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File metadata and controls

79 lines (49 loc) · 2.42 KB

Table of Contents


Future releases

  1. add unit tests with fake trees

    1. separate tests for gaps and non-gaps

    2. add test dependencies such as pytest and Xvfb

    3. try to capture various aspects by emulating python-i3ipc

    4. add local machine tests before installation

    5. add tests with different virtual environments for dependency versions

  2. improve modularity of code and rename functions to more idiomatic variants

    1. improve refresh_workspace workflow by using i3 as a global variable and query directly

    2. re-think necessity of timeout function -> or find easy cross-platform alternative

    3. use more pythonic evaluations for variables and lengths in if-statements

  3. replace while loop with deterministic for loop in recursive adjustment

    1. effect of each size change is checked next to adjacent window and this is done until no negative size effects are found

    2. essentially pre-empt the "cannot resize" error by checking these sizes beforehand to prevent loss of some windows

    3. useful for edge cases where windows are made so small that they get corrupted

    4. "cannot resize" seems to kick in after erroneous resizes in some cases which allows for negative dimensions

  4. add new features such as balance vertical/horizontal and balance all workspaces

  5. add specific debug script to find sources of errors when they do occur

  6. add specific changelog (with versions and updates) and todo's file, have them for different purposes

  7. re-do screencasts with keyboard capturing for posterity

  8. look into simplifying executable name where dashes are used instead -> simply rename file in pyproject.toml

    1. consider adding deprecation message or other fallbacks for backward compatibility -> for example releasing two executables -> add debug message into i3 header for indication

    2. release with major version bump for this change

    3. update own configurations after that

    4. update readme with new usage and warning as well

  9. add readme details for development install

    1. add details of initializing pre-commit hook

    2. add details on replicating virtual environment with lock files

    3. add details on running various tests with pytest and mypy