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Set of packages use for application development

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This repo is a set of independent packages that are used to build go applications.

It provides a set of tools that are used to build RESTful APIs, setup configuration, logger, provides pubsub mechanism.

They includes:


  • golang v1.18+
  • To run unit tests: ginkgo
    • go install -mod=mod

Package description


The config package is useful to setup configuration for your application.

It uses the viper library.

Using this package you can load a strongly typed configuration from a file, environment variables, command line arguments, etc.

You can check the unit tests for more examples.


The logger package is used to wrap the zap library.

It includes a few helper methods to inject and retrieve logger from the context.Context.

The zap logger is a highly configurable and performant logging library for Go.

It is also very popular in the community.

Notably it allows for structured logging and the format can easily be customized.


The pubsub package is used to publish and subscribe messages in memory.

It leverage go channels to enable a pub sub mechanism which can be useful when you want to fan-out an event to multiple receivers.

The package is thread safe.


Every project has a trash folder and here it's utils.

utils package is used to put methods that are used in multiple packages but don't have a clear boundary like the method GenerateRandomNameWithPrefix.


This package contains many components that can be used to build a web server.

serve is the main entry point to start a server

The server function starts a server and waits for the following signals:


Upon receiving any of these signals the server will gracefully shutdown.

It will call the Shutdown method of the Server interface passing a deadline of 5s before definitively exiting the program.

This is a collection of middlewares that can be used with net/http compliant servers.

The compress middleware is used to compress the response based on the Accept-Encoding header.

The middleware supports multiple encodings and will compress the response based on the quality parameter following the spec: Accept-Encoding

Sets the response Content-Encoding header.

At the moment only gzip and deflate encodings are supported.

There are two middleware in this package.

The first one is the InjectLoggerInRequest.

This function will inject a logger in the context.Context of the request using NewContextWithLogger from the logger package.

Subsequent middleware/handlers will be able to retrieve the logger using LoggerFromContextOrDefault from the logger package.

The other middleware is the RequestLogger.

It is used to log incomings requests and the responses.

In order for RequestLogger to work you have to use the InjectLoggerInRequest first.

The renderer package is used to render the response based on the Accept header.

It follows the spec: Accept

As such it is able to sort the supported media types by quality and render the response based on the most precise match.

Then the format is extracted from the media type and the data is serialized.

It will set the Content-Type header to the selected media type from the Accept header.

At the moment it only supports yaml json and xml serializer.

If Accept header is set to */* or *, it will render the response as defined by the DefaultSerializer.

The routing package is used to build a router based on MediaType versioning.

This package allows you to define routes based on methods and media types. You can set a default route per method (i.e.: if you have multiple handlers for GET).

If your route accepts wildcard media types, the router will choose the first entry defined in the route.

The router has no dependency on any external package and can be plugged-in easily in any famous framework (go-chi, gorilla-mux).

Check the examples to see how to use it.

The router respects the spec: Content-negotiation
