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The Atsign FoundationThe Atsign Foundation

Contributing guidelines

We 💙 Pull Requests for fixing issues or adding features. Thanks for your contribution!

Please read our code of conduct, which is based on Contributor Covenant

For small changes, especially documentation, you can simply use the "Edit" button to update the Markdown file, and start the pull request process. Use the preview tab in GitHub to make sure that it is properly formatted before committing. Please use conventional commits and follow the semantic PR format as documented here. A pull request will cause integration tests to run automatically, so please review the results of the pipeline and correct any mistakes that are reported.

If you plan to contribute often or have a larger change to make, it is best to setup an environment for contribution, which is what the rest of these guidelines describe. The atsign-foundation GitHub organization's conventions and configurations are documented here.

Development Environment Setup


  1. Ensure you have Git (you can check if you have it by running the following command)

    git --version
  2. Ensure you have a C Compiler, such as gcc (recommended) (you can check if you have it by running the following command)

    gcc --version
  3. Ensure you have CMake (you can check if you have it by running the following command)

    cmake --verison

GitHub Repository Clone

To prepare your dedicated GitHub repository:

  1. Fork in GitHub

  2. Clone your forked repository (e.g., git clone

  3. Set your remotes as follows:

    cd REPO
    git remote add upstream
    git remote set-url upstream --push DISABLED

    Running git remote -v should give something similar to:

    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream        DISABLED (push)

    The use of upstream --push DISABLED is to prevent those with write access to the main repository from accidentally pushing changes directly.

Development Process

  1. Fetch latest changes from main repository:

    git fetch upstream
  2. Reset your fork's trunk branch to exactly match upstream trunk:

    git checkout trunk
    git reset --hard upstream/trunk
    git push --force

    IMPORTANT: Do this only once, when you start working on new feature as the commands above will completely overwrite any local changes in trunk content.

  3. Edit, edit, edit, and commit your changes to Git:

    # edit, edit, edit
    git add *
    git commit -m 'A useful commit message'
    git push
  4. How to run tests:

    # explain tests here
  5. Open a new Pull Request to the main repository using your trunk branch

Reporting a bug

The best place to report a bug is going to our repostiory's issues and submitting a ticket. Please provide as much information as possible, including:

  • the release verison you are using (or commit hash)
  • the operating system you are using (e.g. Ubuntu 20.04, macOS 12.0)
  • the CPU architecture you are using (e.g. x86_64, arm64)

Bug fix and delivery process

  • Bugs will initially be placed into the Sprint Planning Board so that they can be triaged, estimated and scheduled.
  • Once work on a bug is scheduled one or more engineers will be assigned to fixing the bug, and story points will be allocated to match the time estimated to fix the bug.
  • Progress on fixing the bug will be updated in the associated GitHub issue, and reviewed during subsequent sprint planning meetings where necessary.
  • Once a fix is created we will work with the reporter to ensure that the fix is appropriate to their needs, and where possible this should happen prior to release to

Closure of the bug

  • Where possible the issue associated with the bug should be closed by mutual consent with the reporter. This could be:
    • The reporter closing the issue because they have found a workaround.
    • The reporter closing the issue because they are satisfied with a fix provided.
    • A team member closes the issue after the reporter leaves a comment indicating that they are happy for it to be closed.
  • If the reporter does not respond within 14 calendar days then we must assume that they no longer have an interest in fixing the bug and work in progress can be closed out at the team’s discretion.

C Contributing Specification

Convention 1. Snake Case


We're using snake case instead of camel case because MbedTLS happens to be snake case. Since MbedTLS is one of our core libraries seen everywhere, we may as well follow their naming convention. Most C programs are also generally known to be in snake_case.

When using snake case, we separate each word with an underscore.







Some exceptions that you may find throughout the code base:

  • We consider base64 as one word because "64" isn't really a word
  • When we use the at prefix, we do not consider it as a word which is why we have atclient instead of at_client. There are just too many ats that an extra underscore would be too much.

Convention 2. Function Signature Format


Functions should return an int to hand off an error code to the caller of the function. If an error is not possible, void should be used. Some exceptions on this will be emphasized.

Example of a function:

int calculate_length(const atclient_atkey *atkey, int *output_length);

Generally, function signatures should follow this format:

<return_type> <function_name>(<context>, <input,...>, <output,...>, <optional,...>);
  • <return_type> - generally an int to give an error code, or may be any other return type as long as a complex error is not possible
  • <function_name> - the name of the function (example 'foo_bar') should be in snake_case
  • <context> - typically this is a struct pointer that is the core object meant to be used in the function (i.e. this function LIVES and BREATHES because of the object that the caller is passing), this should be set to const if it is meant to be read-only
  • <input,..> - any input function arguments, any values that are not editable or should not be edited, should be set to const.
  • <output,..> - any output function arguments, typically we have pointers or double pointers to give the caller some complex values, any const inputs that are related to the output should be put in this section (for example, buffer size is related to the buffer, which is an output).
  • <optional,...>- any optional inputs or outputs or any kind of optional arguments should be at the end. An argument is considered "optional" when NULL can be passed to it and the function will expect it to be either NULL or NON-NULL.

