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60 lines (46 loc) · 2.67 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (46 loc) · 2.67 KB


File-parser is a simple service that accepts a text file and returns an overall word count and a break-down of counts for each individual word in the file.


The file-parser service can be used either through a web interface or programmatically. The supported actions are 'GET' and 'POST'.

The service determines the format of the response based on the headers in the request. In response to a GET request with headers that indicate HTML support, the service will return an HTML formatted webpage with a file upload form. A POST request to the service with HTML headers (and a file to parse) will return the parsed file data as HTML.

If http headers support JSON, a GET request will return a JSON response:

      { "status":"success",
        "service":"file upload and parse"

POSTing a file to the service with JSON headers will return the parsing data in JSON format:

      { "status":"success",
        "data": {
          "parsed_file": <filename>,
          "total_word_count": <total word count>,
          "word_occurrences": [ 
            {     "word":<word>,
                  "count":<word count>


File-parser is built on the Play Framework from Typesafe. In order to run, JDK 6 or later is required.

Play version 2.3.7 also requires sbt version 0.13.5 or later.


To run the application locally:

  • install JDK 6 or later
  • (optional) install sbt 0.13.5 or later
  • clone this repository
  • if sbt is installed: in a console window, from the root directory of the repository type sbt run
  • if sbt is not installed: the application can be run by typing ./activator run from the root directory


To interact with the service via web interface, access http://localhost:9000/ in a web browser.

To interact with the service via cURL:

Make a GET request via curl with JSON headers:

curl -X GET --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:9000/

POST a file to be parsed via curl with JSON headers:

curl -X POST -F textFile=@wordfile.txt --header "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:9000/


  • Format of JSON responses based on JSend
  • Code to translate Play AnyContentAsMultipartFormData to Array[Bytes] for the upload tests from G-Node/GCA-Web