)
XOR x ^ y x |XOR| y x.XOR(y) XOR(x, y)
NOT ~x x.NOT() NOT(x)
EQUALS x == y x |EQUALS| y x.EQUALS(y) EQUALS(x, y)

Note that equal and equivalent operations are not the same. Equivalence corresponds to ~(x^y), while the equal operation ``=='' requires all four components of the two opinions to be the same.

Union operations

The addition (or union) operation defined in Subjective logic ($w_{X\cup Y}^A = w_X^A + w_Y^A$) is supported:

  • s.union(y: sbool) -> sbool returns a sbool with the union of s and y.

Moreover, we have defined a new operation that performs the weighted union of two or more opinions:

  • sbool.weightedUnion(opinions: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool returns a sbool with the weighted union of two or more opinions.

Belief Fusion operations

Belief fusion is a central concept in subjective logic. It allows opinions from different source agents $A_1,...A_n$ about the same fact $X$ to be merged, in order to provide an opinion representing a consensus agreement, or at least a single compromise opinion.

The Uncertainty Datatypes library provides all the fusion operations defined in Subjective logic.

Fusion of collections of opions

The Uncertainty Datatypes library also supports the following functions that allow to fuse two or more opinions:

Fusion operation Collection version (function)
Constraint Belief Fusion (CBF) sbool.cbFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Consensus & Compromise Fusion (CCF) sbool.ccFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Aleatory Cumulative Fusion (aCBF) sbool.aleatoryCumulativeFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Epistemic Cumulative Fusion (eCBF) sbool.epistemicCumulativeFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Averaging Belief Fusion (ABF) sbool.averagingFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Weighted Belief Fusion (WBF) sbool.weightedFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Minimum Belief Fusion (MinBF) sbool.minimumFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool
Majority Belief Fusion (MajBF) sbool.majorityFusion(c: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool

Example of Belief Constraint Fusion:

opinions = [
    sbool(0.000, 0.400, 0.600, 0.50), 
    sbool(0.550, 0.300, 0.150, 0.380), 
    sbool(0.100, 0.750, 0.150, 0.380),
    sbool(0.151, 0.480, 0.369, 0.382) 
# sbool(0.126, 0.861, 0.013, 0.393)

Discount operator

Subjective logic can also be used to represent and reason about trust. In this context, trust discounting is used to express degrees of trust in an information source and then to discount it from all the information provided by that source. The discount() method is used to compute the trust-discounted opinion.

Thus, given an opinion b_X that represents the opinion (i.e., the functional trust) of an agent $B$ about a statement $X$, i.e., $[B:X]$, and an opinion trustofAOnB that represents the trust referral that Agent $A$ has on agent $B$, i.e., $[A\ ;B]$, then,

  • sbool) -> sbool

returns the derived opinion of $A$ about $X$, i.e., $[A:X]=[A\ ;B]\otimes[B:X]$. This operation follows the defintion given in Jøsang's book (Section 14.3.2).

We also provide the alternative defintion of the discount operator given by Hardi et al., which uses the degree of belief instead of the projection of the opinion to compute the discounted opinion:

  • b_X.discountB(trustOfAonB: sbool) -> sbool

Discount operator on multi-edge paths

We also implement the discounting operator on multi-edge paths, using the "probability-sensitive trust discounting operator" (section 14.3.4 of Jøsang's book).

We assume that An_X represents the opinion (functional trust) of an agent $A_n$ on statement $X$, i.e., $[A_n:X]$, and that agentsTrusts is a collection of opinions with the trust referrals that Agent $A_i$ has on Agent $A_{i+1}$, i.e., $[A_i\ ;A_{i+1}]$. Then,

  • Collection[sbool]) -> sbool

returns an sbool value that represents the resulting opinion of $A_1$ on $X$, i.e., $[A_1:X]=[A_1;A_2;...;A_n]\otimes[A_n:X]$.

The alternative implementation by Hardi et al. is also supported in the Uncertainty Datatypes library:

  • An_X.discountB(agentsTrusts: Collection[sbool]) -> sbool

Discount code example:

b_x = sbool(0.95, 0, 0.05, 0.20) 
a_on_b = sbool(0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.9)
# sbool(0.855, 0.000, 0.145, 0.200)