Here are some examples:

// function signature
int atclient_put(atclient *ctx, const char *value, int *commit_id);
// usage
atclient ctx;
int error_code;
int commit_id;
if((error_code = atclient_put(&ctx, "foo_bar", &commit_id)) != 0) {
    // handle error
printf("%d\n", commit_id); // outputs "37", for example

Convention 3. Function Input

Related discussions have been made in : #341


This section is regarding the <input,...> section of the function signature.

When receiving input in a function signature, when is it appropriate to pass the length of the buffer and when is it not?

Take the following example

// method 1 - assume it is null-terminated
int do_something1(const char *value);

// method 2 - expect value length as input
int do_something(const char *value, const size_t value_len);

Method 1

In method 1, take the input and expect it to be null-terminated

Use method 1 when:

  • Working with strings (chars)
  • You specify that the input should be null-terminated and it is the caller's responsibility to pass in a null-terminated string

Method 2

In method 2, take both the input and length

Use method 2 when:

  • Working with bytes (unsigned chars) - a null-terminator cannot be dependent to act as the end of the data
  • Working with files or standard input - when the caller is most likely passing in this data from a file, it will be a lot easier for them to pass the length as opposed to having to make a completely separate string and null-terminate it.

Convention 4. Function Output

Related discussions have been made in : #335


This section is regarding the <output,...> section of the function signature.

There are three ways to give back an array of data back to the caller of the function. The first way is double pointer method, the second way is buffer and length, and the third way is buffer and no length which is similar to the second.

In the first way, the function is responsible for allocating the memory and the caller is responsible for freeing. In the second way, the caller is responsible for both allocating and freeing the memory. In the third way, the caller is responsible for allocating the correct size of the buffer as specified by the function documentation.

The third way is very similar to the second method, but the function does not return the length.

Double Pointer Method

In this first method, you pass a double pointer so that the function can allocate just enough memory for you, making your life easier while also optimally using your memory.

// function signature
int atclient_atkey_to_string(const atclient_atkey *atkey, char **return_string);
// usage
char *string = NULL;

atclient_atkey_to_string(&atkey, &string);

printf("%s\n", string); // outputs ""


You should use this method when:

  • Returning a string (this is most optimal for strings because a null-terminator can be used to avoid passing a length)
  • Output is calculable (if we know how long the string is going to be, we know where to put the null-terminator !)
  • The returned data is a substring of a superior buffer (example, I want to return "foo" from "foo_bar", "foo" is trivial to extract from the string and should be simplified for the caller).

Buffer And Length Method

In this second method, the caller has more control over the memory usage (e.g. they could allocate it statically or dynamically if they would like!), but is a lot harder to use. In the example below, the caller has to go through and allocate the memory, reset the buffer, and make a variable to hold the length.

// function signature
int atclient_atkey_to_string(const atclient_atkey *atkey, char *return_buffer,
    const size_t return_buffer_size, size_t *return_buffer_len);

Sometimes, size_t *return_buffer_len is an optional buffer and NULL can be passed here if the caller doesn't want to receive the length. This is useful for when the caller null-terminates the buffer themselves and can trust that the buffer will be null-terminated and safe for string usage.

// usage
const size_t string_size = 100;
char string[string_size];
memset(string, 0, sizeof(char) * string_size);
size_t string_len = 0;

atclient_atkey_to_string(&atkey, string, string_size, &string_len);

printf("[%d]: %.*s\n", (int) string_len, (int) string_len, string);
    // outputs "[11]:"

You should use this method when:

  • Returning bytes (a null-terminator cannot be depended on to act as a stopping point in the buffer)
  • Output is not calculable (let the caller decide how much memory is enough to not cause a segfault, this is typically found in something like RSA decryption)
  • When the input is most likely coming from a file (makes it easier to pass in strings so that the caller doesn't have to make separately null-terminated strings and easily do something like foo_bar(string[3], 10, string[14], 5, string[20], 3);)

Buffer and No Length

This third method is very similar to the second way, except there is no need to pass a size and output_length pointer. It should be specified in function documentation the assumed size of the allocated buffer as well as the expected output.

// function signature

 * @param shared_with - shared with atSign, null-terminated and non-null
 * @param shared_encryption_key - assumed to be at least 32 bytes allocated
 * (representing an AES256 key)
int get_shared_encryption_key(const char *shared_with, unsigned char *shared_encryption_key);
// usage
const char *shared_with = "@bob";
unsigned char shared_encryption_key[32];
if((ret = get_shared_encryption_key(shared_with, shared_encryption_key)) == 0) {
    // at this point, shared_encryption_key was successfully populated with 32
    // bytes to the brim

You should use this method when

  • You wanted to use Method 2 but the size and length are always the same (in the example above, the size always == length and is always 32, assuming that the return exit code was 0 which means successful).
  • You're not returning a string, you're returning bytes (unsigned chars)

Convention 5. Validating Arguments


It is important to validate arguments in functions to avoid common pitfalls such as null pointers, negative values, etc.


