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Packaging and distributing


First of all, install the dependencies needed to publish the package to PyPi:

pip install twine
pip install wheel
  • twine: used to upload the project distribution to PyPi.
  • wheel: used to build wheels for the project. A wheel is a built package that can be installed without needing to go through the "build" process.

1. Update package info

Before building the new distribution version, update the following fields in

  • version: should comply with
    • Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
      • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
      • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
      • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
  • classifiers >> Development Status: see for more info.

Push your changes to Github.

2. Create Github release

After pushing the changes, go to the Github repository and create a new release using the same version number you used in

  1. Go to the releases page.
  2. Click on the Draft a new release button.
    • Tag version: use the same version number you used in
    • Release title: use the same version number you used in
    • Description: write a markdown unordered list changelog using the following keywords: add, fix, and del, in the same order; eg:
    • This is a pre-release: check this box if the release is a bleeding-edge one (not stable).
- `add` - new superpowah ! :)
- `add` - herobrine
- `fix` - error with blah, blah, blah
- `del` - crap
- `del` - old feature...

3. Build package

Source distributions are unbuilt, and require a build step when installed by pip.

python sdist

After building the project, a new folder should be created at dist/, containing the packaged project.

4. Distribute it !

To finish it all, run the command below to upload your distribution to PyPI:

python -m twine upload dist/*

You will need PyPI credentials in order to be able to upload the package.