The first thing in every function should be similar to the following:

int foo_bar(atclient *ctx, atclient_atkey *atkey) {
    int ret = 1;
     * 1. Validate arguments
    if(ctx == NULL) {
        ret = 1;
        return ret;

    if(atkey == NULL) {
        ret = 1;
        return ret;

Another thing to note is that in the validating section of the function uses return and never uses goto. This is because the next part of the function is usually variable allocation where dynamic and static memory is allocated. If we were to use goto, then we would have to free the memory that was allocated before the goto statement. This is a common pitfall in C programming and should be avoided.

Example of how this practice should be executed:

int foo_bar(atclient *ctx, atclient_atkey *atkey) {
    int ret = 1;
     * 1. Validate arguments
    if(ctx == NULL) {
        ret = 1;
        return ret; // use return

    if(atkey == NULL) {
        ret = 1;
        return ret; // use return

     * 2. Variables
    char *buffer = NULL;
    unsigned char recv[4096];
    char *xyz = malloc(sizeof(char) * 45);

     * 3. Do stuff
    if((ret = foo_bar()) != 0) {
        goto exit; // use goto

    if((ret = foo_bar()) != 0) {
        goto exit; // use goto

    if((ret = foo_bar()) != 0) {
        goto exit; // use goto

    goto exit;
exit: {
    return ret;

In the above example, if it is important to note that we use goto only once xyz is declared. That is because we free(xyz) in the exit block. We use return in the validating section because we do not want to allocate memory if the arguments are invalid. If we were to use goto in the validating section, then we would have to free the memory that was allocated before the goto statement.

Convention 6. Error Handling

Rule 1: The first statement in any function that is returning int

(with the intent of returning an exit code) should be declaring what the default error code is).

For example,

int foo_bar() {
    int ret = 1;

    // do stuff

    return ret;

The reason for this rule is to make it easier to make any changes to our error handling in the future.

Rule 2: Try to avoid non-nested if statements

If an error occurs, then set the error code if it is not already set by the function, log, then either exit or return.

For example,


if((ret = foo_bar()) == 0 ) {
    if((ret = foo_baz()) == 0) {
        if((ret = foo_bat()) == 0) {
            // code
        } else {
            // error
            return ret;
    } else {
        // error
        return ret;
} else {
    // error
    return ret;


if((ret = foo_bar()) != 0 ) {
    // log
    return ret;

if((ret = foo_baz()) != 0) {
    // log
    return ret;

if((ret = foo_bat()) != 0) {
    // log
    return ret;

// code

The "bad" situation is not always bad and may help with the readability of your code or the "good" scenario is simply impossible to achieve. That is why this rule says "Try" to achieve the "good" scenario.

Rule 3: Set error code as soon as possible

If an error code isn't returned by a function and an error occurs explicitly set it as the first as soon as the error occurs

For example,


int exit_code;
unsigned char *x = NULL;
if((x = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 45)) == NULL) {
    printf("Error occurred\n");
    exit_code = 5; // the exit_code should be the FIRST thing set AS SOON AS the
        // error occurs. This is wrong !
    return exit_code;


int exit_code;
unsigned char *x = NULL;
if((x = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 45)) == NULL) {
    exit_code = 5; // first thing ! :))
    printf("Error occurred\n");
    return exit_code;

The reason for this rule is to limit things that could go wrong. It is important that the error code is set as soon as the error occurs to avoid any potential issues. For example, if printf for some reason caused an error, then the exit code could potentially not have been set and an exit code 0 could somehow be mistakenly `returned. The reason for this rule is also because of Rule 1, and it helps us in the future if we ever want to change our error handling.

Rule 4: Function return types should be int, if there is an error code

If an error is not possible, then the return type should be void. With the exception of types like bool or size_t where the error code is not complex.


bool atclient_connection_is_connected(atclient *ctx) {
    int erro_code = 0;
    if((ret = atclient_connection_send(ctx, "noop:0\r\n")) != 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

In the above example, since the function returned a failure, it is safe to assume that the connection is not connected. If the function returned a success, then it is safe to assume that the connection is connected.

Another example:

size_t calculate_length(atclient_atkey *atkey) {
    size_t length = 0;
    if(atkey == NULL) {
        return length;

Since atkey was null, then it is pretty obvious that the length is 0. The length is truly 0 beacuse nothing exists and there was nothing to calculate. This is why the return type need not be int in this scenario. There is always an answer to the question "what is the length of this atkey?" that fits the return type size_t.